Heading home

After a beautiful weekend with about 70 ladies I had another early morning but very much looking forward to getting home and seeing our little Banksia today.
I certainly need to catch up on someRead more
After a beautiful weekend with about 70 ladies I had another early morning but very much looking forward to getting home and seeing our little Banksia today.
I certainly need to catch up on someRead more
Letzter Tag in Singapur. Von Sonne ĂŒber bedeckt-schwĂŒl-warm bis zum Sturzregen war einmal alles dabei auf der Insel Santosa. Die kĂŒnstliche Kulisse im Bereich der Universal-Studios hat uns nichtRead more
Autocamperen er rengjort og afleveret, vi har pakket taskerne og nu boarder vi - klar til flere og nye oplevelser i Australien. Og vi glÊder os sÄdan til at se Mette, SÞren, Luna og Emil lige omRead more
Scho ĂŒse zwoitletscht Tag be de Kiwis! S'Programm för hött esch gsi: Campervan abgĂ€h, met allem, was dezue ghört. Wel mers geschter vor luuter rede nömm gschafft hend, s'BĂŒssli z'potze, hemmerRead more
Leg three of three done and our travel day is complete! Weâ r arrived in Christchurch, New Zealand to start our roadtrip through the south and north island. After checking into our hotel we spentRead more
Ăa y est⊠notre avion part en fin dâaprĂšs midi⊠đ©
Ce matin nous allons courir aux alentours histoire de faire un peu de sport avant de passer 30 heures coincĂ©s dans lâavion.
DerniĂšreRead more
Et voilĂ qui clĂŽture notre expĂ©rience de quelques jours en woofing Ă la ferme đ
Aujourdâhui le vĂ©tĂ©rinaire est passĂ© pour faire lâĂ©chographie de deux juments. Dream malheureusementRead more
Aujourdâhui mauvaise nouvelle ⊠on apprend que les deux visites quâon a faites pour la revente du van et qui sâĂ©taient pourtant bien passĂ©es ne vont pas aboutir. Ăa mine un peu le moral carRead more
Traveler The river is stunning!
Lovely bunch. đ©·
Stunning & glorious. đ