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    • Dzień 36

      Update before we lay our head down.

      29 lutego 2020, Algieria ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

      Today we managed to find a "momentsleutel"..
      And I did re-tighten the cylinderhead and adjusted were necessary the valve clearance.
      All on the street in front of the hotel.
      And of course many people were interested and kept me of my work..

      On our tour we found a guy who finally could fix Nika her watch, who she has in her bag since we left The Netherlands.

      Again, tonight we enjoyed a diner with our friends of the hotel and I had to smoke a Chissa.
      All this while Nika gets lessons in Arabic.
      Tomorrow we have to go, although it is very..
      ..very... gezellig!!

      Constantine. Here we come!
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    • Dzień 38


      2 marca 2020, Algieria ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today we left Billal and his family.
      It was a short stay.
      We were droped of at the tram station, and went to see the Mosk Abdel Kader.
      What an impressive building!
      As soon as we crossed the gates, Nika had to wear a hijab, but sadly she did not want me to take a picture.
      After this visit, we took the tram again to the city Center, and walked a second time along the kasbah, and the "elevator bridge"
      Took a picture to show you were we went down yesterday, and still impressed by this city we surely leave to early.
      I was very anxious to see Lieske again.
      We were never so far from her..
      It looked like she befriended a cat who did not want to meet us..
      On our way to Timgad, -we want to see the enormous Roman city-, we lost our chrome headlight ring. So this is the first real "scar" on Lieske's face.
      I wonder what reason this would happen for.. ;)
      We arrived. It was a bumpy ride, slow but as until now, safely. That's what counts.
      We took the Youth hostel of Timgad.
      2000Dinar for two nights.
      We want to stay one day at the Roman ruins,
      Maybe it is too long but it's a big Roman city to be discovered.
      Sad thing.. as we left Constantine, the wind was strong, and it started to rain on arrival. But it's good for Algeria, cos it is already too long, too dry.
      Hopefully for us it is sunny again tomorrow.
      For now. We locked ourselves up in our room,
      And just relax.
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    • Dzień 39

      Caesar Nerva Traianus

      3 marca 2020, Algieria ⋅ ☀️ 6 °C

      ... That's the guy, responsible for this mess.
      Today we took the time to investigate Roman city design. We have wandered almost 7 hours through the remains of the third largest Roman city on this earth!
      After Rome, the capital of the Empire, and Pompeii, who was conserved perfectly due to the's Timgad!
      And we were proud and lucky to be here..
      Some dickhead tried to sit on Lieskes bonnet last night, and caused a huge dent. But luckily I could push it out.
      Now, let's keep our fingers crossed will not happen again.
      Also our Algerian fame has followed us until here. And might not end here.
      We are asked for selfies, and publications on social media.
      Even the police offered us a escorte for tomorrow as we leave for Guelma.
      Maybe we should leave early, they might will be asleep...

      So.. only pictures from old rocks.
      Sorry for that.

      (Somebody made a mistake in 1910, and printed a photo of the Arc de Triomph mirrored. It took 110 years for this discovery! And it's my claim to fame!!)
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    • Dzień 40

      Happy days are over???

      4 marca 2020, Algieria ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

      Today, they were already waiting for us.
      The police.
      As promised, we get an escorte. And sometimes it was quite funny.
      We do not dare to post footage here, as we might get in trouble. But you can imagine, if you are escorted as the president, it gets funny in different situations. be honest, it's no fun at all. You are not free to do what you like. Every say, 20km, there is another police car to escort you, so it's a kind of estafette. For more than 200km...
      And doing so, it's time consuming. Sometimes you have to follow to the "comisariat" other time you have to wait for the next team.
      Also, every team wants to know were you from and what you do as profession, and see your passport.
      I got angry a few times, as some confiscated our passports, but got them back as soon as I said that we are not criminals but tourist..
      We could not get rid of them, as they insist.
      It's "obligatoire".. "pour votre securité" .. or even.. "sector teroriste"..
      Our host says that we will not get rid of them untill we leave the country, and we were lucky that we had travelled so long undetected.
      Luckily we are on the end of our Algerian days, because otherwise it would be hard.
      It's no fun discovering a country with the police on your tail.
      We have only 4 or 5 days left. So we will see..
      Oh.. We arrived in Guelma.
      Tomorrow we go to see again a lot of beauty.
      Be prepared.. ;)
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    • Dzień 17

