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  • Day 3

    Light in the Middle of the Tunnel

    August 22, 2022 in Iceland ⋅ ⛅ 8 °C

    Up early today and did my amended gym workout using only bodyweight, didn't feel much easier though. Then breakfast and by 09:00 was in the car for the 20 min drive to the Latrabjarg cliffs.

    The morning drive across the West Fjords, the oldest part of Iceland, was spectacular and hairy in parts as it climbed and descended through the mountains. There were also a couple of 5km+ tunnels, the second of which I soon and alarmingly discovered was wide enough for one car, but was two way!! There were pull in places for traffic coming in the opposite direction, we eventually worked out we had right of way and the headlights coming towards us would eventually pull in.

    Man Utd were playing Liverpool tonight, unfortunately though, there isn't much in the way of sports bars out in the wilds of Iceland and with beer at over £10 a pint I don't know what they do with their evenings! We did however find a micro brewery and had a couple of tasting racks, they were only small glasses but by the time we left I felt like I'd had a proper drink.

    Weather: 13 degrees, sunny

    Mileage: 145 miles, Breidavik to Isafjordur
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