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  • Gün 28

    Back to Jerusalem

    28 Haziran 2023, Filistin ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Today got up early to iron all the cloths that dried over night, and then to get to mass by 8.00am at the Basilica.

    I had got all my bags packed before I went to mass as I wanted to not miss my bus back to Jerusalem. If I missed this bus I would have too take 3 connections to get to Jerusalem.

    Got back to the apartment and then even though I was 45 minutes early at the bus halt was just a 3 minute walk, I decided to go. When I got to the halt there was about 5 mmuslim families with about 10 children already there. There were two little boys who must have been around 6 or 7. Honestly one oof them the behavior, the mannerisms was so much like Roshnal my nephew when he was that age. This little guy found a whole cigarette on the ground, picked it up and was walking around pretending to smoke it. He was a little devil. His parents had to smack him a few times, but back he was to being naughty. He went to a shop close to the halt that had a chest freezer with ice cream cones and opened it and started to goo through them.🙂

    Anyhow the bus came on time and we all got in and what a relief. Back in Jerusallem met a young man in the tram line who was helpful and started chatting with him.

    Learnt from him that essential service as he called it has to be done by everyone of the age 18 to 21. Before they go to uni. The army decides what and who you are going to be doing while in service. Only the elite are taken into being pilots and intelligent service staff. If you get chosen for computers your future is set for the rest of your life. You can after your 3 years decide to stay on or leave.
    When he heard I was from NZ he says how fortunate we are. His words were " we are surrounded by enemy's who are all trying to kill us". Taking that point of view you can understand why they gave all this security and essentially service etc.

    In the evening went to meet with Manilka and Aruna. That was very nice as I had not met Manilka for at least 52 years. There was no moments of awkwardness or hesitations. We just started talking about life families, sites visited etc. Was so nice to touch base with both of them.
    Okumaya devam et