It Started As A 2 Week Cruise

December 2024 - March 2025
A 71-day adventure by Bron Read more
  • 71footprints
  • 71days
  • 1.0kphotos
  • 84likes
List of countries
  • England
  • Uruguay
  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Bolivia
  • Peru
  • Ecuador
  • Show all (10)
  • 26.6kmiles traveled
  • Cruise ship1,691kilometers
  • Flight994kilometers
  • Walking-kilometers
  • Hiking-kilometers
  • Bicycle-kilometers
  • Motorbike-kilometers
  • Tuk Tuk-kilometers
  • Car-kilometers
  • Train-kilometers
  • Bus-kilometers
  • Camper-kilometers
  • Caravan-kilometers
  • 4x4-kilometers
  • Swimming-kilometers
  • Paddling/Rowing-kilometers
  • Motorboat-kilometers
  • Sailing-kilometers
  • Houseboat-kilometers
  • Ferry-kilometers
  • Horse-kilometers
  • Skiing-kilometers
  • Hitchhiking-kilometers
  • Cable car-kilometers
  • Helicopter-kilometers
  • Barefoot-kilometers
  • 71footprints
  • 71days
  • 1.0kphotos
  • 84likes
  • 26.6kmiles
  • 1.6ksea miles
  • 994miles
  • Day 1

    A Very, Very Long Day

    December 28, 2024 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 25 °C

    At 8am we landed in Johannesburg after a 10.5 hour flight with very little sleep and perhaps a couple too many gin and tonics.

    On exiting the plane we were immediately met by a guy who fast tracked us through immigration, collected our luggage, took us to check in for our onward flight to Hoedspruit and dropped us off at the departure gate in plenty of time for our plane.

    The hour's flight brought us in to land at an airstrip in the middle of the bush close to the Kruger national park. The isolation and few amenities reminded me of the film Wild Geese, I was expecting Richard Burton and Richard Harris to pop up at any minute with an entourage of mercenaries.

    Instead we were taken to our safari camp arriving a full 22 hrs after leaving home. After high tea, we set off at 4pm for the first of six game drives over the next 3 days. We managed to see some lions, elephants, giraffes, zebras, eagles, vultures and wild dogs and were back, just after dark, around 7:30pm, . It was an early night after dinner. Although there is no jetlag as it's only a 2hour time difference, I was really tired from the travelling and next to no sleep overnight on the plane.
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  • Day 2

    A Very Early Start

    December 29, 2024 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 30 °C

    It was up at 4:45am this morning to be ready for the 5:30am drive. Out here, the early bird catches the worm, translates into the early cheetah catches the baby wildebeest. Which is exactly what we witnessed after 45 mins or so. I always thought these things were quite quick, but it seems cheetahs actually strangle their prey, which in this instance took around 10 mins. I did feel really sorry for the wildebeest, though 3 hours later I was tucking into bacon and sausages for breakfast, so I suppose you do need to keep a sense of perspective.

    On leaving the room at just after 5am this morning there was a hyena on the path about 5 yards from our door. I think I was more intrigued than concerned, but it was probably just as well he soon made off, as I didn't really know what to do.

    We were back for breakfast by 9am and then spent a relaxing morning and afternoon, only interupted by lunch, until it was time to go out again just before 4pm.

    On this afternoon's drive we saw a couple of lounging lions who after a stroll got quite frisky. Then an elephant with a very young calf, a couple of rhinos and some old buffalos grazing away without a care in the world.

    Then it was back in time for a quick beer round the campsite with the other guests before dinner and an early night. We were the last to head off to bed, at around 9:30pm. One thing they are quite strict on is that after dark everyone has to be escorted back to their rooms just in case of any encounters. Showering in our outdoor shower before bed always has my mind racing about what might be out there in the darkness. Never showered so fast in all my life!
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  • Day 3

    Leopards Are Like Buses

    December 30, 2024 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    On the road again at 5:30am this morning with today's mission being to find the elusive leopard, the last of our big 5.

    However, it wasn't long before we saw a small group of elephants coming out of the bush, heading diagonally from our right and looking to cross the road. Although the group was small the elephants were anything but, they looked very intimidating. One of the group stopped to wave her trunk at us for 30 seconds until an even larger male came from the same direction.

    Then we finally found a female leopard, who at first wasn't too keen on our presence, so we swung around in a semicircular detour through the bush, taking us in the direction she was heading and waited for her. The video shows her pausing before coming out into the open towards us, but eventually strode right past us with only a muted growl.

    At 12:30 we had a really entertaining bush survival lesson from our tracker. Who showed us how to find water (including extracting water from fresh elephant dung), to make fire from wood and a stick, create a shelter, make string from a sisal leaf and make a snare to catch guinea fowl.

