Adios Vigo

Nach einem aufregendem Start sind wir unterwegs nach As Catedrais beach. Und das mal wieder bei Regen.🌧☂️🌨
Aber was war passiert:
->Einkauf...🛒..Vorräte aufgefüllt, dabeiRead more
Nach einem aufregendem Start sind wir unterwegs nach As Catedrais beach. Und das mal wieder bei Regen.🌧☂️🌨
Aber was war passiert:
->Einkauf...🛒..Vorräte aufgefüllt, dabeiRead more
Adeus Portugal, Hola Spain!
I crossed the Minho River today, which is the border between northern Portugal and Spain. I walked about 7 km, and even though I walked slowly, I realized I can’t keepRead more
Phew…. We knew we had a big day ahead of us so we tried to head off early but with a combination of sunrise at 8.20 and breakfast starting at 8.00 we headed off around 9. Baiona, this morning,Read more
Taxi ride from Valenca hotel into a crowd of pilgrims starting their day in O Porrino, ponchos flapping, noses dripping, puddles splashing. I planned to go as far as Mos, before the climb up a bigRead more
Day 9, Vigo to Redondelo is only about 11 miles, BUT ... some of the weather reports are predicting as much as 3 inches of rain in the afternoon. 4 of us decide sticking leaving early may be theRead more
Missed some rain early on, but it found us about an hour and a half into our day. We lucked out and it stopped just before we crossed a freaking scary bridge to make it to a new country! Hello Spain!Read more
This morning we started early to try to beat the rain. It was still dark when we left. Many other pilgrims had the same idea. It was very strange walking in the dark. As the sun came up, we could seeRead more
14 miler today through more beautiful farmland until we hit the medieval (with traces of Roman) city of Valença, the last place before we crossed Gustave Eiffel 's bridge into Tui,Read more
Sunday 22 September
We planned a slower day (12 km) to give my blisters, which had started on day 2, more time to heal… with the help of Compeed hydrocolloid plasters. Every pharmacy in the townsRead more
This is Laura’s version of this day. Wendy made this day sound so easy, but today we earned our title of badass. Ponte de Lima is beautiful, but the only way out of the valley is over a mountain. ItRead more
Die Brücke kennen wir