• Dia 11

    Open water and turtle bay

    19 de julho de 2018, Equador ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

    An morning that started prior to six, contained a bus trip to the harbour, a bag search for forbidden materials when leaving the island and a near death experience on the devil's speed boat for two hours on open water. Our family sat in the back and managed pretty well but inside people.vomited left and right. The staff had a designated plastic bag dealer which also took care of waste and sprayed the air with air freshener. Take my word: if you ever consider going between the two islands San Cristóbal and Santa Cruz, use sea sickness pills! Tilde has taken double dose and wore her sea sickness bracelets but still couldnt hold it in when the captain stopped the boat to use the toilet. To put it simple, my mom'd rather build a new life in Galapagos rather than go back by boat. ☺️

    So after our near-death experience we were packed on a bus and shipped to our hotel where we were told we would be picked up in 20 minutes to go on our first tour. I have never seen a family of five put better use on 20 minutes- all five managed to use the bathroom, change the wet clothes and put on some sunscreen plus pack towels and swimsuits. Some kind of record!

    Our first trip went to the beautiful white sand beach of Tortuga Bay. To get there we had to walk for 2.5 km over the strange black landscape significant for Galapagos: with the cactus and an ocasional Santo Palo, the bleached white tree with the fragrant smell. Our guide told us it gets green in december, january, february after the rain.

    The 2.5km walk in the heat was enough for some of our group but me and the girls continued to a more tranquil bay on the other side of the beach. We saw turtle enclosures marked with orange tape to mark where the turtles had layed their eggs and we also saw a colony of black iguanas. How very strange creatures! In the more secluded bay we went to a well deserved swim before we started the long way back. How the kids managed to walk mostly the entire way back amazes me, Viggo is no more than 3 and must have walked closer to 5 km in the heat. But afterwards we were all out of energy so when the guides had planned a trip to the Darwin museum me and the kids decided to stay back at the hotel and rest. Bengt went and said it was interesting.

    Tired of the hotel food we went out to eat in the evening. I had ceviche for the hundred time, yum! Well home i was attacked by a cochroach. It was scary, it hid in our shoes until Bengt chased it out with a broom!
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