Phnum Ta Pok

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    • Day 316

      Mekong Indochina Hash BALL BREAKER TRAIL

      November 12, 2022 in Cambodia ⋅ ☁️ 31 °C

      The forecast showed rain for the day, but we saw little of that early on in the trail. It was hot and humid as we poured off the bus at the start. The first 2 kms was basically just running back up the main road we arrived on, before turning left and into some old dirt roads. At 5 kms we had a quick hash hold, before getting back on trail. At 6 kms, we met up with the LONG trail runners who had just started, and where a water stop was SUPPOSED to be . . . but nothing, so on we went. Finally getting into some real shiggy trail, we crossed some cow pastures and orchards as we zigged and zagged our way along the side of the small elevations in the area.

      At 8 kms, we found the actual only water/beer stop on trail where all the trails converged for a bit. We then worked our way around the side of two more small hills before getting back to the main road . . . and this is when it started to sprinkle. Trail then went down to the beach, which was not really any beach at all, but a long construction site where some new buildings were under construction. At just about 16 kms, trail turned back up to the main road, where the finish awaited us at a park with a soccer field.

      Fly the trail along with us . . .

      By this time, the sky was turning dark, and although we were already soaking wet, the rain really started coming down at this point. The last 25 – 30 hashers who staggered in at this point were nearly swimming their way in. The rain came down for nearly half an hour, but then tapered off as we munched on snacks until the circle started. With 10 blocks of ice as the center piece, circle gaggled on into the dark of night. After several dozen down downs had been administered, we boarded the busses and headed back into town. A fun day with many hash friends.
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