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    • Dag 49

      Gelato Time!

      22 september 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

      Okay I know this is the post you have all been waiting for 😂 this is a collection of all the gelatos I have got this far in my trip :) highlights were definately pistachio and salted caramel 🤩 I'm posting this now because it's gotten pretty cold (end of September vibes) and I'm going north so it's only going to get colder...so I think gelato season is coming to an end. But you know what that means...CHOCOALTE time :) (you'd be fooling yourself if you thought I haven't still been having chocolate until now 😉🫣🤭)Meer informatie

    • Dag 18

      Da was wel effie Wenen

      17 september 2022, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Lieve Bloggertjes

      Ik heb al een aantal keer vermeld dat we niet altijd even gevulde dagen hebben. En gisteren was er zeker één van. En hoe kwam dat? Omdat we met ons slaaptekorthoofd 3 keer in een fout station stonden en 2 keer op de foute trein zaten. Dus ipv 3 uur onderweg, was het nu een stuk of 7 uur.. oepsss. Maar bekijk het langs de positieve kant, nu hebben we weer meer van Hongarije gezien. Achja, algoed hebben we ‘s avonds toch in Wenen geraakt en hebben weer goed gegeten.

      Ter compensatie van de weinige foto’s krijgen jullie nog een mooi schilderij van de national gallery van Budapest van eergisteren.

      Groeten uit Wenen
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    • Swarskovski Crystal Palace - day 15

      26 april 2019, Oostenrijk ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

      Paul gave me a sachet of something to drink before bedtime, and I had an ok sleep the night before, but last night it totally knocked me out for 9 hours. Then I woke up feeling vaguely well again – yeehaa. So we had showers in the most amazing shower block. Each shower had a shower room, and an adjoining room with a basin so it was easy to keep everything dry. The showers were wonderfully hot with good pressure, and the whole shower block was heated. The motorcamp was a bit out of the city, and was surrounded by lovely countryside with tracks for walking and mountain biking. Lots of people were there with their dogs (and the campground even had a doggie shower). It would have been easy to stay there for longer, but we had plans.

      So off we drove to the Swarovski Crystal World. It took a bit to get there – thanks googlemaps! The workers might have been surprised to see us what for 90 secs at the red light, go through the one lane, do a youie at the other end and come back through again. But once we got there it was simply amazing. We didn’t quite know what to expect though had a map, and knew it had outdoor areas. We weren’t expecting the hour long inside tour through many different rooms and different experiences. I have posted pics of most of them, and they will hopefully remind me of how amazing it was. We were there for nearly 4 hours, and by that time the weather had really started to close in.

      Then we started on the drive to Salzberg, and the rain got pretty hard so it wasn’t a quick drive. We had fun rocking along to old music, and did our best James Corban kareoke impressions. We also drove in Germany for part of the trip which we hadn’t expected. We had sussed out a campsite, and it had a Spar 1km away. I was getting excited thinking that was Austrian for Spa – always love a hot swim. When we got closer we started looking for a supermarket (loving the Jody cooking!), and finally ended up with one, guess what it was called? Spar! But it was a good supermarket, blueberries for 1 euro, a large watermelon, and some beef and chicken for Jody to cook.

      The campsite is quite nice, and we got lots of information about what to do in Salzberg. But it is raining, so we are having a quiet night in, enjoying reviewing our pictures. Jody has liked having our SIM cards – so much that she has used 80% of the data on the first one, so we have changed her to a new one. Lucky I was prepared! She cooked a lovely meal once again, and I even felt well enough to finish off my first bottle of limoncello.

      Tomorrow we were going to go to Lake Bled, but the weather forecast is bad there, so the plan has changed to go to Graz instead. We might end up in Budapest earlier than expected solely due to the weather forecast. It would have been nice to have a look around Salzberg in the morning – it is a short bike ride there, but if it rains like it is forecasted too we will just be getting up and leaving.
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    • Vienna - day 16

      27 april 2019, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 12 °C

      It was only raining lightly when we got up, but we stuck with the plan of heading for Vienna, and left the camp ground before 10 – we just don’t seem to be able to shower, do dishes, sort out emptying water/toilet, and filling water before this time, lucky we don’t have any deadlines to meet! Driving was easy today, the roads were better, most of it was on motorways where the speed limit was either 130 or 140kph and Nico was quite comfortable doing around 110 with other cars just hooning past us. It drizzled on and off for the morning, but then our decision paid off as it at least became dry, though not very warm – around 8 degrees at lunchtime.

