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  • Day 17

    Quito ~ Day 3

    July 9, 2023 in Ecuador ⋅ ⛅ 63 °F

    Hola Penguins!

    You learn quickly when your traveling that nice people always show up when you’re down on your luck. A girl from the hostel allowed to to borrow her phone for 45 minutes while I talked to my parents and tried to obtain my email password (turns out having your passwords written down on your notes app isn’t incredibly helpful when your phone is gone). Once we emerged from the room, the hostel reception staff had already gotten word that I had lost my phone an a phone had been found at the bar. You also learn while traveling how to problem solve. Audrey and I were both phoneless and we’re going to need a burner. So Audrey is now the proud owner of a SEXY android. While waiting for the bar to open to see if my phone was there, we distracted ourselves by going to the Mitad del Mundo (the center of the world). We went to the memorial (which is in fact is actually about 400m from the true center of the world) and then to a small but very interesting museum. We learned about some indigenous communities of Ecuador and the effects that the northern and southern hemisphere have on balance and gravity. When we got back from the equator we received a picture of the phone found at the bar…AND IT WAS MINE. On the high on this news, we got ourselves a taxi, and showed up at Monica’s house to make chocolate. We started by roasting Ecuadorian cocoa beans, cracking them, grinding them, added a few other ingredients, boiling the mixture it until it became a paste, and then proceeded to try the chocolate we had made from start to finish. We tried to chocolate plain and with various different flavors including cinnamon, ginger, chili, rose, salted caramel, and coffee. Nothing like a little chocolate for dinner. After that amazing experience we headed to collect my phone. By the grace of God we completed a rescue mission of my phone and for this I am able to continue to update y’all :) we went from 0 to 2 phones in one day, some might call that a success.

    p.s. there are basically no photos from the day cause there was no phone :(
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