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  • Day 279

    Chillen und ein bisschen Geschichte

    January 10 in Germany ⋅ ❄️ 1 °C

    Obwohl Berlin eine Grossstadt ist, haben wir es trotzdem geschafft, etwas herunter zu fahren. Wir haben fein gefrühstückt und natürlich auch so ein paar Bäckereien ausgecheckt. Ein Besuch im jüdischen Museum und dem Holocaust Denkmal durfte auch nicht fehlen. Zum Znacht gabs nochmal super feines vietnamesisches Pho 😋Read more

  • Day 276

    Berlin, wir sind da!

    January 7 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 6 °C

    Früh klingelte der Wecker und wir machten uns erneut auf den Weg zum Flughafen. Wie auch wir haben scheinbar viele andere selber ein Hotel gebucht. Bei der Sicherheitskontrolle stauten sich die vielen Menschen, aber wir waren zum Glück früh genug da. Alles warteten gespannt auf die Infos zum Gate und als endlich kurz vor Boarding die Durchsage kam, stressten natürlich alle gleich dorthin. Weil da aber noch ein anderer Flug angeschrieben war, herrschte bei manchen sogar Panik 🙄 Im Flugzeug dauerte es super lange, bis jeder seinen Platz gefunden hatte und nach dem Enteisen konnten wir dann mit einer halben Stunde Verspätung ab. Nach einem turbulenten Flug kamen wir nach rund drei Stunden in Berlin an. Das Gepäck kam zum Glück schnell und wir konnten mit dem Zug Richtung Alexanderplatz fahren. Im Hotel ruhten wir uns etwas aus und dann gabs ein feines vietnamesisches Znacht im Madame Ngo 😋Read more

  • Day 9

    Sightseeing dag 1

    October 18, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Vi var forbi Führerbunker, Jøde mindesmærke, Reichtag, Brandenburger Tor, Harckescher Markt og Domkirken. Vi spiste frokost udendørs i det dejlige solskinsvejr.
    President Biden var også på besøg i Berlin. Hans karavane af sorte biler kørte fordi, og helikoptere fløj over os.
    Til aften rodede vi os ud i noget mexicansk i Kreuzberg med margharitas og øl. Det var hektisk, rodet og en smule snusket. Typisk Kreuzberg.
    Martin er dygtig til at tale som de indfødte. Han fortæller om sig selv, at han kan tale tydende flysk.
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  • Day 4

    Day 4 - Berlin Marathon

    September 29, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 14 °C

    Today was the Berlin marathon. Cathie and 58,000 other runners traveled 42.2 km around the city.
    Weather was cool at the start but the sun was shining and eventually it hit about 14 C. Less windy than the past two days.
    Bob was a great supporter. He got me to the start and then took my warm clothes for later.
    I had bought a throw away hoodie that I would donate at the start line.
    Race was so crowded the entire time. I have never run a race that big before.
    My time was slower than I had hoped, 4:49:27, but I was injured the last three weeks so just thankful I was able to run.
    We celebrated with German beer and schnitzel afterwards.
    Now we are packing and getting ready to head to the airport at 4:30 am for our morning flight to Zurich.
    We then catch three trains to Wegan where we meet up with our friends Janet & Gary and Sharon & Steve for a week of hiking. 🥾
    Between Bob’s knee and my sore legs we are going to be quite the couple.
    Thanks for following along on my race today.
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  • Day 3

    Day 3 - Saturday in Berlin

    September 28, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☀️ 11 °C

    After we each slept about 10 hours we think we are rested. I did a very short run from the hotel to make sure my legs were going to be ready for tomorrow.
    We walked to the start / finish line of the marathon. The 5 km shake out race was taking place which was fun to see how many runners were participating.
    We found the participant entrance point for tomorrow morning and the area where I will hopefully find Bob after I finish.
    We then took the subway back to the hotel and found another nice coffee shop.
    Weather is cool but the sun is shining. The winds are starting to ease. Hopefully tomorrow they will be less but it’s going to be chilly at the start. No rain forecasted which is great.
    There are over 58,000 runners tomorrow. I am in H corral which means I should be going off at 10 am. I bought a throw away fleece to donate at the race start so I don’t freeze during the 90 minutes I am waiting for my start. Berlin marathon has an App if anyone wants to track me. I am race #77273. Bob is going to be able to take transit around the city and spot me hopefully during the day. Thanks for all the well wishes.
    It is now 5:30 pm, dinner is done, gear is ready. Marathon #63 here I come.
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  • Day 1

