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    11 stycznia 2016, Chiny ⋅ 🌫 1 °C

    I guess we can call this home, our home away from home. We've been in Hefei for almost 3 months now but my god- it feels like a lifetime. Travelling to China as a family of 4 was a whole new experience. Punched with emotion, we boarded the plane in Deer Lake. Tears welled up and fell down my cheeks as I tried to be strong. What are we doing? Why are we leaving all of the people we love? Our comfort? Why am I doing this to myself?....One year Sam, just one year. It'll be ok. The trip to Beijing was pretty uneventful. However, when we hopped on the subway that takes you from one terminal to another in Beijing airport up comes the airplane food. The Chinese people sharing the car were pretty cool about the fact that our kid just puked on the floor, we were panicked- we had another few hours of travelling until we arrived in Hefei! Feeling jetlagged, tired, a little nauseated myself, I tried to keep positive. So much for positive thinking, there was another puke on the bus, another one on the airport floor in Hefei and then.... we were home. A beautiful school campus, a clean and spacious apartment, an elevator...alright! Work and school started right after our arrival. There were some unexpected changes in our job assignments but what seemed like a mountain at the time, now seems like nothing more than a bump....a blip even. We have gotten comfortable here and have made it a home. What was going to be just one year, has now turned into two. That's right, we are coming back again next year. Czytaj więcej