Arrondissement of Nivelles

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    • Day 20

      Brüssel? Nein. Waterloo.

      July 30, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Die Weiterfahrt ist etwas turbulent. Geplant war, dass wir abends nach Brüssel fahren und morgens das ‚Atomium‘ ansehen - eine Sehenswürdigkeit, die Rahel mir zeigen möchte. Unterwegs finden wir raus, dass in Brüssel seit 2018 ‚Zero Emission‘ gilt.. unsere Seraphina/🚙 darf nicht in die Zone rein! Tagespass = 35 Euro. Sonst ausserhalb abstellen und per 0-Emission-Transportangebot bewegen… ok, tönt etwas aufwändig für einen Kurztripp. Weitere Ideen werden gesponnen und wieder verworfen. Passend für das Hin- und Her heisst unser heutiger Übernachtungsort: Waterloo 😅 wo diese hübsche Eglise de Saint Joseph unweit unseres Übernachtungsplätzlis steht. 🥰Read more

    • Day 21

      Belgisch brunchen

      July 31, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

      Könnte uns durchaus gefallen & das Warten hat sich gelohnt, denn es wird alles frisch zubereitet! Die Speisekarte bietet zwar ‚nur’ ‚Toast salé oder sucré‘ an, dazu aber jede Menge Auswahl…. Basis wählen… dann die Garnitur…. dann die Toppings…. Wir tun uns etwas schwer bei der (grossen Aus-)Wahl, sind mit dem Ergebnis aber sehr happy: Brunchen in Belgien fägt! (... nur der ☕️ ist etwas klein, musste 3 bestellen 😋)Read more

    • Day 32

      Family dinner in Limal

      October 15, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

      With the train line Ap I have it is so easy to purchase tickets. To get to Brigitte’s place we need to take an Intercity (IC) train to Ottiginies, which is about a 5 minute drive from Brigitte’s. we caught the train from Central Station and it all went very smoothly - but unlike the trip to Antwerp where our tickets weren’t checked, they were checked this afternoon.

      We arrived on time and Brigitte was there to meet us. We had a bit of stuff with us as I will be moving in on Monday and thought we may as well start bringing stuff over, plus we had wine and chocolates as well.

      The rest of the family arrived over the next couple of hours. Brigitte’s kids Nathalie and Stéphane haven’t changed much since we saw them in 2019, but Sohan and Emma are nearly teenagers and have grown up so much. Luc arrived next, he is Brigitte’s ex husband who is such a nice guy and who she and the kids and grandkids all have a great relationship with. This was the first time Ian had met Luc. The last to arrive were Gui and Geertje who are also so much fun and easy to get on with. Their kids aren’t coming tonight, in fact, we won’t see Lisa this trip as she left for a trip to South America about a week ago and Rob had a prior commitment, we will see him tomorrow at Gui and Geertje’s for dinner.

      Brigitte made a great dinner of pumpkin soup, charcuterie, wonderful cheeses and three fabulous desserts, including a cheesecake with raspberries (that I even liked!), a chocolate tart and a Javanais ( a chocolate and mocha delight) which was delicious. We drank lots of champagne and wine over the evening and it was great to catch up with everyone. I was so engrossed in our conversations (plus I drank quite a bit of champagne) that I hardly took a photo which is so unlike me.
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    • Day 34

      Goodbye Ian, Hello Brigitte!

      October 17, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ 🌧 16 °C

      For our last morning at the AirBnb we decided to have breakfast at the Dominican Hotel that looks after our property. The hotel has lovely decor and is well designed. After breakfast we headed back to pack the last of our things before checking out and getting a taxi to Brussels MIDI where Ian will catch the Eurostar to London to begin his journey back to Australia. I was then catching an intercity train to Ottiginies where Brigitte would collect me.

      I had bought my ticket and made my way to the appropriate platform when the train was cancelled without explanation. As I was heading down the escalator to find out what had happened to my train I received a call from Ian. He said that he had been stopped by security because he had knives in his possession and they are forbidden on the train! We had purchased several knives from the Laguiole, including a cheese knife and we didn’t want them confiscated. So Ian asked if he could come back through security and hand them to me as I was still at the station. ( I was only still there because a person had been hit on my train line and trains had to be cancelled till the tracks were clear).

      The security guy had to check with his supervisor but finally the supervisor and Ian appear and the supervisor hands me the contraband. I will now have to arrange to have them posted back to Australia as I am also heading back to the UK on the Eurostar.

      Crisis averted and Ian was on his way home via London. I had to wait another 30 minutes for a train and was picked up at the station just after 1:30 pm. I was sitting having a glass of wine and a late lunch within 30 minutes. After I unpacked and settled in, Brigitte and I drank more wine and just spent the rest of the afternoon catching up on life. We are going to have a ball over the next 4 weeks.

      For dinner Brigitte made me a traditional Belgian dish of Chicon au Gratin, which is chicory or endive which has been boiled and strained being wrapped in ham and then the rolls are placed in a dish and covered in white sauce and cheese and baked in the oven till golden. It is a very delicious dish, which we worked out Brigitte had made for me 37 years earlier.
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    • Day 35

      Life in Limal

      October 18, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

      This morning the first activity on the agenda is to get a haircut. It was well overdue and so Brigitte took me to her hairdresser and they did a good job. I even had a mask put on because my hair is feeling very dry.

