Point Edward

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    • Day 132

      FP update 7/9 Canadian Border Crossing

      July 9, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

      FP update 7/9 Canadian Border Crossing

      Well, another interesting Canadian border crossing. We left the US from Port Huron over the bridge into Port Edward. That was fun due to all the construction going on (see pics). Got to the Canadian Customs booths and realized that I might not fit through their inspection lane. I pulled up just in front of the booth and realized that I was going to clip one (or both) of my mirrors. I got out of the rig to check clearances and suddenly, the border agent started yelling at me to get in the RV. I asked if I could take a moment to size up my entry and he then yelled NO! I said to him that I only have about an inch on each side and didn’t want to damage the rig. Once again, he yelled to get back in the RV. I readjusted my position very slowly and made it to his booth. I guess I pissed him off since he was just plain rude during our brief interaction. I was free to go, so I just inched forward to leave and then bam…scratched the driver’s side mirror on his booth.

      Once again, another great experience with Canadian Customs….ugh.
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    • Day 4


      August 24, 2019 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 68 °F

      We missed the Michigan State Line sign. Construction made it disappear. It was a pretty sign too.

      The Bridge to Canada was so cool, and Tresia completely freaked over the height of it and the boat crossing under us.

      Canada, oh Canada! 1st time out of the US of A for Nathanael, Rachel, Talon and Weston.
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    • Day 16


      July 16, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      Schon sind wieder drei Tage vergangen. Wir haben die Zeit sehr genossen. Am Freitag waren wir am Windcliff Lane Beach, es war bereits schon etwas düster, aber wir wagten uns trotzdem noch in das kalte Wasser. Wir versuchten das erste Mal auf einem Standuppaddle zu stehen, was uns für kurze Zeit gelang.🤣 Plötzlich kam das Gewitter immer näher und wir mussten schnell aus dem Wasser. Gerade noch haben wir es trocken zum Auto geschafft - Glück gehabt.🙊
      Gestern war ich mit Eliane zusammen in der Pediküre und wir liesen es uns gut gehen - war sehr erholsam. Ansonsten waren wir noch shoppen und der Tag war schnell vorbei.
      Heute ging es nach einem sehr feinen Frühstück von Eliane an die Bridge in Sarnia. Wir genossen das Wetter, die Kinder spielten auf dem Spielplatz oder waren am Rollschuhe fahren. Nach einem feinen Glace ging es wieder nach Hause. Wir liesen den Abend bei einem kühlen Bier am Campfire ausklingen.
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    • Day 22

      Goodbye Kanada 🇨🇦: Nervenkitzel & 🎲

      December 26, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 4 °C

      Unser letzter Tag in Kanada 🇨🇦 bricht an, und wir verbringen die Nacht auf einem verlassenen Parkplatz in der Nähe der Niagara-Fälle – so verlassen, dass wir fast das Heulen der Wölfe 🐺 erwartet hätten (okay, es waren nur die Waschbären 🦝 ). Die Grenze zu den USA 🇺🇸 rückt näher, und mit ihr steigt unsere Nervosität 😬: Lassen sie uns rein? Kontrollieren sie uns von oben bis unten? Was dürfen wir überhaupt mitnehmen? Das Internet bietet mehr Verwirrung als Antworten – also bleibt uns nur eines: 🍳Restekochen und alles Frische schnell noch aufessen.

      Am Abend beschließen wir, die letzte kanadische Nacht gebührend zu feiern: Der Parkplatz für unsere Nacht liegt direkt an der Sarina-Blue-Bridge, den Grenzübergang zwischen 🇨🇦 und 🇺🇸 sowie am 🎰 Casino. Also rein da, ein paar Dollar 💵 riskieren! Das Glück? Leider nicht auf unserer Seite – alles schnell verspielt. Aber hey, es ging mehr um den Spaß. Ab ins Bett 🛏️ und gespannt auf den morgigen Grenzabenteuer-Tag.

      Kanada war großartig, abwechslungsreich und absolut eine Reise wert. Die erste Etappe durch den Osten Kanadas🇨🇦 haben wir erfolgreich gemeistert, viele Orte gesehen, Geschichten gesammelt und uns verliebt ins riesige Land ( ❤️🇨🇦❤️erneut- ich war es vorher schon durch meine Reisen in West 🇨🇦). Jetzt heißt es: Goodbye, Kanada! Und auf ins nächste Abenteuer. 🇺🇸🚐✨
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    • Day 92

      🇨🇦 Sarnia -> 🇺🇸 Port Huron

      September 20, 2023 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C
    • Day 1

      Throw Off The Dock Lines

      July 4, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ⛅ 26 °C

      We have been watching the weather apps closely since last week. We thought we may be able to leave last Friday but the lake wasn't ready for us. We need 14 or 15 hours of low wind and waves for a comfortable ride to Cove Island. The boat will take waves and wind, but we look for comfort and don't mind waiting. Dianna is going to drive Tug to Tobemory on Saturday so we can do the trip to Cove Island in one leg. The entrance to the Cove Island anchorage is tricky, so it's important to arrive before dusk. It was still dark as we got ready to leave at 5:20 a.m., but the yacht club is well lit, so it was easy to cast off. The sky to the east was turning a lovely shade of pink as we left the club, and we were treated to a beautiful sunrise as we pointed our bow north. The waves were about a foot, and the wind was light, so it was a nice ride. We needed to make 10 knots of boat speed to make Cove Island in daylight, so we were running at 2000 rpms. Our next fuel stop will hurt, but it's definitely worth it to make the miles. We had a light breakfast while underway, and we settled in for a long day. Randy listened to an audio book, I read a paperback book, and we took turns napping. We lost sight of land after a couple of hours and didn't see anything but water for most of the day. It was overcast and quite hazy at times, but we were comfortable inside the pilot house. There were no other boats in sight, and except for a couple of mylar balloons, we didn't see anything until the Bruce Peninsula came in sight around 5:00 pm. We followed a previous track on our chart plotter into the anchorage to find only one boat there. It was a huge power boat with a generator running, so we went to the far end of the harbour. We dropped anchor in 10 feet of water at 7:40. There were a few logs on the bottom and shallow areas close by. The water is so clear you can see everything on the bottom. The anchorage was very calm. Our anchor really grabbed in a sandy spot, and there were no high winds in the forecast, so we were comfortable with our spot. Best of all, we could barely hear the other boats generator. We sat outside until the mosquitos came out and thoroughly enjoyed our first night at anchor. We love this spot.Read more

    • Day 246–247

      Sarnia Ontario

      July 8, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      A great boondock in Sarnia Ontario. We immediately went to sit on the sea wall and dunk our feet in Lake Huron….a few minutes later a beauty yacht sailed by and drenched us multiple times with its wake. 32 degrees but I’m cool now! 😂

      We are on our way west again almost one full year after moving into the box truck. It seemed to go by at a reasonable pace…now it seems like a blink of an eye since we left Burlington in July 2023. Sigh.
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    • Day 246

      Michigan Road Trip day 5

      September 2, 2024 in Canada ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

      Monday: we navigated the Labour Day Parade crowds out of Sarnia, fueled up at Starbucks and on to Highway 2 heading home. It's a cold windy day, so we opted to avoid the 401/403.

      Lunch in Woodstock at a nice little diner, ironically also called the Chuckwagon, and then rode through Paris, St George, Waterdown and back home before dinner.

      All in all, 1988 kilometers (of that, 900 miles inside Michigan). It was a great long weekend, perfect weather and road conditions.
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