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  • Dia 81

    06.12 Day 81 . . . Admin Admin Admin

    6 de dezembro de 2022, França ⋅ ⛅ 3 °C

    Feeling decidedly better today, we were both up and about . . . Not that early!
    Another day of planning and admin lay ahead. Not the entire list but . . . Flight check-in, care hire booking, long term parking booking, insurance company call, insurance company document retrieval and sending, Roxvanne French MOT booking, estate agent call, estate agent email, VAT online payment for business, accountant payment, account reconciliations, email of questions to Notaire in UK, Home Office laptop return booking, emails to GSA to confirm returns booking and a lot more.
    We were supposed to go collect the drugs we ordered yesterday but as I was feeling decidedly better we skipped it until tomorrow.
    I then did a bit more catch up on Find Penguin’s while Tre got some washing done . . . So not the most exciting of days!
    Watched some more football with Spain failing at penalties, together with some YouTube viewing and a lovely dinner prepared by the now off duty nurse.
    There are a few things out here that we will need to do that we’ve probably not done before, especially if we get any form of land with a house - so there are lots of tutorials to be watched 😳
    Hopefully tomorrow we have a clear day so will get out in the fresh air.
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