Two bikers travelling around Leer más Exeter, United Kingdom
  • Día 43

    Rest Day: Waiting for the ferry

    7 de agosto de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    The boys headed for the plane early in the morning and so we booked our ferry to Italy and headed to the beach for a day of lounging and waiting for our 8pm departure. The days have been stinkingly hot so we decided it would be best hang up our biking gear for the day in favour of bikinis! Chez did some editing and I lay in the sun trying to get as brown as she is!

    HIGHLIGHTS - Whiskey Sour in the sun
    LOW POINTS - Saying goodbye to the boys
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  • Día 42

    Rest Day: Split

    6 de agosto de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    We spent a relaxing morning drinking coffee with Ante at our local café, first time tasting Cafe Schlagg, I local delicacy which I think replaces milk with a very sweet vanilla like ice cream. It was very yummy so we had two! Ante has been a wonderful host and it was lovely to be able to sit and chat with him about his life in Croatia and beforehand! He’s a fun, smiley and light hearted guy.

    Coffee sunk, we headed for the big city: Split, to take in the tourist sights and sounds. It’s really very beautiful. Perhaps not as quintessentially picturesque as Rovinj, but more alive with culture and city life, with street sellers, markets, back streets and the hustle and bustle of delay life. We explored the old quarter of the city until the heat caused our excitement to turn to exhaustion and we slowed down in search of shade.

    Ante had suggested we eat at a little restaurant called Corto Maltese and it was incredible, Chez and I shared two platers, one seafood mousse and one cold meats, both were exceptional! Josh and Dunphy both had lamb and mash potato with a kind of jus. I can’t praise it enough!

    With Split out of our system, we headed to the beach further south with shade, a small bar and the Adriatic ocean to cool ourselves, the perfect end to the holiday and we managed to get in the water every day!

    Josh and Dunphy are due to fly home early tomorrow so it’s an early night with a cup of tea.
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  • Día 41

    Rest Day: Krka National Park

    5 de agosto de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    It has been so lovely to see the guys and show them a little piece of our world. Today we woke up slowly with coffee and breakfast and just mooched around the apartment in our underwear, acclimatising to the incredible heat (35c). Come 10.00 we headed off to Krka National Park to explore the waterfalls and lakes and relish the shade.

    In our infinite wisdom we decided to forgo the bus in favour of a 900m walk down a hill, realising half way down that we would need to hike back up! Luckily the bus collected us from the bottom!!

    Once we had explored all the beautiful lakes we decided we needed to get in one so drove over to a lovely little swimming spot to finally get in the water! It was glorious to just enjoy the cool of the lake and watch the world go by. I think we may have also fallen asleep! Bliss

    Back home for one of Chezs famous chicken salads and an early night. It was a lovely day relaxing together in the sunshine and spending some time with our boys.

    HIGHLIGHTS - being with the boys, swimming with the swans
    LOW POINTS - none
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  • Día 40

    Slunj to Obrovac Sinjski

    4 de agosto de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ⛅ 33 °C

    Today, Dunphy and Josh arrived! They both flew into Split Airport at 0930 this morning so Chez and I hit the road early and met them near the AirBnB that we hired for the weekend. They are here for just three days arriving on Thursday morning and flying out again on Sunday, feels like no time at all and Chez and I will be left to our own devices again to head up through Italy and homeward.

    For the first day, we met at a little cafe in Obrovac Sinjski for a few beers by the river before meeting our host who took us to our apartment for the weekend. We then hit the road to get to the beach for a swim in the sea and eat some local food.

    HIGHLIGHT - Seeing Josh and Dunphy
    LOWPOINTS - no aircon in the apartment and 35c heat
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  • Día 39

    Rest Day: Plitviče Lakes

    3 de agosto de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Early start today as we hit the popular tourist destination of Plitviče Lakes before the crowds descended. Being just 30 minutes down the road, we were able to arrive at 7.30, de-robe from our biking gear and join the few other early birds on the beautiful board walks that skirted the lakes and waterfalls. What a tranquil place! Aqua marine pools of clear water, dragonflies and butterflies skittering along the surfaces and curtains of waterfalls descending from grassy banks and woodlands above. The pictures say more about the utter serenity… until the other tourists arrived, at which point it became a cue and jostle for selfies and instasnaps. Of course we were as guilty as the rest!

    15,000 steps, 10km, countless waterfalls and almost 6 hours (!) later, we left the lakes in search of an afternoon siesta and the cool of our air conditioned room.

    Refreshed from our snooze we packed up our bags and sorted our stuff for another early morning tomorrow, heading south in search of the two other wheels to our troublesome quadruplet! Josh and Dunphy of course!

    HIGHLIGHT - Plitvice Lakes
    LOW POINT - the crowds of Plitvice, and the price (£70 for two)
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  • Día 37

    Rest day: Slunj

    1 de agosto de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    Day off the bikes today to explore Rastoke Slunj, a beautiful little village of waterfalls and wooden houses.

    We just spent the day meandering in the sunshine, drinking coffee over looking the waterfalls (at a restaurant that sold bear steaks 🐻) and swimming in the river of course! It was very hot and Chezs feet had started to hurt so it was hard going at times but we had a lovely day off the bikes together and slept well that night.

