Packed and Ready

Well, we are all packed, and a couple more days to wait. We leave on Sept. 20, 2024.
Certainly is much easier to get ready for a trip in retirement!
Our post will be more eventful, I just needed toRead more
Well, we are all packed, and a couple more days to wait. We leave on Sept. 20, 2024.
Certainly is much easier to get ready for a trip in retirement!
Our post will be more eventful, I just needed toRead more
We are safe and sound in Madrid.
Old people and out of practice, we navigated the digital booking and baggage like pros!
The eSIM on the other hand is giving us both difficulties! We will conquer.Read more
We had a break in the afternoon, and got our esim in working order.
In the early evening we went on our bus excursion around Madrid. I will explain the pictures, in the order that they are in.
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Toledo was the capital of Spain from 542 to 725. It is known as the City of Three Cultures. Influences from Christians, Muslims, and Jews. Followers of these three religions lived side by side forRead more
The first 3 pictures are still in Teledo. Teledo steel is know for being unusually hard and the city has been a traditional sword making center. The gentleman is inlaying gold stands into a metalRead more
We visited 8th century Moorish settlement and The Mosque of the Caliphs in Cordoba. In the 13th century the great mosque was turned into a a cathedral.
The amazing thing is that changes were made butRead more
That's awesome, we l99k forward to hear all about it and to see pictures! Have fun and be safe!! Love ya's [Melanie]
Traveler Have a restful evening before you fly out. Looking forward to seeing your first pictures from abroad. <3