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    09.01 Day 115 . . . Chenay With Did’s

    9 Ocak 2023, Fransa ⋅ ☁️ 5 °C

    After the nightmare we had trying to call HMRC the other day we set the alarm so we could wake and call them as soon as they started taking calls.
    Tre finally managed to get through to a young lady who although very nice to deal with, was not entirely on it when it came to understanding the problem. Anyhow after about 20 minutes the issue seemed to be resolved.
    Next up was more admin, whilst Did’s slept peacefully upstairs. I spoke to my mum and dad re their impending visit, booked their flights both ways, mine to the UK the day before they travelled and mine to travel with them here. We then booked hotels at Gatwick and looked into ones for the night before they returned to the UK in Bordeaux.
    Then spoke to Lauren re her and Pete’s arrival in a couple of weeks, confirmed the dates of everything we were doing and looked into accommodation in Toulouse and Marseille - Loz said she book these up.
    Finally Did’s awoke from his slumbers and after some food we took him to see the house at Chenay. The weather was thankfully fine and we took even more photos of the wind turbines near to Chenay. The house looked cold as before - simply due to no-one living in it, that everything was wet from days of on and off rain and just waiting to be loved.
    From Chenay we drove to Sauze so that Tre could pop in the hairdressers and book herself an appointment. She wanted to go in rather than call, just so the hairdresser could have sight of what she was going to have to contend with. Chez André’s had been good during lock down, but now was the time for an overhaul.
    From Sauze we drove to Chef Boutonne for a hot chocolate in Voyagers - our favourite little cafe/bar/restaurant/hotel, but decided to have a late and still available Christmas flavour Grimbergen instead . . . Tre stayed on the hot chocolate.
    As Did’s had had such an exhausting day he opted for a trip back to ours for chilling and food.
    So as the light faded to evening we sat down for huge pieces of pork belly with smashed garlic potatoes (again 😋).
    More catching up with life in the UK for Did’s was the main topic of conversation before Did’s elected that horizontal on his bed with his iPad was what was called for.
    Tre and I finished the evening with a glass of pinau and some more rubbish telly before hopping into bed.
    Okumaya devam et