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  • Day 21

    Capernaum, and Tabgha

    June 21, 2023 in Israel ⋅ ☀️ 34 °C

    My plan today was to go see Tabgha and Capernaum. Tabgha is where Jesus multiplied the two fishes and the five loaves. Further down from there is the church of Primacy of Peter, and further down the road is Peter's house, and the white Synagogue. Walking from one to the other I also passed the Hemmorage Stone and one of the seven springs.

    As an young adult not much is known of the man called Jesus, but in the 3 years that he worked as a rabbi he lived and worked mostly in Capernum. It is thought he might have lived at Peter's home. We also know through the Gospel, Peter's MIL lived with Peter as well. Today over where Peter's house was 2000 years ago there is a church over the excavation.

    Close to that is the white Synagogue. This is in ruins as well. But it is believed that this white stone Synagogue has been built over where the original Synagogue that Jesus would have taught and read the scriptures.

    Moving back towards Tabgha there is the church where Jesus said to Peter when he appointed him as the shepherd in charge

    In response to Peter's three affirmations of love for him, Jesus gives Peter three commands: "Feed my lambs" / "Take care of my sheep" / "Feed my sheep". Jesus is re-commissioning Peter as an apostle and leader in the church.

    Between here and Capernaum was one part of the 7 springs.

    Moving further back towards Tiberias we come to the church where it is believed that the multiplication of loaves miracle happened. Under the alter is a piece of exposed rock, which is belived to be part of the place where this mieracle took place. The mosaic work dates back and is beautiful. Some parts of it were being repaired. The gospel was very much coming alive. As I walked I also passed the hemorrhage stone. This is where the woman who had been bleeding thought if she could just touch the tassel of his garment, that she would get better.

    It was a very long day. I should have followed Google, but followed the advice of a English man at the bus stand. This ended up by Mr walking forward visiting each place, but then to come back ( I was more than 5 kms down the road by then) I had to walk all the way back. I was melting in the heat, I would not have been able to walk back in that heat. So I had to stay for over 2 hours for the bus. Had I followed Google I would have walked back towards the junction I got off at, and there was about 3 more bus choices. Oh well, you live and learn Google knows best.

    While I was waiting this random guy came over from no where. I had read that these places are in the middle of no where and it was true. Not sure why but I honestly thought Capernaum was yet a village. But sadly that was not the case. It was an ancient village. There were no houses, no restaurants, no busses etc. Any how going back to the guy he started to talk and asked if I was working in a tourist. I said pilgrim. Then he asks from where so I said Sri Lanka. Thought if he wanted to kidnap me, it was not going to be worth while. Thought I was quite clever!!!..
    Apparently he doesn't work as he has got PTSD. Anyhow he was flagging down cars as well while waiting for the bus. A van stopped and he got on and off he went. I must say I was happy to see the back of him.

    I have learned my lesson, the next few days I am taking a taxi from A to B and B to C.

    The photos tell the story of my visit today.
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