• Day 15

    Dresden Day 1

    September 25, 2023 in Germany ⋅ 🌙 7 °C

    The train journey from Decin to Dresden was very picturesque. We passed farms, orchards, vineyards, small towns with towering church spires and more rock formations.

    Albertinum was our first gallery visit.
    We had an excellent guided tour by a lovely man who said that there were no English tours, only German but because there were only us and one other also very nice lady who could understand English, he did the tour in English.

    The Albertinum was an artillery storage that is now an art gallery for the works from late 1800 till now. It maps the change in styles from the early romanticism, impressionism expressionism, new objectivity to contemporary.

    The guide pointed out some poignant parts of history that explained some of the works and made me aware that what I thought was blurred photos hanging as art were actually paintings done by Gerhard Richter. He also pointed out a tryptic done be Otto Dix titled The War that was symbolised the crucifixion without the resurrection. Very interesting gallery.

    Next stop was a free concert at the Church of the Holy Cross. It was a concert that was both moving and professional. It was the 9 th interfaith peace concert.
    There was an orchestra, a large choir and some soloist with mandolin, erhu, violin and clarinet.
    There was some classical pieces, some Hebrew, Sufi, and a medley at the end with what sounded like a call to prayer, then finishing with Hebrew and Christian lyrics.

    It was moving because it was lovely to see the religious tolerance displayed when a Jewish man conducted the Sufi and both Jewish and Muslim were the presenters. We think the concert was to promote religious harmony across all faith.

    Our last stop was a lovely candlelit pub just a little away from aldsatdt that served really good marinated local fish in cream sauce and garlic pasta.

    Total walk for the day was 14.2 km
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