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  • Day 19–21

    Tarangire Nationalpark

    February 28 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 23 °C

    Auf der Fahrt zum Tarangire Nationalpark hatten wir noch eine Übernachtung am Lake Manyara. Für uns eine willkommene Pause in schöner Lodge mit erfrischendem Pool. Leider ist der See auch wieder alkalisch und zudem anderweitig verseucht, sodass er fast tot ist und jetzt wieder regeneriert wird.
    Weiter ging es dann zu unserem letzten Stopp im von unserem Guide hoch gelobten Tarangire Nationalpark. Er ist tatsächlich die Heimat vieler Elefantenherden, Büffelherden aber auch von millionen Tsetse-Fliegen. Unsere Erwartungen, vor allem auch einen „big tusker“ (grosser Elefantenbulle mit sehr langen Stosszähnen) zu sehen, wurden nicht erfüllt und zeitweise konzentrierte sich die Safari auf das Verscheuchen der lästigen Tsetse-Fliegen😳.
    Als schönen Abschluss unserer Reise durften wir Roland‘s Geburtstag mit obligatem Kuchen feiern.
    Heute 1. März geht‘s auf die Heimreise.
    Unser Fazit: die Serengeti ist unser Favorit und würden wir wieder besuchen! Aber vorerst stehen andere Abenteuer mit unserem Rebel4Two an!
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  • Day 16–17

    Ngorongoro Krater

    February 25 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Für die Wildtiere ist dieses UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Schutzgebiet mit einer Fläche von 26’400 Hektar wohl das Paradies: zum südlichen Teil der Serengeti gehörend hat es in der „Caldera“ das ganze Jahr über Wasser und Weideland, wenn auch der grösste See alkalisch und nur für die Flamingos geniessbar ist. Von weitem konnten wir sogar ein Nashorn sehen.
    Allerdings gibt es auch eine Kehrseite, denn unzählige Touristen möchten dies besuchen und so gibt es bei nahe der Wege gelegenen Tiersichtungen „traffic jam“.
    Aber die Aussicht von unserer Lodge am Kraterrand ist atemberaubend!
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  • Day 14–16

    Serengeti Ndutu Migration Camp

    February 23 in Tanzania ⋅ 🌬 23 °C

    Serengeti - unendliche Savannenlandschaft, unglaublich schön und mit vielen Tieren! Gut hat Dr. Grzymek damals dafür geworben, dass die Serengeti (=endlose Prärie) nicht sterben darf! Wir haben so viele Fotos gemacht, dass die Auswahl sehr schwer fällt.
    Serengeti - ein Ort zum Wiederkommen!
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  • Day 13–14

    Central Serengeti / Seronera

    February 22 in Tanzania ⋅ 🌙 26 °C

    Heute war wieder ein langer Transfertag. Überhaupt wird uns die Grösse Afrika‘s beim Fahren schmerzlich bewusst - wir haben sehr viel „african massage“ erdulden müssen. Und auch heute kamen wir erst kurz vor Sonnenuntergang in der einmalig zwischen grossen Felsbrocken,„kopges“, gelegenen Seronera Wildlife Lodge an und konnten den Pool leider nicht mehr geniessen. Am nächsten Tag ging es frühmorgens schon wieder los auf ganztages Safari mit Picknick Lunch unterwegs.
    Die Einreise von Kenia nach Tansania verlief gut, nur die lange Fahrt war sehr ermüdend.
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  • Day 7–8

    Serengeti, 'Endless Plains'

    February 20 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 29 °C

    Sunrise 🌅 at Ang'ata luxury tented camp. Before a day game drive through the Serengeti. This huge expanse of flat plain is home to 1000s of animals.
    Bumpy roads, and , 'oh' the dust but so worth it to see the wildlife. I've never seen Cheatas before this trip. Today, we saw a mother who'd just made a kill and was eating a baby Wildebeest. She had two cubs with her.
    We headed back to Kudu Lodge, exhausted but thrilled to have witnessed the legendary Serengeti.
    It was good to see Barry, who was much better after two days recocovering at the Lodge.
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  • Day 5

    Ngorongoro Crater

    February 18 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Animals and Birds Galore.

