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    • Tag 10–11

      Prince George

      10. Juni in Kanada ⋅ ☁️ 64 °F

      A wildlife filled day! Just before the Mount Robson visitors center, I saw a bear on the side of the road. Another car was also stopped there, and as Phil slowed down, a second large bear strolled across the highway right in front of us. As I looked out the CLOSED window for a good camera shot, the first bear ran up the ditch into the trees. The other bear was just strolling.

      We stopped a short time later at the Mt Robson Visitor's Center when the excited man in the first car told us there had been a small grizzly chased away by the noise of his car first before the two large black bears appeared. While we were at the Visitor's Center, another black bear with cinnamon coloring appeared near a set of latrines, and Rangers were keeping people away from it

      Mt Robson is the highest mountain in Canada, and the top is nearly always obscured by clouds. There are lots of pretty flowers at the Visitor's Center.

      We saw several deer, 4 elk, a marmot, and another bear on the drive. I also saw either a moose or a bear in a marshy area.

      We are staying at an RV park tonight in Prince George. It was advertised in the Milepost, which is our road guide for the Alaska trip. I also got the next few nights booked since we are unlikely to have cell service over the next several days. It is a nice, clean, family run place. Very quiet except for some highway noise.

      We went into town and shopped at Walmart to get some stuff we needed. I must say Walmart in Canada is no less crowded or crazy than the US. We had supper at a place recommended by Jamice B, who is a Camino person from Canada who is following us.

      Sitting now among the big campers with our tiny little camper. It's pleasant tonight, but supposed to be raining in the morning. Tomorrow night we are at Tyhee Lake Provincial Park. We will have showers and electrical again before we turn north on the Cassiar Highway on Wednesday.

    • Tag 43

      Alaska Day 43 Prince George, BC

      18. August 2019 in Kanada ⋅ ⛅ 55 °F

      A lazy day of catch up - showers, laundry and a nap in late afternoon. Rain on and off all day. Early afternoon we went into Prince George to check out the city, population ~74,000 and home of the University of Northern British Columbia. We had decided to visit the Art Museum- Two Rivers Gallery. Pictures showed a building with unique architecture in the city center. Their current exhibition was very interesting and a topic which I knew nothing about - the history of the Residential schools for the Indians (now knows as First Nations) in Canada. From the 1920’s until 1996 all Canadian Indians were taken out of their homes and often away from their families and sent to Residential schools throughout the country. Most were run by priests and conditions were not good. Minimal food, no speaking their own language and also abuse issues. The exhibit brought the art leaders in the Indian population with the curators of the museum to tell the story in order to acknowledge the issue so as to help all move on. The story was told in various media, art, sculptures, videos, and film. Very worthwhile.
      The museum was located in a plaza along with the civic center, conference and a lovely park with sculptures and lots of flowers 🌸
      Found a place for a very good lunch downtown and then drove around the city for awhile. Since is was a Sunday all was pretty quiet.
      Back to our RV Park to get ready for another long drive to Vancouver tomorrow. Also finally enough internet to download pictures!!

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