    Paar Stunden in Berlin

    July 1, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 20 °C

    Die paar Stunden in Berlin verbringe ich einen Teil davon mit einem Kollegen aus San Diego (Deutscher). Er musste dann wieder nach Hause und ich lief vom Alexanderplatz bis zum Brandenburger Tor. Gleich geht es wieder an den Flughafen und dann ab nach New York.🛫Read more

  • Day 48

    IN Berlin & Hamburg 🇩🇪

    June 19, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    Spent 1 full day in Hamburg & 2 full days in Berlin. Hamburg has my heart I think more than Berlin does 🤭
    We spent the first half of Hamburg walking around the city centre & having lunch, we then went to a car museum & the train museum & both was so much fun!! Train museum was 3 storeys & had so much, didn't know where to look half the time 🫣 also the architecture & the weather was amazing!
    Berlin was also amazing just had some shotty weather 🥲
    We spent the first day exploring - went to a Jew memorial museum & wow
    Second day was again filled with walking and exploring- weather was better & we managed to see a lot & eat lots of sausages!!
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  • Day 28

    Day 28: Berlin

    May 11, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 15 °C

    We smashed this city in one day seeing all the sites we wanted to and more. The Brandenburg gates; checkpoint Charlie; the Berlin Wall. But by far the monument and museum to the murdered Jews of Europe was an emotional three hours.Read more

  • Day 34

    Day Thirty-Four: Off to Berlin

    April 18, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ⛅ 9 °C

    As I sit on my plane 20 days after this. Makes me realize how much you do forget! But really, I do remember not too much happened this day. We drove up from Prague, hungover once again, and had a short stop in Dresden. I even had two dates, as you can see. The WWII story behind Dresden is super sad. It was an important transport center for the Nazis so churchhill bombed them. But what they did was do a couple of warning bombs away from populated areas so people can take shelter; in Dresden, that would mostly be the protestant church. Then church continued to go and bomb the shit out of the church and kill everyone inside... completely innocent people. It's really hard to slowly learn about the horrible things the allies did that we just don't hear about. I did have a chance to take a quick look, and it was beautiful while looking different from Catholic churches. We had a coffee and a nice bathroom break. I feel bad for whoever had to follow me and ethan into that bathroom. After we didn't have a lot of time so we ran and shoved our faces and made a pizza burrito. When we arrived in Berlin, Bec gave us a short bus tour explaining the area and some of the buildings. Even with a short stop at the part of the Berlin wall with all the artwork. And no, Nick and I are not actually kissing. It was nice too because Nick and I wanted to have a chill one on one chat about our life's and other stuff. For the first time on the trip, we had a chance to actually go off and get time apart from everyone! We went to a very authentic German bar where they had a traditional German band playing too! We even got a beer stein that was like a 1.5 liters of beer... unfortunately it was not very quiet so not the best place but we made it work. Some of the ladies were having a self care night and bought a whole bunch of face masks, and I was invited. Ethan was so out of it. I'm pretty sure he went to bed at 8. The face masks were fun, but the problem was that it won't stick to my lower face due to my beard. It was still a fun night, just chilling and chatting with everyone.Read more

  • Day 17


    April 16, 2024 in Germany ⋅ ☁️ 10 °C

    We had two days in Germany 🇩🇪

    First day was a walking tour through Berlin city centre despite the fact that it was 3 degrees and pouring rain. went to the spot where Hitlers bunker is/was as well as a holocaust memorial and many other beautiful buildings. That night we had dinner with the group which was Moroccan food. And had a street art tour where we were encouraged to drink on the street as it is legal 🤭

    Second day we were mostly on the bus but stopped in Dresden Germany, most of Dresden was bombed during ww2 so many of the buildings have a charred black exterior. We had a small walking tour there before driving into Prague 😌
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