    Armed with our new found knowledge and the threat of them leaving us out there overnight we set off on our 4pm drive. First we visited a 16 strong pride of lions. Which felt fine while they were laying down but as they started walking off in ones or twos I couldn't stop looking round, just to be on the safe side.

    Shortly afterwards our tracker found some fresh leopard droppings on the road and within a few minutes of off-roading he spotted her. Despite being very well camouflaged in the undergrowth, it was literally a needle in a haystack, but they really knew what they were doing. We stayed with her for around 20 mins, she was totally relaxed and if anything seemed to be posing for the cameras. It really was the most magical experience.
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  • Day 4

    A Day Of Two Halves

    December 31, 2024 in South Africa ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    Our final 5:30am start this morning. We've done 6 drives of around 3.5 hours each, so in the last 3 day we've spent 21 hours in the vehicle. The time though has absolutely flown by, it's always been interesting, sometimes really exciting and once or twice scary,

    It was a fantastic trip, the accommodation and facilities in the middle of the bush were excellent, the free drink contributed to the ambiance but most of all the staff were so friendly, helpfully and entertaining.

    So after our final 3 course breakfast, it was back to the local airport for the 2.25 hour flight to Cape Town, arriving at our apartment at 5:30pm. So plenty of time to get ready for our evening boat trip.

    The solitude of our time on safari was blown away as we headed to the waterfront at 8pm, to find our boat. The whole area was banged out, people already taking up the best standing spots, every restaurant and bar looked full. It was a good job we had booked well in advance. There was loud music being relayed all around the marina, the place was really buzzing.

    The days of standing for four hours waiting for midnight and to watch the fireworks are long gone. So a boat in the harbour, food, drink, a seat and toilets to hand was the perfect way to see in the new year and watch the fireworks. A couple of drinks in an Irish bar after getting off the boat, meant it was just gone 3am by the time we got back to the apartment. I certainly slept well.
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  • Day 5

    The Day After The Night Before

    January 1 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    The first lay in of the trip was nice but it was in name only as I was awake by 8am despite not getting to bed till gone 3am. There was nothing planned for this morning so I went for a 4 mile run and then cooled off in the rooftop pool at the apartment block.

    We did have a 1pm trip to Robben Island booked but when we arrived the sailings had been cancelled due to high winds. So will have to try and squeeze that in another day.

    Instead we thought we'd do a hop on hop off bus tour. Though, when we tried to buy the ticket from the driver she advised us not to!! Saying that as it was New Years day they were operating a restricted service in terms of route and finishing time. I really appreciated her honesty, so will have to try and reschedule that one as well.

    So instead we spent the afternoon exploring the waterfront area, with the odd refreshment stop thrown in. The pubs I've been in so far have all had lots of bar staff but service is painfully slow, almost as though they are doing you a favour and then they have the cheek to ASK for a tip.
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  • Day 6

    Full On Day

    January 2 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    Today we got picked up at 8am for an all day tour of Cape Town's suburbs and surrounding areas. The first stop was a Bo-Kaap a predominantly Muslim quarter famous for it's brightly coloured buildings.

    Then onto Camp Bay, a very swanky neighborhood with a beautiful beach and big houses. From there we drove along Chapman's Peak Drive, a road hugging and sometimes cut into the side of the mountain which had stunning coastal views.

    This took us to the Cape of Good Hope, the most South Westerly point on the African continent. I had thought it was the most southerly until a few days ago when I looked at a map. Then onto Cape Point lighthouse via a steep uphill 10 min walk, but with great views down to the Cape of Good Hope.

    Had lunch in Simon's Town, a place with attractive colonial buildings and covered pavements, protecting from the sun and also when it rains heavily. For lunch I went for a selection of bushmeat, zebra, impala and warthog. They all tasted great, but all very similar.

    Then our last stop, Table Mountain. We got three quarters of the way up the steep road to the cable car before the burning clutch on the minibus gave up the ghost. We'd been smelling it for several minutes before it gave finally packed up. Fortunately, it happened right outside the park and ride carpark, so within 3 minutes our guide had got us on a shuttle bus to the cable car, while they sent out a replacement.

    The cable car was great, really steep ascent but very stable. The views from the top were stunning, with the whole of Cape Town below nestled around the Lions Head and Signal Hill.

    Despite the long day, a 10hr 30min tour, we got off the tour bus near Kloof Street and had a few drinks and something to eat in this very trendy neighborhood, very much me!!
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  • Day 7

    A Long And Busy Day

    January 3 in South Africa ⋅ 🌙 19 °C

    We had a kayak trip organised for 8am this morning. Though we were told yesterday that it was no longer running and were offered 6:30am or 11:30am. As we had something on in the afternoon we had to leave our apartment at 5:30am for a 6am meet up.

