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  • Day 14–16

    Serengeti Ndutu Migration Camp

    February 23 in Tanzania ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

    Serengeti - unendliche Savannenlandschaft, unglaublich schön und mit vielen Tieren! Gut hat Dr. Grzymek damals dafür geworben, dass die Serengeti (=endlose Prärie) nicht sterben darf! Wir haben so viele Fotos gemacht, dass die Auswahl sehr schwer fällt.
    Serengeti - ein Ort zum Wiederkommen!
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  • Day 7–8

    Serengeti, 'Endless Plains'

    February 20 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Sunrise 🌅 at Ang'ata luxury tented camp. Before a day game drive through the Serengeti. This huge expanse of flat plain is home to 1000s of animals.
    Bumpy roads, and , 'oh' the dust but so worth it to see the wildlife. I've never seen Cheatas before this trip. Today, we saw a mother who'd just made a kill and was eating a baby Wildebeest. She had two cubs with her.
    We headed back to Kudu Lodge, exhausted but thrilled to have witnessed the legendary Serengeti.
    It was good to see Barry, who was much better after two days recocovering at the Lodge.
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  • Day 10

    Return to Kenya - Maasai Mara

    February 10 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    A sad morning saying goodbye to Serengeti National Park - truely one of the most beautiful places on this planet filled with gods creation. We left with expectations absolutely exceeded!

    Today was a long travel day, we were on the road for 12 hours - leaving Serengeti, Tanzania at 6.30am and arriving at Maasai Mara, Kenya at 6.30pm.
    We hopped out of the car for a few minutes at the boarder to get our passports stamped, otherwise just a day enjoying the car view.

    Along the way, we saw a group of hippos in some water as well as 4 lions sleeping by the side of the road! Never gets old here!
    We arrived at our camp accomodation Ashnil Mara Camp inside the Maasai Mara national park and had a delicious dinner before bed.
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  • Day 8

    Full day explorimg Serengeti

    February 8 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 17 °C

    Today was a very exciting day exploring Serengeti National Park! Our morning started around the lake on the hunt to find a big Mufasa, there must have been a sighting of him around as when we arrived.. we could already see around 4 other cars driving around this area.
    Along the way to find Mufasa, we had a very exciting car trip!
    First we saw some pink flamingo’s, super cute and colourful especially when a lot of them are all gathered together!
    Shortly after this we found a tree full of volture’s, definitely not the prettiest looking bird, but for sure a big boy to spot!
    Then, the excitement started! Our tour guide got some intel over the walkie talkie and we started speeding over to a pair of cheetahs. The two cheetahs were on the hunt for some lunch! We, and many other vehicles followed the cheetah through the bush land, keeping our safe distance and letting nature do its thing. We got to see them creep along the grass and even go for a short run after some zebras’. Luckily, this time the zebras managed to get a head start (we think they got spooked by some vehicles that were getting to close) scaring them away before the cheetahs could get close enough.
    It was a thrill! Almost seeing cheetahs go for a run which they are most known for! After around 30 minutes of following the pair, they eventually settled under some shade and seemed to be having a rest before going for lunch.
    We were excited to see the chase but I definitely wouldn’t have wanted to watch the kill.
    We drove around for a little while longer spotting some giraffes, zebras, many birds and more before heading back to our camp site for some lunch.
    Noting the heat of the day, our group decided to stay at the campsite until later in the evening to avoid the heat for a break. This was a great time for everyone to catchup with some sleep and also have some time on the wifi.
    4pm came around before I knew it, we set out for the evening to find Mufasa. We searched the endless plains over and over, it felt like hours at the time of just sitting, driving straight just seeing flat grass for as long as we could see…
    The sun was close to setting, the team was tired and we were almost going to give up… just when… our tour guide turned around and said “guess what”!!
    Mufasa! x2! A small singe tree, from afar would see as nothing but to our tour guide’s experienced eyes, we spotted 2 male lions laying down around a tree on the grass. It felt like we had waited allll day to see him! Definitely a handsome good looking animal! So scary to think we were within reach of a huge lion!
    The day ended on a high! We went back to camp and shared a dinner together, reminiscing on the wonderful animal creatures we had seen today. Another day, another blessing.
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  • Day 11

