  • Giorno 52


    29 maggio 2017, Italia ⋅ ☀️ 25 °C

    We picked our B&B so we could visit the "scavi" at Pompeii. This is the Italian name for the excavations at Pompeii. We had previously read somewhere that Pompeii may not stay open to the public as the constant traffic is damaging the protection of the artefacts. "In June 2013 UNESCO declared: If restoration and preservation works “fail to deliver substantial progress in the next two years,” Pompeii could be placed on the List of World Heritage in Danger." (from good old wikipedia!) We had no choice really but to ensure that we made a visit.

    The place is huge.. easy to forget that it is a whole city that was destroyed and therefore we underestimated the five hours that we would be walking around! The city foundations themselves are well preserved, showing how the city would have been laid out. For the first time we purchased audio guides (gotta be careful of the budget!) to show us around. The history of Pompeii and the age of the artefacts is quite incredible but I am beginning to realise that any type of archaeology is just not for me. Stuart on the other hand finds it fascinating and therefore for anyone else who probably would be interested, it is worth going while you have the chance.
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