• Day 8

    First Week Mastered!

    May 9, 2023 in the Netherlands ⋅ 🌧 15 °C

    With more than 1200 miles and more than 1000 photos on the SD card, we mastered the first week of the EV PHOTO TOUR 2023!
    My charging experience summary so far:

    enough fast chargers along the motorway to easily and relaxed drive through the countries, but especially in Italy it could be still improved.

    Along the motorway ok, on the countryside still room for improvement, especially in the reliability of the charging stations.
    They have very strict rules how long one can charge, sometimes a bit too strict (2 hours at a 11kW station for example in MONSCHAU might not be enough).

    Big bravo and a deep curtsey how the Dutch implemented EVs into their everyday life without any drama, discussions or riots against it. Even the coaches and busses are running on e-juice. And you basically find everywhere a charging station, never more than 10 minutes walk (rather less) from where you want to go, be it countryside, be it city.

    Sorry council COCHEM, you are a big loser.
    You have 10 charging stations, very convenient close to the historic center, at the train station. But only 2 are working!
    And to make it even worse - 6 out of the 8 out of order stations are marked as working and even the hotline does not know about the problem (which exists already more than 3 months as locals told me). Desperate EV drivers trying to charge and getting aggressive and annoyed is a common sight in Cochem and that should not be the case. Big 👎 👎 👎 👎 👎
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