    This is one of the most spectacular places I have ever seen! So many animals, so many birds.
    Unfortunately Barry developed an upset stomach in the afternoon so we headed back Kudu Lodge while the rest of the group headed to the Serengeti.Read more

  • Day 4

    Morning game drive Tarangire

    February 17 in Tanzania ⋅ ⛅ 21 °C

    More Elephants 🐘, Giraffes 🦒, Bat Eared Foxes, Pigmy Falcons, to name but a few.
    It was beautifully cool this morning. Then we left Taragire and headed towards Ngorongoro Crater. Tonight, we are staying at Marera Mountain View Lodge before setting off tomorrow at 7am.Read more

  • Day 6

    Ngorongoro and Serengeti

    February 19 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    Barry was much improved in the morning, but he needed to rest so I set off with Nemes, our driver back along the top of the Ngorongoro Crater and in the Serengeti. I had my own private game drive before meeting up with the rest of the group for sundowners as we watched the sun go down on the Serengeti.
    We then headed to Ang'ata luxury tented camp for dinner and collapsed into bed. Another spectacular day.
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  • Day 10

    Return to Kenya - Maasai Mara

    February 10 in Tanzania ⋅ ☀️ 16 °C

    A sad morning saying goodbye to Serengeti National Park - truely one of the most beautiful places on this planet filled with gods creation. We left with expectations absolutely exceeded!

    Today was a long travel day, we were on the road for 12 hours - leaving Serengeti, Tanzania at 6.30am and arriving at Maasai Mara, Kenya at 6.30pm.
    We hopped out of the car for a few minutes at the boarder to get our passports stamped, otherwise just a day enjoying the car view.

    Along the way, we saw a group of hippos in some water as well as 4 lions sleeping by the side of the road! Never gets old here!
    We arrived at our camp accomodation Ashnil Mara Camp inside the Maasai Mara national park and had a delicious dinner before bed.
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  • Day 9

    Serengeti Hot air-balloon + cat day!

    February 9 in Tanzania ⋅ ☁️ 29 °C

    5:30am start and on the road, our first activity for today was a sunrise hot air-balloon over Serengeti! We had a delay with getting up in the sky in time for the actual sunrise, due to some wind but never the less, we had a great experience up in the sky! We got to see thousands of animals from up above, we could really see the direction that all animals were moving in which was interesting! It looked as if it was a mini migration! We spotted a lion from up above, a large group of hyenas, of course the thousands and thousands of wilderbeasts and zebras. We spent about an hour up in the sky, enjoying every direction of view!
    Upon landing, we had a glass of champagne together and reminisced on what an amazing, once in a life time experience we shared! Our next stop of the day was a bush breakfast! Champagne, juice, eggs, avo on toast, fruit! You name it, it was there! We had giraffes in the background watching us share our breakfast!
    After finishing breakfast, we met up with our tour guide again and began our game drive. Today we planned to be on the game drive the entire day and packed little box lunches to eat along the way.
    Our first sighting was a big one! We saw about 30 or more cars around something on an open field. We headed straight there and wow! 3 bother cheetahs all feeding on a zebra. We were only minutes late from seeing the whole chase and catch … although maybe that is a good thing!
    We watched for a while seeing how the three brothers interacted and behaved. It was very interesting but definitely not something I’d want to watch very often.
    There was another cheetah nearby having a sun bake which we had a quick look at before hitting the road again.
    A leopard was nearby as well, seemed like we were on theme for a cat day!
    The leopard must have been a bit shy, she kept her face hidden most of time we watched her.
    Around this time, we started to get a bit hungry after our big morning! We pulled up under some shade of a tree and had our lunch boxes for a quick break from the car.
    Our morning theme seemed to be cats, but oh dear did our afternoon double!
    Our tour guide took us to a place called Hiding Valley, this was a grassy rocky area known for lions hiding and laying around. Surely enough, Jordan spotted a little cub in the distance as he sat up around a tree. We headed straight there! 17 lions! 17 lions all laying around the base of this single tree. It looked like 4 mum’s and the remaining were cubs. Our vehicle was the only one around so we really got to share this quiet intimate moment watching as the cubs slept and woke up and moved around. This was a difficult moment to drive on from. I wanted to stay for hours watching them all! We had a geez around a few close by bushes and trees to see if we could find Mufasa but weren’t so lucky this time.
    We began driving in the direction of our camp to slowly head back for the day.
    Before we knew it, another tree with a different 10 lions under it! These cubs were very active playing together and have a clean by their mum, it was a beautiful moment to watch as the lionesses licked and cared for their cubs.
    We headed straight over the walkie talkie that this prides male was also spotted! Mufasa! Having a sun bake in the middle of a dried up lake, listening out for his lionesses and enjoying the attention all the vehicles was giving him.
    A spectacular find especially as we got to see his big mane when he was sitting up ways.
    We quickly checked on the leopard from earlier in the day again to see if she had moved around. Unfortunately she was still quite shy hiding her face.

    We counted up the amount of cats we have seen the past few days - 3 leopards, 11 cheetahs, 59 lions. I did not expect to see that amount coming over!

    Back to the camp, a shower and quick relax before dinner. We packed up our bags, very sadly we are leaving the Serengeti tomorrow morning.
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