A 10-day adventure by Thackeray Adventures Read more
  • 6footprints
  • 10days
  • 69photos
  • 9likes
List of countries
  • Spain
  • Canada
  • 16.4kkilometers traveled
  • Flight13.7kkilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Cruise ship-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 6footprints
  • 10days
  • 69photos
  • 9likes
  • 16.4kkilometers
  • 13.7kkilometers
  • Packed and Ready

    September 17, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Well, we are all packed, and a couple more days to wait. We leave on Sept. 20, 2024.
    Certainly is much easier to get ready for a trip in retirement!
    Our post will be more eventful, I just needed to make a post to make this trip album visible. And will see how this Travel App will work as we travel around Spain.Read more

  • Day 1

    Arrived in Madrid

    September 20, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    We are safe and sound in Madrid.
    Old people and out of practice, we navigated the digital booking and baggage like pros!
    The eSIM on the other hand is giving us both difficulties! We will conquer.
    We are on an excursion tonight, so hopefully I will get some pictures of Spain.
    Then hopefully early to bed, we both did not sleep well. Uncomfortable, someone had a medical emergency in the middle of the night. (Not us)
    We were trying out a travel pillow, that I would say was not our cup of tea.
    Plus I love taking pictures of clouds as much as waves.
    Hey Syndal, needed your assistance to put points of interest in the plane window!! lol
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  • Day 1–3

    Day 1 Night Excusions in Madrid

    September 20, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    We had a break in the afternoon, and got our esim in working order.

    In the early evening we went on our bus excursion around Madrid. I will explain the pictures, in the order that they are in.

    1 - Plaza de Toros Las Ventas. The bullring in Madrid. The tour guide explained that even though bullfighting is a dangerous and fatal sport, it is in the blood of the Spanish. It was explained, that the bulls are bred from old bloodlines. The bulls are not prepared in any way, except fighting amongst other bulls. They spend their time in open fields. The bulls are worn down by running, being stabbed, during the show.

    2 - Spanish Architecture

    3, 4,5, 6- is the Plaza de. Cibeles in the centre of Madrid. #3 picture is Fuente de Cibeles fountain. A Phrygian goddess who had a significant cult in Rome, and is seen as one of Madrid’s most important symbols. The fountain depicts the goddess, sitting on a chariot pulled by two lions. It was built in the reign of Carlos III and designed by Ventura Rodríguez between 1777 and 1782.

    The fountain of Cybele has been adopted by the football club Real Madrid, whose fans use the area to celebrate its triumphs.

    #4 view down the street towards the Metropolis building (black dome) which was finished construction in 1910. If I remember correctly it is an office building. Much more imaginative design than our office buildings.

    #5 - Palacio de Cibeles - this cathedral like landmark was built in 1909 as the head quarters of the postal service. It was a museum until 2007, and is now Madrid’s city hall.

    #6 - Palacio de Linares - this Baroque was built in 1873 by a rich banker. By the late 1970’s had fallen into disrepair and was completely renovated in 1992. It is now Casa de America, a cultural centre and art gallery focused on Latin American Art.

    #7 “Julia” in 2018. Plensa designed the sculpture specifically to replace the sculpture of Columbus, who the square is named after, which used to be in the same spot.

    Julia is part of a joint initiative from the Cristina Masaveu Peterson Foundation and the Madrid city council to bring art to the streets of the Spanish capital.

    "Tenderness and silence"

    Plensa told the press that the sculpture is intended to represent "tenderness and silence," and that he hopes it will serve as a "mirror" to help recover a sense of serenity in society.

    #8 menu at our restaurant

    #9 our group at the restaurant

    #10 tuna and tomato salad. I hope to remember to take pictures of food, as it is definitely an experience all on its own.

    I hope to post day 2 later today. We are off on another excursion this afternoon. I did this post while travelling to Cordoba.

    I hope the map tells you where we are daily.

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  • Day 2

    Day 2 Part 1 Teledo Spain

    September 21, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Toledo was the capital of Spain from 542 to 725. It is known as the City of Three Cultures. Influences from Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Followers of these three religions lived side by side for centuries.
    The first picture is a view of Toledo as a whole. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site. But still is a home for many villagers.
    Narrow winding, cobblestone streets.
    I have put short captions under some of the pictures.
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  • Day 2

    Day 2 Part 2 Madrid

    September 21, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    The first 3 pictures are still in Teledo. Teledo steel is know for being unusually hard and the city has been a traditional sword making center. The gentleman is inlaying gold stands into a metal broach. Absolutely stunning work of art.
    You will see my favourite treat - churros and chocolate. Wonderfully warm soft sugar donut - churros, with a thick cup of chocolate. You dip and eat. Absolutely delicious. Thank goodness for doing so much walking!
    The Plaza is in Salamanca,it is built in the traditional baroque style. The main part is city hall, and there is a hotel on the opposite side of the square. People live in apartments overlooking the square and are not happy with the new hotel. Though the square is always full of tourist anyways. All around the bottom are shops. The area around the plaza has a market where you can get Tabas.. small plates of finger foods, and are delicious.
    The Kings Royal Palace began being built in 1738 and was completed in 1764. In this Plaza is also the Opera House.
    The park areas in Spain are beautiful, and have beautiful gates into the area.
    We then went out for dinner. Where your waiters are opera singers. When they are not preforming in shows, they work and preform. Some are starting out, some are famous.
    Accomplished over 17,000 steps today!!!
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  • Day 4

    Day 3 Spain, Cordoba and Seville

    September 23, 2024 in Spain ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

    We visited 8th century Moorish settlement and The Mosque of the Caliphs in Cordoba. In the 13th century the great mosque was turned into a a cathedral.
    The amazing thing is that changes were made but did not destroy the original start. When you first enter you enter into Muslim influence, vast area of worship was built in 786-788 which included 11 naves. The qibla wall is not facing Mecca instead faces south.
    In 833 - 848 was enlarged with 8 south naves. In 926 - 966 twelve new south facing sections were created. Final enlargement in 991. In 1236 was consecrated as a Catholic Church.
    The history of this building is breathtaking and you feel in awe and truly a wonderful experience to be standing in such a magnificent ancient building.
    Pictures below of the Mihrab and the dome ceiling inside. Elaborate room to show the direction of prayer.
    Pictures below also of the Catholic Cathedral .. remember this is all in one building. With a picture of the gardens outside.
    The evening we went to a Flamingo Dance show with dinner. Excellent way to end the evening.
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