      Feet up in Orán

      10 lutego 2020, Algieria ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

      It was a long and intriguing day.
      Started with a wait for our friendly and comforting host at the front of the Sheraton Hotel of Oran. Who than brought us as quickly as possible to a telephone shop so we could, as modern people need, buy a simcard to communicate with the world again. Even navigation was a problem without!
      The traffic is ..let's put it easy.. another thing.
      It's a chaos but manageable. Now.
      We will see tomorrow as we leave for Tlemcen.
      We have been in the city of Oran and have been in the caring hands of Moussa, a cousin of Chafik, a man who witnessed the grow of the intention of this journey and the creation of Lieske during almost a year, only by messenger and Facebook, and I would love to visit and thank for all he did to make us believe in this.
      We were the only tourists in this city. So guess how surprised people are.
      Lieske is as always the showgirl.
      Many beeps, horns and thumbs-up. Selfies and pictures.
      At this moment. Lieske sleeps in a underground garage, and we are 6 high in a apartment, somewere in Orán.
      In need for a sleep, as this day was full of new and very intense meetings, talks and experiences.
      Busy, crowded, intens, sometimes terrifying but always kept safe by our new friends.
      Many thanks! Ali, Snoucy and Moussa!
      I am doing short to you, bu t i really need to sleep. One day, we will make up.
      Viva Algeria!
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    • Dzień 20

      Halleluja, Diarrhea!

      13 lutego 2020, Algieria ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      Last night I was a bit foolish to take a nice chocolate eclair with lovely creamy filling at the tea shop we visited.
      I think that one did the trick.

      Nika did a short drive, her first drive in Afrika!!but I was too "short sighted". So I will officially anounce that we had our first... exactly.
      My fault. Again.

      We are now in a hotel in Ain Sefra, because I am absolutely not wel.
      I have a 39° fever, and a nice headache after we drove 340 km to the gate of the Sahara desert.
      I will take a double paracetamol and have a early night.
      Maybe...Maybe watch the sunset. But that's over 2 hours. So we see.

      More tomorrow..

      Enjoy the pictures of a goodbye, and maybe Nika took some more.
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    • Dzień 22

      Houston, we have a problem!

      15 lutego 2020, Algieria ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Because Lieske is asleep above a smear well (??) In Dutch we call it a "smeerput", I grabt the opportunity to check her out. Smear as much as possible and see if all the bolds a nuts are still tight.
      And there it was..
      The rubber of the "intermediate bearing" is "gone".
      So this needs repair.
      We are going to try and order it at Mercedes Benz in Constantine. Otherwise have it shipped from Holland.
      We will see how far she will bring us before it gets critical...
      Please keep your fingers crossed!
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    • Dzień 22

      All good things end..

      15 lutego 2020, Algieria ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      But not yet.
      Today we enjoyed a full day as tourists in Taghit.
      Visited the prehistoric sites, oases and the K'sar on the hills.
      Climbed up a sanddune, horrible, to watch the sunset, ran it down,..wonderfull.
      Relaxed and had a nice diner in the desert.
      Now we have put our mattresses on the roof of our home, and sleep outside, listen to the concert of frogs in the oases, and howling dogs.
      Tomorrow morning we want to get up early and climb the dune again.
      Good night!
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    • Dzień 29


      22 lutego 2020, Algieria ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Today... we changed oil and oil filter and took the old lady for a first ride after the repair.
      It seems as if she liked it.

      Our host, Billal and his friend Tefiel took us to the Forrest of Théniet El Had.
      A beautiful old forrest full of ancient cedar trees.

      If I would had known what path he took for our recovering lady I would have declined.
      But now, I just was trapped.
      A small, rough mountain path up the hill, and...later on... down.

      We were late. So we had to drive in the dark, also a thing I did not like, and even never do again, unless it is necessary.
      But the forrest. That was great!
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    • Dzień 37

      Things happen for a reason...

      1 marca 2020, Algieria ⋅ ☀️ 15 °C

      After we left the very welcoming Hotel Milev,
      who did not want us to pay anything for our two day stay, it did not went very smooth..

      I took the wrong route, so I turned, and by doing this, I did not notice the police officer, who, in Algeria, dictates the rules.
      After a time costly power demonstration, we were free to go.
      Sadly I had to turn again, and pass this officer again, who, again was not happy to see us...
      Finally on route. Climbed a mountain, as by Instagram a message appeared: you forgot your passports...
      Scheisse.. back to the Hotel. Avoiding the officer. That was the biggest challenge...
      All in.. we arrived in Constantine.
      We were lost and i was horrified by the traffic.

      Chaos, traffic jam, and the infrastructure was very strange.
      One mistake, and you had to go all around the city again. Back in the jam.
      And not an easy route. All hill up.
      So there was that moment I wanted to decide to cancel this city and go to Timgad. Constantine for us.
      But our host, who could not host us.. :) convinced us of giving it another try.
      And I..We.. must admit: this is a wonderful city!!
      And our host surely did his best to make it into an experience!
      We walked all the bridges, saw the most magnificent scenes, but also did a unbelievable intens city expedition under the first one of Constantine's bridges.
      Bab El Kantra.
      A place were normally you would not find a tourist...nor a citizen of Constantine.
      I had to overcome my fear of heights, but it was worth the effort.
      We met with Spanish Jordy, a host Bardo and Yassine. And together went for an early diner.
      We had to leave Lieske at the secured parking in Old Constantine and took the tram to the new city, were our host, Billal, with his lovely family was waiting for us.
      And now..
      I have to sleep!!
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