Bedourie Airport

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    • Day 26–28

      Bedourie Tourist Park

      July 9 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Arrive in Bedourie and Roger and I head straight to the Bedourie Roadhouse to fuel up. While there Roger 'bites the bullet' and purchases a $90 gas exchange bottle as he really doesn't want to run the risk of us running out for our cooking etc! Darren and Kris have waited for us - so we discuss our next move and we agree to book into the Bedourie Tourist Park as it is the closest caravan park to the Bedourie Artesian Spa and Pool.
      Settled in happily here, arranging our unpowered campsites together, $20 camp fee per night and $10 to use the spa and pool for our stay.
      Have lunch at our caravans, Roger banana sandwiches, and me open toasties - relish, salami and cheese. Then we decide it's time to go get in the water. We all enjoy the terrific facilities here - the Artesian Spa (around 38°) and the 25m pool (around 25°). I decided to alternate - 10 minutes in the Spa then 4 laps in the pool X 3. After this Roger and I went for a walk together to check out the main street of Bedourie. Darren and Kris back to their caravan to do their clothes washing and their own time together. Roger and I when we got to the Roadhouse purchased some mandarins and then on our wander back called into the Bedourie Hotel to have a drink. Roger ended up purchasing a box of XXXX for $78. We're certainly supporting Bedourie today. Once back at our caravan, Roger happy to get on with tea preparation (our turn to cater for Darren and Kris) so I go back for another dunk in the spa and pool X2. Come back and have a shower and help with tea. Roger serves up beef tacos followed by golden syrup dumplings- which we all enjoyed. The 4 of us sit around the camp fire for a while before deciding to go to our caravans to do dishes and get to bed. Rog goes and has a shower and gets a load of washing done for us.
      Wednesday morning - no rush, get up have our breakfast, porridge and toast with cuppas. Roger and I go for a walk around Bedourie, lap around on some of the levy banks. Also call in at the Roadhouse and get some BBQ steak and a small tin of beetroot to have with our planned 'shared' tea with Darren and Kris. Stop in at the Tourist Information Centre and enjoy watching the video on the district relating to recent floods. Tempted by the Bedourie campovens - very well made and lighter weight for purpose, decide we may as well stick with what we've already got 👍 Back at camp we decide to put our load of washing back through a different washing machine - one that we used last night didn't spin out the water well. Others have already let the caretakers know about the 'playing up' machine - they're onto it! I decide to go for another walk by myself, Rog content to stay at camp and research, read. I walk about Bedourie again for an hour or so, then return to caravan for lunch. Meat, relish and cheese sandwich for Roger, open toasties for me - same ingredients - meat is salami. Relax at our van for a while before we get into our bathers to head to the spa and pool. Roger takes his book to read there as well - he fills in time while I do my alternating between pool and spa, reps today 5 laps (up and back) in pool, 15 minutes in spa X3. By the time we get back to our camp feel it's time for 'happy hour' with Darren and Kris, so I make up a nibbles platter (cheese, biccies., semi dried tomato, pickled cucumbers, fig paste) and we all sit around enjoying a chat and our drinks. After this I go have a shower while tea prep is happening. I get back to make a tossed salad and we enjoy our combined tea of BBQ steak, baked spuds, coleslaw, tossed salad and tinned Beetroot. Another evening spent having lovely chat around the campfire before we all retire to our respective caravans for tidy up. We do our dishes and Roger goes and has a shower. He's quick to bed - I won't be far behind.
      Get up earlier Thursday morning around 7am so I can go for a run before breakfast. Roger gets up a bit later to start moving off preparations etc. I go for shuffle out to the Bedourie Showground where their last weekend's camel and pig races were held. Still very wet and slushy out here. I shuffle for about an hour before I walk back into our campsite. Roger has porridge waiting for us so I have breakie before I go for a dunk in the pool and the spa. The spa was just getting refilled so l did some laps in the pool 1st before getting in the 1/2 filled spa. It was cooler (still much warmer than the pool) from the spraying and lots of fun sitting on the bottom of the spa. Next head to the shower to be ready to head off around 10am.. Roger has filled our van's water tanks, emptied our toilet cartridge and been to the Roadhouse to buy a small frozen beef roll for a eoasr sometime. Picks me up and off we go before 10am.
      Bitumen all the way to Boulia - just some decent patches of water over the road here and there - no deeper than .2m.
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    • Day 40

      Beyond Birdsville - The beginning

      June 24, 2022 in Australia ⋅ ☀️ 24 °C

      Another short travel day around 180kms. Birdsville- Bedourie. Bedourie means dust storm. Not much here in this little town which holds the shire headquarters for Diamantina shire, which has 3 towns and a total population of around 300. Bedourie is right on the edge of the Simpson desert. In the town there is a spa where the water comes straight out of a thermal spring and is 40oC. Very hot. Today was 24oC and my second day in shorts and first in bathers, yay. 😀 again there was plenty of water in creeks and along the side of the road but none across the road. The road from Birdsville to Bedourie was mostly sealed. They were in the process of sealing another section, but instead of closing half the road at a time they were creating a new road alongside the gravel / Sandy track.
      We stopped at the Cutaburra crossing over the Eyre creek. It was a lovely spot with so much bird life. It was a constant chatter of bird calls as we got out of the car. Saw a snake on the edge of the road as we drove out.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Bedourie Airport, BEU, YBIE

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