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  • Día 20

    Tiberias (Galilee )

    20 de junio de 2023, Israel ⋅ ☀️ 31 °C

    Had a very good night's sleep so much so did not hear the Muslim prayers in the middle of the night or the early hours before sunrise. Looked at the time and I had 4 minutes to get to mass by 7.00am. Jumped out washed face, cloths on and rushed down stairs. Was just a tad late.

    At breakfast the priest was off today, so was I and I think the American couple felt a bit sad. Gary the man said to me I hope I get to meet your husband one day. I think you've got a fan Colin. He was the one and the same who thought you were great. Haha. If only he knew. 🤣🤣🤣

    Any ways checked out with one heavy as bag, got to Damascus gate, then in a tram,( had to ask for help to start with I didn't even know which direction the central bus station was!!!!.. off the tram everything is in Arabic and Hebrew and both of those is Double Dutch to me so asked a young lad where the bus station was. The priest and his friend had mentioned how they git confused with the train station and Bus terminal. He pointed to the building on the oppersite side. So off I marched after I had gone half way this young guy comes running and says to me sorry it's over there my mistake. At least he was good enough to come running after me and let me know. So back again I crossed the street and went to the bus terminal. Up to the 3rd floor and then asked a cinscript how to get to Tiberias. He said which number and which platform. Even managed to add on money to my Rav card as that is all that is used as payment on the busses.

    Very fast bus, must have been going well over 100kms at times. 175 kms came in approximately 1 hour 45 minutes. Comfy journey. Thanks to Google found my way to Casa Nova. This is run by the Franciscan priests. There was a notice to say check in was at 4.00pm. The time was now 12.30pm. Rung the bell a lady answered, I said could I please leave my bag. She was the house keeper, she went off and checked my room, said it was all good to go, and I was able to check in.🙂

    She thought I was brave for coming on my own, when people say that my reply is " not sure if I am Brave or Stupid". I think it's a mix. 🙂.

    Sat and decided my plan of attack for the next few days. Sat on the roof top terrace and looked across the waters and the surrounding hills. Approximately 2000 years ago Jesus walked on these hills, he sat and looked across the water as I am doing now. He had a plan, a mission to accomplish, and a very short time to do so. Now 2000 years later there are humans such as I who believe in him, his way of life. In the gospels, we read about him first, what's he teaching. Then decide ok I like it, and now how do I learn to be like him, what are his core beliefs and values. His Birth was in Bethleham, his earthly ministry ended in Jerusalem. Both these two places I have visited which has helped me to understand the teachings and the writings. "In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. I have seen this terrain now and can relate to it.

    Now I am in the region where Jesus did most of his teachings and ministry work. So starting tomorrow I am hoping I can be a listener to hear the teachings and their echos in my minds eye and heart by contemplative prayer and reflection.

    Went for a walk and to have a look around the water front. The casa Nova is by the water as well. To have a meal of what's called Peter's Fish. It's like a trout grilled or fried with chips and salad is NZ 45-50.00.
    Made a reservation at the waterfront dinner for one. Went for a walk in the blazing, blazing hot sun, a pizza costs NZ 35.00. Had a focaccia bread with garlic and Feta cheese NZ 14.00.

    When Marita was with me and she was converting Israeli New Shekals( INS) to Euros I was telling her off, now I am doing it. Marita where are you???? You should be here to stop me doing this mind game.🙂

    Any ways I have enjoyed my lunch on the roof terrace over looking the sea of Galilee, watch fighter jets zooming by and now might even have a nanny nap.

    My nanny nap turned out to be a 3 hour sleep. Hmmmm..... the stress of working out in how to get here must have been more than I realised. Anyways after a wash went out for dinner of the St Peter's Fish.

    Only 7500 steps the lowest I have walked since being here. Hope I make up for it tomorrow.
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