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  • Day 16

    Quito ~ Day 2

    July 8, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

    Hola penguins!

    We woke up early with one less phone and put ourselves on a bus to Cotopaxi, the second tallest active volcano in the world. While we tried to sleep on the bus, our monotoned tour guide proceeded to talk the entire way while giving us no useful facts about Cotopaxi or what we were getting ourselves into. Turns out we were wildly unprepared for the hike. The moment we got off the bus at Cotopaxi we were pelted with wind, rain, and sleet. Aud and I both questioned why we had paid to do this. However, not willing to say we didn’t get to the top, we put our heads down and miserably walked (I might have kinda run) up countless switchbacks until we got to base camp. At base camp we talked to others who were also a little surprised that THIS was Cotopaxi. Apparently some days it’s beautiful? Unfortunately, we were not granted one of those days. After regaining the feeling in my fingers, we headed back down. Once back at the bus, we proceeded to get on bikes ride to a lagoon. While slightly more enjoyable than the hike, it was a questionable experience. Once we got back on the bus, we drove to lunch, fed some llamas, and headed back to Quito. After a quick nap and little bit of shared TikTok time we went up to the hostel bar to prepare for the party bus we had signed up for. At 11 we got on the party bus. (Think less like a party bus and more like the Seattle Ride the Duck situation, with no seats, free unlimited alcohol, and stripper poles). After and hour on the bus riding around Quito, we arrived at the bar were once again we danced our hearts out. However… once again the night came to an abrupt end when I realized my phone was gone. Down two phones in two days.Read more