    Lange Tag im Ngorongoro

    February 3 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 16 °C

    Hüt simmer früeh los. Am sächsi simmer mit offenem Dach (ich liebes!!!) dur di nächtlichi Dunkelheit gfahre. Kei Ahnig, wie de Komba scho wenigi Minute nach oisere Abfahrt das entdeckt hät: Loie bim Gnuu verspiise. Zmitzt im Underholz händ sich drüü Loie amene Gnuu güetlich taa. Mit Chnoche knacke und allem drum und draa. Während dem d'Sunne langsam uufgstiege isch hämmer no meh Loie entdeckt
    Mindeschtens 11 vo dene majestätische Tier sind ide Gegend gsii. Wie uufregend!
    Wiiter simmer am Seeufer entlang gfahre und händ ganz villi Tier gseh:
    Hyäne, Marabu, toti Gnu, Geier, Flamingos, Cheetahs und no ganz vill anderi. Um di zwei ume simmer zrugg is Hotel und am halbi vieri nomal zwei Stund uf d'Pirsch. De Komba häts grad nomal gschafft: Männlichi Loie, Hippos, Giraffe, no meh Loie...
    Ganz villi Iidrück und miini Begeischterig kennt kei Grenze!
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  • Day 4

    Serengeti Lion Romance

    October 15, 2024 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

    Uf einisch hemmer es auto gseh wo det gstande isch und d lüt öppis im gras beobachte hend. Es hed sich denn usegstellt das es en einzelne leu gsie isch. Zu dem simmer aber zerst mal gar ned cho, well uf em weg zu dem auto simmer a zwoi wiiter leue verbi cho. Es mändli und es wiibli. Paarigsbereit bis hi zum liebesakt.Read more

  • Day 7


    February 12, 2024 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Wer sich über den Boden erhebt, sieht weiter ….

    Mal wieder ging es früh los. Um 5:30 Uhr wurden wir von Serengeti Ballon Safari abgeholt und zum Abflugplatz gefahren. Es dauerte eine Weile, bis der Ballon startklar war. Ich muss ehrlich sagen, meine Nervosität stieg mit jeder Minute. Mit einem Heißluftballon zu fliegen ist wohl somit das aufregendste, was ich bis jetzt gemacht habe. Als der Ballon startklar war, stieg er sanft in die Höhe. Die Aussicht ist spektakulär. Wenn nicht gerade der Brenner gezündet wird, ist die Stille atemberaubend.
    Nach ca, einer stunde, sind wir eben so sanft gelandet. Die Catcher standen bereits bereit, um uns in Empfang zu nehmen. Begrüßt wurden wir mit einem Glas Champagner und im Anschluss gab es ein wundervolles Busch Frühstück.
    Was ein wundervoller Start in den Tag
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  • Day 7

    Serengeti National Park

    February 7 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 28 °C

    We left our beautiful lodge this morning at the Crater and began our journey to the Serengeti. Along the way we saw thousands of wilder beasts, zebras, giraffes, gazelles and even spotted a leopard! We are camping inside the Serengeti for the next 3 days spending everyday on game drives with hope to see as many animals as possible!
    We first drove to our camping ground and put all our suitcases away in our tents. The accommodation is described as camping, however it is far more like glamping! A beautiful location to be glamping as well!
    We set out for our afternoon game drive and we were beyond lucky today!
    First a cheetah spotting with its two cubs! Absolutely perfect timing as well for Amos’ birthday! We were so close to also being able to watch the cheetah catch its lunch - she called her cubs over to her and sent them to hiding laying down in some bush’s as she crouched down low and began creeping forward to a gazelle. She used the cars around her to hide behind so the gazelle wouldn’t see her. After a few minutes the gazelle caught on and quickly ran away, being just out of reach for the cheetah to begin running.
    Our tour guide told us that cheetahs only can run at their full speed for approx 2-3 minutes so they usually try to get within 50m before even trying to run after their food.
    Shortly after this, we found a pride of lions sleeping under a tree in some shade! There seemed to be 3 mums with multiple cubs all huddled together. It was amazing watching the lions be so calm with us so so close to them! The cubs were very curious and constantly would be up and looking around at all of us.
    A few other animals spots along the way such as gazelles, thousands of zebras and wilder beasts again before all of a sudden our tour guide started zooming pretty fast! We quickly realised he had heard something over the walkie talkie and were excited to see what was going on!
    Oh wow did we get a suprise! A pride of 10 lions all up and around a tree! I didn’t even know lions could climb a tree! Such an amazing experience to witness in real life! We stopped to watch the lions for just over an hour! Watch the cubs try to climb the tree, the mums be alert of everything.. perfect spot high in the tree on a cliff over watching all their territory! Absolutely spectacular watching these animals! Could never get bored watching them!
    We ended the day with dinner and cake for Amos’ birthday! Definitely a day to remember, can already imagine Amos and I talking about this day, remembering the beauty of it way into the future!
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  • Day 12

