Post-ATW, Traveling U.S.

July - August 2023
July 19 - August 15 4 weeks of visiting friends and family around the U.S. Read more
  • 33footprints
  • 1countries
  • 28days
  • 471photos
  • 10videos
  • 7.8kmiles
  • 5.9kmiles
  • Day 16

    Visiting CONNECTICUT Friends

    August 3, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    Today was a day of visiting our favorite Danbury/Bethel/Redding CT friends (that are still living there). First after a 3 hour drive from Wellesley, we arrived at Michael’s. As always, seeing Michael is a day filled with laughter and wisdom. Although his MS limitations does not allow Michael to be as productive as he would like, he still keeps up on all the news and speaks out against what’s wrong in this world. Michael is always such a good listener and asked about our ATW trip, some of the most “unique” questions of anyone. We enjoyed catching up and seeing him in person. Michael is looking very good and going well as he continues to work at the Prospector and make a difference in our world and for many.

    Then we went for a drink with Michele & Judson, old friends from Redding. They are also looking at places to settle and live so after catching up on family news, we compared our wishes and discoveries to date. It was great to see them and they look and sound healthy, happy and very busy as they are both still working by choice and enjoying life thoroughly. The Redding Roadhouse brought back memories of living in rural Redding CT for 27 years and commuting to NYC (when not traveling) and how often while so many things change, other things have stopped in time and look and feel the same.

    We then got to spend a wonderful evening, dinner and overnight with Vanita & Howard. We have been friends for 25 years, with so many connections including work, Temple, school, our children, and our lives in Redding and traveling the world. As Howard is a United 757 Pilot and Vanita is a world traveler who often travels with him, we always share adventures of people and places around the world. We have caught up with them and Cooper (yes, their dog) as we hiked around Putnam Park and enjoyed a beautiful morning before we left for Delaware and the Crossing where George Washington has crossed a mere 247 years ago. The Delaware River is less than 300 yards wide (but it was winter and rough waters) at the point where the army crossed before the Battle of Trenton and famous for the Continental Army crossing and the first major military victory of the war for Independence. Maybe we can be inspired by GW’s determination and resiliency as we search for places to live.
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  • Day 18

    DELAWARE - Don't Just Pass Thru!

    August 5, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 86 °F

    Yesterday and today were a whirlwind overview of Delaware. Our more than gracious hosts for this overnight adventure were Nancy & Paul. They are long time friends or at least from January 13 (beginning of our ATW trip). Nancy & Paul gave us a great view of the greater Wilmington area and we enjoyed some great meals in the process (of course).

    What a welcome we had as they hosted their Chavurah (a group of Jewish friends that get together to celebrate, learn or pray together) and Shabbat Services at their home on Friday night when we arrived. Their Chavurah has 300 members and a subset get together for Services a few times a month in different homes and have dinner and a beautiful evening together. We enjoyed every person there and learned so much about Delaware as well as the Jewish community. A great group of people from all over the country that have settled in the area. It was a spiritual night but also a warm welcome by many new friends that were open to share all they knew to help us understand the area.

    The next day we met with a friend of Nancy & Pauls who is a real estate agent and we spent the morning with her (Pam) checking our various options as to types of housing and areas to consider. It was a great education.

    We then went to lunch with Nancy & Paul and we walked the riverfront of Wilmington on the Christina River and saw the statues to Harriet Tubman & Thomas Garrett dedicated to their tireless efforts toward Freedom to all. We also looked at housing along the river. We then went to visit the Copeland Maritime Center Campus where the Kaalmar Nyckel (KN) calls home, where it docks when in town and where all the maintenance and training is done for the expert volunteers that keep it such a wonderful historic site. Nancy is on the Board and both of them volunteer to crew the ship many times per year and have been heavily involved for the past 12 years. Amazing exhibits for teaching children of all ages. We loved it (as I have been missing my sailing). I could explain more but it’s better to go to and learn the history and ongoing work to preserve history. That evening we went to a great dinner in Newark (pronounced New Ark), Delaware right down the street from the main campus of University of Delaware. Fun to be in this college town and to see the various areas we drove around to get there and back to their house, where we spent a late night chatting! The next day before we left we went to the JCC, where Nancy gave us a thorough tour of the entire facility (once again, as at the KN ship, Nancy got in to give us a tour because she is very connected at the JCC for many years).

    Great couple of days in the area and gave us many things to consider as we look for a place to settle down. Delaware is a beautiful place to live so next time you are driving North or South on the East Coast ..... my suggestion is Don't Just Pass Thru!
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  • Day 19

    Dinner with Old Friends in ANNAPOLIS

    August 6, 2023 in the United States ⋅ 🌧 75 °F

    We were on to Annapolis, a place Karen lived for many years, to visit with old friends that we have not seen in 7 years, Barbie & Jeff. We had a great evening of some appetizers while catching up. Then we had smoked ribs and ranch potatoes and excellent wine and conversation. What could be better? We were treated to homemade strawberry-peach hard cider. We then hit the road just as a storm was approaching. We weren’t able to outrun the storm, but made it safely to our hotel and fell into bed.Read more

  • Day 20

    MARYLAND- Friends & ROZ

    August 7, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 81 °F

    Today was visit Maryland Day … despite the impending tornado. We went to lunch with Monique and Flo, both had followed our ATW blog. Therefore, our conversations about the trip were very different, as we talked about things that were more obscure and that we hadn’t chatted about with anyone else, who mostly wanted to know, “What was out favorite places to visit and Where do we want to go back to (maybe to live)?” Then we went back to Flo’s apartment to check out her new digs. Very nice!!

