  • Tag 6

    Drive to La spezia- stop at Lambo Museum

    24. Juni 2018 in Italien ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    The day began with a late start, as usual. We had a guided tour of the Lamborgini Museum and we were getting late. It took us 20 minutes to get to the car as we had to carry all our stuff back to the parking lot, which was a 12-15 minute walk. Since we hadn't eaten breakfast we stopped for a quick brunch at a highway service station. After our quick meal, we rushed to the museum and barely made it there in time. The museum was small but definitely impressive. There were many cars on display, there were no ropes and we could get as close to the cars as we wanted (without actually touching them). We saw many cars, some were no longer in production, some were used in movies, but every single one had a story behind it. The most interesting part was getting to know all the stories and learn about the history of this prestigious car brand. After our 1-1.5 hr tour of the museum, we were on our way to La Spezia. Once we arrived we carried the usual routine of carrying the luggage up to the apartment without an elevator. After meeting with our hosts and getting freshened up, we took a walk through the town's center in search of dinner. Being tired of pasta, we decided to eat sushi at iSushi. We thoroughly enjoyed the meal as it broke the monotony of pasta and pizza. After the meal we walked towards the water, it was beautiful and we were just in time for the sunset. On the way back to the apartment, we stopped for gelato. The only reason we choose this particular place was because of its loud lively music. We sat outside and enjoyed the assortment of flavors of gelato we ordered. By the time we got back to the apartment it was time for bed and like that, the day concluded.Weiterlesen