    Serengeti - haltet, wases verspricht 😎

    February 4 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

    Hüt hät de Komba für d'Bettina und mich es Spezialprogramm iibaut. Au hüt simmer scho am sächsi use. Isch weniger bluetig (🙈) wie geschter gsii aber meegaa schön, so in Tag z'starte.
    Nachher simmer zrugg i d'Lodge go zmörgele und händ ois denn glii uf de Wäg i d'Serengeti gmacht. Das heisst uf Suaheli "endlosi Wiiti" und das isches denn au würkli. Mir händ nöd ganz so vill Tier gseh, wies suscht um die Jahreszyt wäri, aber trotzdem hämmer Loiä, Cheetahs, Giraffe, Pavian, Krokodil, Nilpferd, Magnuste, Topi, Strusse, Agame und Elefante und no ganz vill meh gseh 🤩🤩
    Jetzt simmer zmitzt drin ide Serengeti zum Übernachte. Im Zelt 💖🤗
    Mal luege, was mir alles gsehnd und ghöred 😍
    Während de Happy Happy Happy Hour hämmer nöd nume e wunderschöni Uussicht uf d'Serengeti sondern grad au no e ganzi Elefanteherde vor oisne Stüehl durelaufe gseh! That's Africa! 🤩
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  • Day 13

    Lava Tower. Dienstag, 7.1.

    January 14 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Überraschung. Tag 3 wird anstrengend. Aber er beginnt mit einem strahlenden Morgen. Der Berg zeigt sich schambefreit im Sonnenlicht. Alle sind gut drauf, Norbert ist allerdings angeschlagen, hatte keine gute Nacht. Wir steigern auf. Pole. Pole. Machen viele Pausen. Die Landschaft verändert sich. Grün ist nicht mehr zu sehen. Wir gehen über die alten Lavafelder. Eine archaische Gegend. Hier ist der Mensch ganz klein. Aber tapfer! Der Lava Tower liegt auf 4.600 m. So hoch war ich noch nie in meinem Leben. Wie werde ich auf die Höhe reagieren? Norbert reagiert nicht gut, biegt vorher direkt zum nächsten Camp ab. Charles begleitet ihn.
    Wir nehmen den Aufstieg in Angriff. Lunch auf 4.300 m. Inzwischen ist es ziemlich kühl, oft wolkig, heißt wir gehen durch die Wolken. Unser Essen findet das Interesse kleiner Vögel, die „Tennisbälle“ genannt werden. Ja, sie bekommen ein paar Reiskörner ab. Von hier ist der Lava Tower fast zum Greifen nah. Noch knapp 300 Höhenmeter und wir erreichen das Schild. Keiner leidet unter Atemnot oder Anzeichen einer Höhenkrankheit. Ein hoffnungsvolles Zeichen für den Erfolg. Von hier geht es straff bergab ins nächste Camp. Es ist ein schönes Tal und die Aussicht, die Nacht wieder unter 4000 m zu verbringen, tragen uns sicher hinab. Im Baranco Camp treffen wir Norbert und werfen schon mal einen Blick auf die kommenden Aufgabe: die Wand!
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