Rosny Park Golf Course

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      MONA (Posh Pit)

      1. März 2020 in Australien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Lisa and Dave took us to MONA , a world famous Art Gallery built into the rocks just up the estuary from Hobart Harbour. We caught the Catamaran from the dock and were shown into the Posh Pit, a special treat from L &D consisting of a very nice bar with comfy seats and complimentary drinks and canapes. The gallery its self is very quirky set out over three subterranean levels. There is a mixture of traditional modern art, historical art and some very confrontational pieces which challenge the senses and the sensibility. These included a mechanical stomach which is fed at one end and then produces poo at the other. A man who has made his body a canvass and sits motionless for people to look at, as well as some stark video displays depicting some quite unpleasant and challenging topics. We spent four hours there, there is so much to see. We got the boat back to Hobart for a couple of drinks then back to the apartment with a takeaway. Early night as tomorrow we take a 4 hr drive to Cradle Mountain where the temperature is set to drop.Weiterlesen

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