    After a visit to the cemetery to chat with Karen’s parents and update them about our trip, we went to visit Roz and her son Don. Roz was 100 while we were traveling, so we missed her Big Party. We caught up with Roz and although she is not doing great in the last few months, we still enjoyed seeing her and making her smile a little. Roz was always a person “remembered they met”. She was wild, had bright red hair, said what was on her mind and was a lot of fun to be with. It is sad, some people in their “twilight time” of life often lose that zest and enthusiasm for life. We pray for Roz that she continues not to be in pain and tries to enjoy little things in life … hopefully like our visit and call from Lee today.
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  • Day 21

    NEW JERSEY- Cuz Rochelle & Cuz Tracy

    August 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☁️ 79 °F

    "We made it through the rain" and last night's Tornado that passed this area ... with dinner in our hotel room.

    We began our journey today and even got to drive past Goucher, Lee's alma mater. We drove from Maryland to New Jersey through some quaint areas we had never seen before, like Port Deposit (see photos) and along the Susquehanna River and then over the Delaware Memorial Bridge.

    We visited with Rochelle and cousin Tracy (our favorite NEW Nutritionalist) who took a day off and came just to visit with us in Manchester NJ on our way to LBI. Rochelle made a lunch that looked like she was working for for days to make this spread that could feed at least 10 people ... but it was only FOUR of us!

    Fun time seeing them and catching up on everyones lives.
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  • Day 21

    Long Beach Island, NJ - 1 of 2

    August 8, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    After visiting with Rochelle we went to stay with Joe & Kate on Long Beach Island. Old friends Dina & Chris were staying there too, so it became a 2-day reunion, where we never even left the house/pool, except for the occasional walk on the beach. Joe was the grill master and Kate whipped up some great dishes to go with the grilling so all we did was eat, drink, games and catchup on 42 years of life (yes, that’s how long we know each other). I forgot to mention that we did stop for sunset and fireworks … absolutely beautiful.Read more

  • Day 22

    Long Beach Island, NJ - 2 of 2

    August 9, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F


  • Day 23

    Chicago Night 1 - Dinner

    August 10, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ☀️ 77 °F

    Today we flew from the East Coast to visit friends in the Midwest. We drove from NJ to Philadelphia and, with some time to spare, had an opportunity to enjoy the interesting artists and their artwork that lined this airport. Our trip from Philadelphia Airport to Chicago was non-eventful and we landed at O’hare (ORD for those travelers and ORcharD Field Airport for those trivia buffs) safe and sound.

    We went to “Ground Level 105” in Lombard for drinks with Jermaine and for dinner with Aimee, who joined us. Just like old home week (sort of, if you know what I mean), the four of us has a fun evening catching us. Then Aimee brought us to her house where we are sure to enjoy her incredible hospitality for the next 4 days … the highlight will be celebrating her birthday Friday.
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  • Day 24

    BAGELS in Chicago Land

    August 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of bagels, who has taste tested them worldwide, I must say Bread Geneva rivals any NY, Fla or Canadian bagel.
    In every category: crispy outside, chewy and tender inside. YUM!

    The flavors that we got today are: chocolate chip, blueberry, cinnamon raisin, cinnamon sugar, plain, cheddar, asiago, everything and mozzarella basil (WOW), Bread Geneva, Who knew?

    PS Did I mention that they deliver!!!…
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  • Day 24

    Be careful what you wish for ....

    August 11, 2023 in the United States ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

    "Be careful what you wish for
    'Cause you just might get it all
    You just might get it all
    And then some you don't want ... "
    --- HOME by Daughtry ---

    8-11-23 Today would have been my father’s 100th birthday. Twenty years ago it was very rare to live a full life and arrive at 100 years old and still be relatively healthy. He had serious health issues for many years so that it was not likely. Today it is not so rare to be 100 years old. I posted in FB some thoughts about my father after spending some serious time reflecting back to growing up and chatting with others about his life. Thinking of him today, as we celebrate Aimee’s birthday beginning with breakfast and special bagels (see separate post) until way after sunset.

    We started with a walk in the park where we met Julie but was rained out once we were there (and had some police distractions) but then we did not let that stop our walk as we found an indoor track to walk. Then we did important birthday cake shopping and having a relaxing afternoon with cocktails. After taking a break in the afternoon so Aimee could take in all the well-wishing birthday calls, chat, texts, and messages, we got ready for dinner and went to Thorns in Des Plaines for a delicious meal and cocktails (see photos).

    The highlight of the evening was the DAUGHTRY concert. This was the second stop on his “Bare Bones” tour at the Rivers Casino. It began with a good but mellow set by Ayron Jones. Then we were treated to this intimate, small venue, acoustic concert with only about 500 people. Daughtry played many of his oldest and best-known hits (i.e, like HOME, the lyrics used in our marriage vows) as well as a few new songs including we celebrated a new release that literally came out TODAY called “Artificial”. Lots of singing and dancing.

    Great night was celebrated by all, brought back wonderful memories and created new ones!
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