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  • Giorno 27


    27 giugno 2023, Israele ⋅ ☀️ 26 °C

    Last 3 places to visit on my pilgrimage. Months of planning, reading, and researching all now come to a finale. A trip that will last as a memory to be cherished and nourished each time I read the scriptures. I now know the terrain, I now know the temperature, the attitude of the people. I am rich from experiencing this first hand.

    My first place to visit was just an oppersite to where my apartment was just a hop step and a jump. Just followed the people coming and going, and I was at the Basilica of the Annunciation. It was a very different church where the grotto area was. No mosaic works very simple and dark. It is very much conducive to prayer and reflection. Commune with God was easy. Imagining Angel Gabrielle visiting The Vergin Mary was very easy. From there, I went to the top church. That was very different, more like the churches I have visited so far.

    Then, to visit St Josephs church. This is believed to be where he had his work shop. Where Jesus might have worked following his foster fathers instructions. In a chapel at the bottom, there was a depiction of the marriage of Mary and Joseph, and also Joseph in his old age. They lived as normal human beings for that time of Jesus's life.

    Then I went to see Mary's well, that was disappointing as there was no water in the spring. So I took a photo, but it was really not worth mentioning.

    Took a while after that to find the place to catch the bus back to Jerusalem tomorrow. What a circus that was from here to that place then from that place to there, then back to here then the entire circuit again. Finally got it sorted. Call Centre staff all over the world must be school drop outs. As I was first told by the bus company call centee girl there is no direct bus to Jerusalem I would have to take a few buses then I had to inform her what about bus 955. Then she says oh!! yes there is a direct bus. And then she tells me the time. I say to her where does the bus start at, and I am told from the central bus station, I ask her where is tge central bus station and I am told I have not been to Nazareth, so I can't tell you where it is. Ok can you give me an address no I don't have that is tge reply. But I can give you the bus station number. I had gone into a shop to get a drink of lemon juice in a bottle. So after hanging up I asked the shop staff. They were very helpful. It was very close to where the shop was so he came out and showed me and even told me the colour of the bus.

    Been watching a really nice Hebrew movie with sub titles in English while in the room. Done my last load of washing for this holiday I hope today.

    Tomorrow there is mass at the Basilica so will go at 8.00am for that, then get the bus to Jerusalem.

    Thank you Holy Trinity for a safe and memorable trip to Holy Land.

    Today is Tuesday and from now on, whatever I do is a bonus. Tomorrow back to Jerusalem, hoping to meet Manilka and Aruna in the evening, then on Thursday and Friday at the Franciscans Hermitage, on Saturday hoping to meet Archim and in the evening bought a ticket to go for the light show at David's tower. Then on Sunday evening flying back to NZ.

    Pause for Thought

    I started my pilgrimage on the 13th of June in Jerusalem. One of the first places I visited was the church of the Holy Family. Today I finish my pilgrimage in Nazareth where the Holy Family lived as any family of that time. My imagination of the life then and now might be totally incorrect, but it would have been hard work, above poverty line living. Very poor health standards etc. I don't think I can imagine to be honest. So when I see some of stained glass pictures or paintings I feel that is so not true, there lives would have been so harsh and we are putting a rosy filter on that life time. Jesus, came into that life to give me an opportunity to have inheritance to a life in heaven.

    As I finish my pilgrimage may I not forgot the thoughts and facts of this journey. May I make a lasting change in my life life with the help of the Holy Trinity. Amen
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