    I'd never been in a sea kayak before, they are larger, heavier and have a rudder, operated by your feet. So paddling and using your feet to steer in conjunction with each other is a bit like patting your head and rubbing you stomach in a circular motion at the same time!

    The sea swell was a bit of a challenge and our shoulders were feeling the strain, we were soon thinking we should have booked an hour instead of two. However, there were regular pauses to look at the dolphins and sunfish.

    After 2 hours of kayaking we jogged back to the apartment, and I then did a bit more to bump it up to 4 miles. My shorts, soaked from the kayaking were almost dry by the time I finished.

    In the afternoon we took our rescheduled trip to Robben Island. It was 50 mins on the boat, so needless to say no-one ever escaped during the apartheid era. The first part of the tour was a bus around the island explaining it's history. The second was within the prison itself and led by a former inmate. It was a very interesting insight into how he came to be there, prison life, how they spent their time, his release and his disappointment that 30+ years on, the freedom they had fought for hasn't delivered the expected benefits for ordinary people.

    On our return we went for a few drinks with Christian, a Norwegian guy I cycled with during last year's charity Tour de France ride I did. He arrived here today for work, it really is a small world. We met in the Irish pub we'd been in on New Year's Eve, watched Luke 'the nuke' Littler win the darts and somehow it was gone 1:30 am before I got to bed. Looking forward to catching up on my sleep on the boat.
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  • Day 8

    Wine, Wine And More Wine

    January 4 in South Africa ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

    Today is our last full day in Cape Town, I don't know where the time has gone. Under protest from me we did an excursion to local wineries in Paarl and Franschhoek and then a stroll around Stellenbosch.

    The first stop was in Paarl at the Fairview winery, which had beautiful grounds, flower gardens and a koi carp pond. You were given six tasting glasses of wine paired with cheeses and a couple of bonus glasses thrown in. As we left 45 mins later I was buzzing, the cheese had done little to negate the effects of all the wine.

    Then it was on to Franschhoek and lunch with more wine at the Franschhoek Cellar Restaurant. We ate at The Platform dining room which as the name suggests was part of a station on the route of the wine train. A tram car really that travels up and down a single track rail line stopping at wineries along the way.

    The final tasting stop was also in Franschhoek at the La Bri winery. This tasting was three red wines paired with chocolate. I have to say the posh chocolates were better than the wines. There were a couple of bonus wines thrown in including a glass of sparkling, just to finish you off.

    On the way back we stopped off for a stroll around Stellenbosch town centre. A university town that has the feel of old world money. Founded in 1679, there was a real Georgian look to the architecture, with an outdoor cafe/bar culture and street art everywhere. Would be a lovely place to spend a few days.
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  • Day 9

    The Reason For The Trip

    January 5 in South Africa ⋅ ⛅ 22 °C

    Our 5 nights in Cape Town have flown by and I feel as though we've barely scratched the surface. So much to see and do, so many surprises and all the people we have met have been friendly and helpful. Despite really looking forward to moving onto the next phase of the trip, we are all a little sad to be leaving.

    Before checking out I went for a final 4 mile run. maybe the last few days have caught up with me but it felt really tough to start with but perseverance paid off. For 8am on a Sunday it was really busy on the sea front, with joggers, dog walkers and people out walking. Very much reminded me of Australia, I suppose the warm weather always helps.

    Then it was time for the whole purpose of the trip, the transatlantic cruise to Rio. I made the school boy error of trying to get on the boat at the earliest possible opportunity, 12pm, because everyone else wants to do the same thing. It took 30 mins to get through the queue, by 2pm there was no queue at all, note to self.

    At least there is no more unpacking for the next two weeks.
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  • Day 10

    First Day At Sea

    January 6, South Atlantic Ocean ⋅ 🌬 19 °C

    After 8 nights away the clothes are already starting to feel a little tight so it was off to the gym first thing this morning. Gyms on boats are usually a bit of an after thought, but this was by far the largest and best equipped one I've ever seen on a cruise ship, regardless of the size of the boat. It also included complimentary bottles of Gatorade and vitamin drinks, never seen that before.

    The games deck is really well set out with all the usually stuff like, a putting green, golf driving net, shuffleboard, table tennis, croquet, petanque. However, in addition there is also a paddle tennis court, which is very popular, but we did manage to get on for 50 mins around lunchtime when most other people were preoccupied!

    At 6pm it was the captain's cocktail reception. If you were on a boat where you were paying for your drinks then the 45 mins of free cocktails was your chance to speed load to set yourself up for the evening. However, when the drinks are free the event doesn't have the same importance!
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