Slovakia here we come!

We can do this!
My to dokážeme!
The first time at the holiday house. With Jarka & Branko, Dominika, Katka and Jurko. And tons of apples everywhere. :)
Prvý krát na chalupe. S Jarkou & Brankom, Dominikou, Katkou a Jurkom. ARead more
Where to go in rainy cold weather? Hide in a museum with your favorite cousins! 😍
Kam ísť počas chladného upršaného dňa? Treba sa schovať do múzea so svojimi obľúbenými bratrancamiRead more
Nayla for the first time on the escalator... While waiting for Betka, she was asking Dedušo Miro to go up and down and up and down and all over again. :)
Nayla prvýkrát na chodiacichRead more
During the walk with Betka, Miško, Kevin & Thomas we took our first ice cream of 2020. Hmmm. So delicious!
Počas prechádzky s Betkou, Miškom, Kevinom & Thomasom sme sa zastavili na našu prvúRead more
We are back in town!
Späť v meste!
The little big pandemic wedding