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  • Hari 199

    03.04 Day 199 . . . Nothing But Admin

    3 April 2023, Perancis ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    So the downside of having some days away is that when you get home you need to catch up on the less exciting stuff.
    Today was one of those days!!
    Tre and I still have a long list of ‘To Do’s’ for our French adventure - some more important than others. So now working on the principle of every day we do a few - we keep knocking them off the list.
    So once up and breakfasted we cracked on - email to the Notaires clerk re the Safer and Mairie enquiries. Phone call to insurance company re household insurance quote. Research of nanking and savings accounts - you wouldn’t believe the detail needed - for the accountant spreadsheet, to get us into the French system. Other phone calls re planning our move. Updating the accountant spreadsheet with more info. I can’t even remember what else we did but it took us through to mid afternoon. To be fair we weren’t helped by the non existant wifi and my phone having an off day!
    Breaking the monotony, I did get a message from my mum who was obviously searching through some photos at home - two photos showing an uncanny likeness between her and Lauren as small children.
    Finally finished, we decided to watch the last half hour of a film we had abandoned the day before due to the non wifi issue for Netflix. That half hour took us about an hour and a half to watch with continual buffering.
    We then say and had dinner - lovely chilli and the remaining cauliflower cheese from yesterday.
    A couple of emails came back from the Notaires clerk which we can sort tomorrow and that’s how easy you can lose a day to admin.
    Once the house is sorted and the accountant these sort of days will be massively reduced.
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