    The final place to explore was just along the river where you could swim and bask in the sun on the river bank. Beautiful!!

    HIGHLIGHTS - swimming in the river, meandering through the beautiful village
    LOW POINTS - the heat
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  • Día 36

    Fazana to Slunj

    31 de julio de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    We have done 240km today and man did we know it. We’ve obviously got out of the routine of long journeys but the roads didn’t help either. The final road of the day was exhausting with changing surface conditions, blind corners and locals driving in the middle of the road. We both ache a fair amount and were glad to reach our Airbnb which is part of a fast food restaurant, goodbye diet!

    We’re both currently sat just outside, drinking beer, listening to bikes ride past (Christ knows where they’re going) and waiting for our burgers.

    Overall it’s been a good day. Some of the roads were epic with big sweeping bends, stunning views and a fair few other bikers. We were obviously in the right place! The D3 is definitely one to mention!

    For lunch we found ourselves in a vibrant local Croatian place surrounded by locals trying their best to make conversation with us. It was good fun!

    Burger demolished, it’s time to relax and get an early night

    HIGHLIGHTS - burger, D3, Croatian locals
    LOW LIGHTS - final road of the day, locals inability to stay on their side of the road
    ROADS - D3 from Soboli to Dedin
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  • Día 35

    Rovinj to Fazana

    30 de julio de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

    Our wonderful host let us leave the bikes at the Airbnb apartment so we walked into Rovinj to explore the old town, take a dip in the sea and eat some wonderful sea food.

    The front was just as beautiful as the evening before with a little more hustle and bustle. We drank coffee on the shore in a swanky little cafe sometimes getting a little wet from the waves splashing against the sea wall.

    Caffeined up, we headed for the cobbled streets of Rovinj, which were wonderful, and very easy to get lost in! At the top is the beautiful church of St Euphamia, a huge Catholic Church with sweeping vistas of the Mediterranean and small town below. We both lit a candle for loved ones and sat in the shade before descending the hill in search of food.

    On the menu? Fish, of course! I had seabass and Chez had squid and it was very good! I think Chez even took a photo as she is want to do!

    We finished the day off with a dip in the incredibly salty Mediterranean and then went off to grab the bikes and attempt to find somewhere to stay.

    What with the raging wild fires recently, we had made the decision to do a few Airbnbs but they are hard to find in Croatia and so we ended up further down the coast at a little spot called Fazana. Looking forward to a longer day tomorrow as we head to our base inland and can dump all our bags for a few days!

    HIGHLIGHTS - cobbled streets of Rovinj, sea food, swimming in the Mediterranean
    LOW POINTS - stress of not finding anywhere to kip
    ROADS - none of note
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  • Día 34

    Bovec to Rovinj

    29 de julio de 2022, Croacia ⋅ ☀️ 28 °C

    We hit the road today in search of sunshine and quieter campsites and Croatia of course! The camp we had been staying at was busy and slightly chaotic so we decamped and hit the road.

    We said goodbye to the mountains of the passed few days and headed for the Mediterranean coastline for some sun and boy did we get it.

    It was a short day on the road but felt long with sweltering temperatures, Chez thinks it was about 33c and I think it was 50c 🥵😂

    We arrived at our little Airbnb early and instantly took showers, Chez then took to editing and I went out for a long walk around the harbour. With million dollar boats and expensive hotels, it was a little glimpse into how the other half live.

    HIGHLIGHTS - walk around the harbour in the evening
    LOW POINTS - the heat
    ROADS -
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  • Día 33

    Rest Day: Bovec

    28 de julio de 2022, Eslovenia ⋅ ⛅ 27 °C

    What a day!? I thought I couldn’t fall in love with Slovenia any more than I already had done, but clearly I was wrong. Yesterday we decided to have a rest day without the luggage to explore the local area, know as the Julian Alps and I am so very glad we did.

    After a nice relaxing coffee in Bovec and a quick stop at the bakery we headed up Mangart Saddle, a well known biking route on the border with Italy. The views were incredible with rugged mountains in all directions and blue skies. Heavenly! We spent many hours up there just looking at the view, walking and eating our early lunch. I even tried to get my drone out but it decided to have a quick malfunction and fell in amongst the trees. As a dedicated pilot, I climbed down the side of a mountain to reach it!

    One mountain pass ticked off and the fresh mountain air in our lungs (along with a couple of cigarettes) we headed off in such of our next set off hairpins.

    Vršič pass was far less scenic and far more technical. Who puts cobbles on hairpin bends?! Each hairpin was numbered (genius!) so we know that we rode from 53 to 17 and back. A whopping 72 hairpins each as we went there and back. And of course we both got stickers!!

    The final part of the so before returning to camp was pretty special. The Soca river is turquoise blue and crystal clear, it’s also glacially cold, having flowed from the beautiful rivers that we had seen earlier in the day. After a hot and sticky day on the bikes, it was the perfect remedy! My hands and feet aches from the cold but I guess that made it even more special. What a glorious day! Again!

    HIGHLIGHTS - sitting at the top of Mangart Pass taking in the view, swimming in the icy cold Soca
    LOW POINTS - hand cramp from too many hairpins
    ROADS - Mangart Pass, Vršič Pass
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