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  • Day 14

    Montañita, Ecuador

    July 6, 2023 in Ecuador

    Hola penguins!!

    I am currently leaving Montanita, Ecuador with many more sunburns and bug bites that I started with and much less sleep :) I am to tired to separate our days in Montanita so here is a brief recap. We started our first day with a surfing lessons, which led to relaxing on the beach with our surf instructors, which then led to a few drinks and lot of pool. Turns out I suck at both surfing and pool, but am significantly worse at pool. The next day we went to Isla de la Plata, which is also known as the poor man Galapagos. On our way to and from the island we saw SO MANY WHALES!! On the island we also saw blue footed boobies, snakes, lizards, sea turtles, coral reefs, and countless fish. We then grabbed drinks with all of our new local and hostel friends and danced all night. I think it’s safe to say we know everyone is this little beach town :) we had a slow last day in Montanita and planned the rest of our trip (yes we occasionally plan what we’re gonna do) and then hopped on a bus en route to our next destination!!Read more