      We stopped once at a waterfall by a dam, and the force of the water was quite incredible. Googlemaps can be useful at times for searching on places of interest nearby, and we went off the motorway to find this. We also had a couple of stops along the way, including bacon and eggs for lunch at some random carpark stop.

      When we arrived in Vienna, I had the bright idea of going and getting our tickets for the Lippizaners which we are going to see next Saturday. I thought it might be a wee way out of town, and there might be somewhere to park (like the good parking at Swarkovski). Hmmm, maybe not. We ended up driving through the middle of the old part of Vienna, following horse and carts, driving through hordes of people and it brought back memories of Lucca! I don’t think we weren’t allowed there, but it certainly didn’t feel like somewhere that a big motorhome would normally be driving! When we got to our destination, there was definitely nowhere to park – maybe I should have emailled, or called to ask them. Oh well, then we pulled over as soon as we could, and googled where we might stay for the night. We ended up driving around 30 mins out of the City, and have a lovely camping ground which is next to the train station. I ordered an ACSI card before I left NZ which gives us cheaper camping in the off season. We have now used it at several sites, and is definitely saving us money. This campground is 20 euros per night plus 3 euros tourist tax. Everywhere we have stayed has a tourist tax – I can’t understand why NZ politicians think it would be so hard to accept in NZ. People here just expect it. At the non ACSI sites, I think the most we have paid is I think 41 euros which is around $55 NZ at a guess.

      This evening we went out for a bike ride – yes I am feeling better! It was a nice short ride, just to see where we were. It is still quite windy here. Tomorrow we will take the train into Vienna, and we intend to take our bikes on the train. It is a 14km ride into Vienna, and we have thought about doing that, and possibly might bike back but that depends on the weather, and how sore our bums are! We are going to stay here tomorrow night as well, and then we might head for either Bratislavia or Budapest.

      As you can see, our destinations are not fixed at all. It is sad that I will be missing our on Slovenia again on this trip – maybe next year Trish? But, it is hard to get keen on visiting there when it is meant to be raining all week.
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    • Dag 5

      The Beginning of the Journey

      27 juni 2021, Oostenrijk ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

      On the night of my flight, I enjoy one final dinner in the modern world at Quynh and Uffe's home. After a delicious steak and wine dinner was done we finish it with some delicious chocolate truffles.

      I arrive at SFO. I was feeling proud I packed very light for my two month trip; one carry on bag and one shoulder bag. The fantasies of my future adventures playing in my head were abruptly interrupted by the TSA security alarm. A guard immediately walked up and asked me to step aside. The chocolate truffle wrapper in my pocket had triggered the alert. The stern man escorted me to a back room. He had a very serious look. He snapped on the rubber gloves and gave me the full North to South. Just like my other "first time", it was over in two minutes and I cried a little at the end.

      I am excited for this trip. In searching for the best (cheapest) destination in Central America, I found a super cheap ticket to Cancun, Mexico for $141 bucks. That's not even enough money to put gas into the plane. Some years back I traveled to Guatemala for a work project so I had some clue of what was to come. The 3 years of Spanish classes in high school will come in handy when I need to whip out some broken Spanish. I didn't bother to immunize myself because there were too many countries to get shots for. No malaria pills either. Not even a bottle of Robitussin. I did pack shades, sandles, and sunscreen. I was ready.

      I know what the American life is like: all work and no travel. So when I am in between jobs I immediately get on a plane and don't look back. My previous job ended right before the holidays. I planned to travel all through the Christmas season and then some. I rented my SF apt out. Everything fell into place, now it's time for some fun.
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