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      Arrivée sur sol canadien 🇨🇦🍁

      25. Juni 2023 in Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

      Nous voilà arrivés à Montréal après plusieures heures de vol.

      Une fois les bagages récupérés, nous prenons en charge notre véhicule et nous nous mettons en route afin de rejoindre notre quatrième maillon, lequel se promène déjà à travers le pays depuis 2 semaines.

      Après les retrouvailles et le chaleureux accueil de la famille Fragnière, nous visitons leur domaine puis nous nous rassemblons au tour d'une bonne bière bien fraîche. La soirée se poursuit dans les rires et la bonne humeur et nous allons finalement nous coucher fatigués, mais heureux d'être arrivés.

      La nuit fût courte...vive le jetlag...2h...4h...5h30...7h30...oh et mince, nous sortons du lit et nous mettons en chemin pour une petite balade matinale. La journée se poursuit avec un excellent déjeuner chez Paccini, un déménagement à l'improviste, une promenade en forêt chez les autochtones et en guise de récompense, nous nous délectons d'une délicieuse glace.

      De retour au bercail, nous revoyons un peu nos plans pour notre voyage et nous réjouissons de passer cette 2ème soirée tous ensemble.

    • Tag 7

      de St Francois du Lac a Baie du Febvte

      12. Juni in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Well, life is interesting! We closed the door to la Maison Hosanna (6:05 am) & guess what? M. Kawasaki came quickly right up to us to bid us « bonne route »! And leave us with a card so that if one of us wants, we can keep in touch via Facebook. Such a friendly guy! Then off he roared to turn around & get to work himself. We laughed over that for the first half-hour of walking because I said to the group as he came up « Est-ce-que c’est Monsieur Kawasaki qui nous approche? And don’t you know—it was!!!
      Just the most gorgeous morning under bright sunshine—the sunrise colors were spectaculaire!
      Very quiet/paisible with SO much birdsong….there s was a morning dove who followed us a long way with her gentle cooing….I love that sound-it always reminds me of CA where we had lots of them.
      In the quiet we walked along admiring the beauty of the countryside & taking photos whenever we wanted. We were walking along the St Francois river for a long way.
      The sun was shining & that made it hotter so I made slow progress in the afternoon…I concentrated on my spiritual intentions for this walk & I sang songs—which really helped!
      As I was passing a bright blue house close to the road on this glorious afternoon, a man observing me, with the window open called out « Que Dieu vous bénisse! » What a loving thing to say! It really meant something to me at that moment.
      We continued quite a bit longer ….I caught up with Carla when she stopped under a tree for a snack. I had stopped earlier myself under a magnificent tree—they are so large and lush here that their shade feels luxurious. Slowly it was starting to cloud over after a sunny day.
      We continued into the village….just as we were entering, we found Gordon on his back in some shade—taking a relax break after eating his lunch.
      At the end of the village we came to a large century old house where we were staying for the nite. I was very glad to have arrived.
      Our landlady is a regular typhoon of activity & boy! Does she love to talk! Her name is Madame Claire & she is very warm, but I was pretty tired & after a coupla hours of listening, I couldn’t listen anymore. Good practice for my French, tho! 😊

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