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  • Dzień 165

    28.02 Day 165 . . . It’s So Bloody Cold

    28 lutego 2023, Francja ⋅ ☁️ 1 °C

    The sun blazed through the window at 7.30am and woke me - as if I was being interrogated.
    The alarm went off at 8am but we snoozed it until 8.30am . . . bloody hell it’s cold this morning. Had we not arranged to meet Gilly and Paul at Lezay market the duvet would have been pulled up under my chin for another good while.
    We left at 9.30am for Lezay (having quickly made a required payment to the Notaires re the Safer) - the weather was brilliantly bright and sunny, but the wind was bitter biting cold.
    On arrival the market looked busy with customers, but a good few of the normal stalls had not turned up - most likely due to the weather . . I don’t blame them, the thought of standing outside for hours in the cold was not an appealing.
    We grabbed three huge garlics, some bread, and some figs on a string. The figs are run through natural strings to help dry them quicker while maintaining a soft texture in the middle of the figs. The strings used are hand woven by farmers using natural herbs and helps to maintain the integrity, bright colour and freshness of the figs for a longer period of time. We then popped into the patisserie for a pain au raisin and a chocolate filled crepe.
    We were sat in the coffee shop by 1030am - it was so cold!! Gilly and Paul arrived about 11am as arranged and we spent a couple of hours chatting and drinking.
    From Lezay Tre and I took some back roads to Chenay, some that we had not used before, just to do a little exploring - and we drove past the house of course.
    Back at home we had some of Teresa’s leek and potato soup with the remains of yesterdays French stick.
    I popped out for half an hour to walk the nearby lanes and get some photos in the bright sunshine . . . it was still bitterly cold so I wasn’t out for long. I realised while out that we won’t be living in this little area very much longer - one way or another!
    Back indoors I caught up with some penguin write up’s while Tre made enchiladas for dinner.
    Admin calls to Insurance companies and some emails exchanged with the Notaries. Still no sign of the signed compromise de vente from the sellers Notaire!!
    Dinner eaten and some usual rubbish on the TV and we called it a night. Hope tomorrow we hear from the Notaire re the sellers signing!!
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