      After haircuts we walked around the lovely town of Wavre, where we did a bit of essential and non-essential shopping. I then took Brigitte out for lunch to a lovely local brasserie - we were going especially for mussels but unfortunately they weren’t available as they were still waiting on a delivery. So I had steak tartare and Brigitte had grilled prawns on skewers. The food was delicious and our waiter was very entertaining and cheeky. It was a lovely way to spend a couple of hours.

      We then headed home and we had planned to go for a walk in the woods but we got a call from Stéphane asking Brigitte to pick Emma up after school. So we delayed our walk until Emma was with us. It has been a beautiful sunny mild day, so it has been nice to be out and about, we are trying to make the most of this lovely weather as the forecast is for rain in the coming days.
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    • Day 37

      Gardening and Chocolate research

      October 20, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 14 °C

      This morning Brigitte and I did a bit of work in the garden before heading off to Lio, a local chocolatier in Limal. Brigitte said she had only discovered this place last year after receiving a gift basket from work when she retired. She highly recommends them so I felt we needed to get some to compare to the Pierre Marcolini, Neuhaus and Mary that are my favourite Belgian chocolates. We decided on a mixed box, so we could establish which are my favourites. Brigitte has already declared salted caramel as her favourite.

      The weather has been quite wet and overcast this morning, but our weather Ap is saying sunny and dry this afternoon which would be good for our Geocaching activity.
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    • Day 49

      Dinner with the family

      November 1, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ 🌙 14 °C

      Tonight Nathalie, Sohan, Stéphane and Emma are coming over for dinner. Brigitte is making her delicious Spaghetti Bolognaise. Sohan will be spending a few days with us as Nathalie is working and he has school holidays. Stéph isn’t feeling well, so he is here but keeping his distance.

      Lia is also here tonight and although Stéph is her favourite, she has taken quite a liking to me also!

      We have a lovely evening, the Spaghetti Bolognaise is delicious and we have a special tart that Steph has been promising to bring for two years apparently. It is called Tart Vi Paurin a speciality of Rixensart which is a delicious tart of apples, raisins, crème anglaise, caramelised almonds and rum.

      It was great to have a nice relaxed dinner with the famille Mouchette, unfortunately Luc had headed to his property in France for a couple of weeks, so he wasn’t there.
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    • Day 37

      Geocaching Part 2

      October 20, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 18 °C

      So after our success with the first two challenges we decided we were up for a third. This was a challenge that Arlette and Brigitte had attempted previously, but because they both have some hip and knee issues they weren’t able to get into the area where the cache was apparently hidden. Since I am a little more flexible we decided I would give it a go. We had to walk about a kilometre to get to the site of the old brickworks, which to me looked like it was hundreds of years old. I was able to gain access to the spot where the cache should have been and I searched and searched but I came up empty handed. Arlette thinks that perhaps someone has removed the cache as no one has successfully located this cache since May 2022. Although it was a little disappointing not to find the cache, the search was fun. What is also nice about this activity is that you are outside with nature and actually looking at your surroundings and as a result see so much more than when you are just walking from point A to point B.Read more

    • Day 40

      Sunday Lunch

      October 23, 2022 in Belgium ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

      This morning we woke to a beautiful sunrise - absolutely stunning. We then had a nice relaxing morning before heading off for lunch with Luc and Emma. Stéphane wasn’t feeling well so it was just the four of us.

      We went to an Italian Restaurant, La Fontanells for lunch which was fabulous. Everyone was very happy with their choice and we even had room for dessert. Following lunch we went for a stroll around part of the lake, which really assisted digestion.

      The rest of the day will be a relaxing one with Brigitte and I preparing for our trip to Copenhagen.
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    • Day 3

      Paul aus Litauen

      July 19, 2020 in Belgium ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

      Uns kommt ein TET Endurist entgegen: darf ich vorstellen? Paul. Paul ist aus Litauen, allein unterwegs, und fährt den TET von Holland aus durch Belgien bis nach Frankreich. Allein. Mit seinem Zelt. Wir sprechen noch kurz über das Erlebte, tauschen noch Hinweise zu Streckenabschnitten aus. Und wünschen Paul einen super TET.

      Nach ein paar km weiter fahren David und ich aus einem Feldweg links ab auf einen asphaltierten Feldweg. Dort entdecken wir eine mega Bremsspur auf dem Asphalt. Die Spur führt auf unseren Feldweg. Wir haben gut gelacht. Das wird Paul gewesen sein! Wir wissen jetzt, das wir nicht die Einzigen sind, die eine Vollbremsung hinlegen, um der Route weiter zu folgen... 😀

      Was? Ihr wundert Euch, das wir doch den TET weiter fahren? Beim Frühstück besprachen wir, das wir es nochmal probieren wollen. Zu schön sind die Strecken, zu gern sind wir abseits der Strassen gewesen. Sollte die Strecke zu einem Singletrail werden, würden wir aber lieber umkehren.
      Nein, sind wir heute dann aber doch nicht! Die schwierigen Passagen lagen bereits hinter uns!
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Arrondissement de Nivelles, Bezirk Nivelles, Arrondissement of Nivelles, Нивел, Arondisamant Nivelles, Nivellesi ringkond, شهرستان نیول, Nivelles, Arrondissement di Nivelles, Arrondissement Nivelles, Nijvel, Nivelle, 尼韋爾區

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