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    • Day 42


      July 14 in China ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

      🇨🇭: Am nögste Tag sind mir id nöchi vom See und denn so ehn ussichts turn geahluege, mega schöni ussicht gsi. Aber es isch so heiss gsi ( 39°C) und Luftfürchtigkeit isch so hoch gsi es het üs schier glupft. 🥵🔥

      Am gliche Tag sind mir am Obet in nen Park wos verschiedeni Performance und Shows git. Det hend mir die Berühmtist Show in China gseh! Und es isch würkli eifach wow gsi😍 die ufwändige Kostüm, Tänz und die ganz Gschicht eifach alles isch echt so beidruckend gsi. Muess meh definitiv eimol gseh ha!

      Zum schluss, hemmer no bide grösst Wasserschlacht party mitgmacht (vorallem ich) mega lustig gsi zum mit de Iheimische eifach spass zha, so egal woher das chunsch und wenn ned kommuniziere chasch☺️

      🇬🇧: At the next day we visit a view point next to the lake. We got a very nice view, but the temperatures were so hot (39°C) snd the humidity was soooo hight, we nearly died🥵🔥

      Also at the same day we went to a park to see the most famoust show in China! It was just wooooow, such a amazing and great show😍
      Very elaborate costumes, dance and the whole history was very impressive. You really have to see it when you visit China.

      At the end we join the biggest waterfight party! (Special me) it was so nice to have fun with the locals, it doesn‘t care where are you from or you can‘t understand each other. You just have fun together ☺️
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Dazhuqiao, 大诸桥

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