Nith River

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    • Day 6

      Family reunion in Paris! (Aber Kanada)

      July 14, 2024 in Canada β‹… 🌩️ 27 Β°C

      What a Day!
      Nach 26 Jahr hanis doch au na gschafft mini Cousine d Katie kännelerne.
      Sit dem ich d Jamie und Emily gseh han sind au scho einigi Jahr verfloge..
      Ned z vergesse min Onkel und Tante wieder z'gseh, isch en grossi Freud gsi.
      Leider händ mer müsse euse schön Balkonsitzplatz verloh und is Restaurant ine go ässe wills esch cho Regne als eb d Welt undergaht..
      Denah hani mi schwere Herzens müsse vode Emily woni ha derfe 3 Täg wohne verabschiede für unbestimmti Ziit..
      Leider het ihre Maa de Eric am Morge müsse id Notufnahm wills ihm ned guet gange esch ond ke Arzt Praxis offe gsi isch..
      Gottsei Dank gahts im aber guet und s esch am Schluss nüt Ernst usecho..
      Wiiter nach Port Stanley vo Paris.
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    • Paris

      December 16, 2000 in Canada β‹… 🌧 2 Β°C

      🚴🏼‍-------Parks and Trails-------🏞🚴🏼

      "Great parks with beautiful winding paths attached, that go over the river for walking and biking"

      Lion's Park
      Lookout - train bridge over water falls

      Penman’s Dam
      trails, benches and a picnic table

      Cobblestone Common
      "Super cute little river viewing area. Tucked away just behind a few of the shops on the main strip."

      πŸΊβš–οΈ--Museums & History--βš–οΈπŸΊπŸ—‘
      Paris Museum and Historical Society
      Syl Apps arena
      Cobblestone Home replicas?
      Open Wed-Sat 1-4
      Admission by Donation

      πŸ˜πŸ…πŸ¦“-Zoos and Gardens--🌿🌡
      ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦--------Casinos---------♠ ♣ ♥ ♦
      Grand Experiences Outdoor Adventure Company - Hidden in Oxford County, the Upper Nith River meanders thru dense forests, covering sweeping valleys broken by towering bluffs & rare tall-grass prairies. Best in April June
      The river ranges from calm & serene, to thrilling & challenging, with some great swifts & interesting bends. An unique river great for seasoned paddlers to refine their skills. $80+…

      🎟🀹‍πŸ””------Live Shows----πŸ””πŸ€Ή‍🎟
      Riverfront restaurant with patio

      modern fine dining restaurant

      Cobblestone Public House
      Laid-back, old-timey watering hole with gourmet versions of pub favourites

      * live entertainment *
      -----------------------------------------πŸ’² πŸ’² πŸ’²
      🚚-----------Food Trucks-------------🚚
      burgers * fries * poutine * peameal on a bun * fish & chips * mushroom caps * hotdogs * hot sandwich * wings * fried chicken * sausage on a bun * wraps * tacos * pizza * subs * salads * Italian food * Funnel Cake Fries * ice cream *
      Judy Jean [Thrift Store] *

      El Thrift *

      πŸ•οΈ------Overnight & Camping-------πŸ•οΈ
      πŸŽͺ--------Festivals & Events---------🎭

      πŸ’² πŸ’² πŸ’²
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