United Kingdom
Glastonbury Tor

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  • Day 26

    Day 26 - Cornwall

    June 27, 2024 in England ⋅ ⛅ 14 °C

    Gosh it was so hot last night sleeping! 🥵 no A/C!!

    We packed up the cars and headed for New Quay 30 mins away a tourist hot spot in the summer.
    Here we found a delicious place to have some brunch!
    Took a stroll up the road and got some merchandise from "Fat Willy's" surf shop 🤣 and of course some more souvenirs lol.
    We popped down to explore the beach and Kelsey stumbled upon a shop called "Kelseys Cornish" they made soaps etc so she brought some things.
    The beach was very beautiful 😍

    Next stop was Tintagel 1 hour away. To be honest I was wondering where the bloody hell Hollie was taking us 🤣
    But it turned out to be freaking amazing!
    So Tintagel is known for it's medieval castle with links to King Arthur.
    The castle is not intact it it ruins now but still very impressive.
    It is situated on a shear cliff 😬 and we literally experienced 4 seasons in one day on our walk haha!
    So the castle was built in 1230 by the 1st Earl of Cornwall, Richard. It has a long association with legends to King Arthur, and his wizard Merlin.
    The castle is owned by the prince of Wales.
    The statue you see in the picture is not ment to depict any one person it more of a art piece to showcase that era.
    This place so very very cool to visit. So much history in a phenomenal setting.

    We popped back to the gorgeous village of Tintagel and had dinner in the King Arthur Arms pub. Dinner was delicious 😋 good ole pub food 👏

    Loaded up the kids for a 2.5 hour drive to our accommodation at Wookey Hole. Poor Leo was so over being in his car seat but we got here!!

    I have to do a laugh at some of the roads we drive down. They honestly look like someone's tanker track to me!! 🙈

    Choosing 10 photos for today will be hard!!
    It has been an enjoyable day had by all!
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  • Day 38

    Glastonbury (part 2)

    November 2, 2023 in England ⋅ 🌬 50 °F

    Featuring more of the town, including High Street with most of the shops and cafes, the Abbey, and St. Margaret's Chapel. The Abbey ruins were nice and atmospheric thanks to the drizzle -- I had it almost to myself. Even King Arthur's (alleged) grave, which is usually surrounded by tourists, so that was a nice silver lining to the crap weather.Read more

  • Day 34


    September 8, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 27 °C

    Glastonbury is a town in southwest England. It's known for its ancient and medieval sites, many rich in myth. Glastonbury Tor is a tower-topped hill linked to Arthurian legend, overlooking the marshy Somerset Levels. Once said to be King Arthur’s burial place, Glastonbury Abbey is a ruined monastery dating to the 7th century. Nearby, centuries-old Glastonbury Tribunal has a museum with Iron Age artefacts.Read more

  • Day 20


    August 11, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 23 °C

    We drove to Wells today, another pretty town with a splendid Cathedral. This one had a few unique features. The architecture is a little different. Apparently those scissor arches were added in about 1310 because some cracks started appearing and it needed reinforcement.

    The carvings outside and inside are also very interesting. They depict many Bible characters (Noah building the ark etc) not that I could tell who was who. The clock is interesting. It is inside so the chimes are not the really loud bells that you would hear in the town. Instead of cuckoos in a cuckoo clock, this one has jousters!

    We had a stroll down the street and popped into a couple of shops, but we were both tired today and headed home for an afternoon nap.
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  • Day 5


    April 1, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 52 °F

    Was originally going to Glastonbury, but it got rained out and flooded, so... here's Wells! Well-preserved medieval city with famous cathedral and choir. Included yet another pic of me with an old door, this one an original Bishop's Door. Old doors are neat, so this might be a thing :P Also includes Vicar's Close (see sign). The clock shown is one of the oldest working clocks in the world, featuring a depiction of the sun orbiting the earth, and little jousting knights that move at the quarter of every hour and are original from the 1300s and still working.Read more

  • Day 12

    Wells Kathedrale

    August 29, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 17 °C

    Sehr schön und von innen sehr schlicht und dennoch beeindruckend!
    Ich habe jeden Punkt auf der Karte fotografiert. Hier war das tolle, dass es die Karte der Kathedrale in mehreren Sprachen gab, auch in Deutsch.
    Laika durfte überall mit hin, bis auf in die Bibliothek.
    Alle Mitglieder hatten Leckerlie dabei und fragten ob Laika eins haben darf und wie schön sie doch ist. Sie war heute mal wieder Blickfang des Tages.
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  • Day 7

    Bishops Palace &Bummel durch Wells

    August 15, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Heute an unserem letzten Tag auf diesem Campingplatz zog es uns nochmal in "Englands smallest city" Wells. Lange bummelten wir durch die Gassen und genossen im Anschluss den "Bishops palace", der seit dem 13. Jahrhundert die Residenz der Bischöfe von Bath und Wells ist und direkt an die Kathedrale anschliesst. Er hat einen traumhaften Garten und recht durchgeknallte Schwäne. Diese haben wohl seit Jahrhunderten den Trick drauf an einer Glocke selbstständig zu bimmeln, um Futter einzufordern. Ansonsten tanzen sie Schwanenballett 😀Read more

  • Day 6

    Kennet Avon Kanal bei Bath

    August 14, 2024 in England ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Heute haben wir einen Ausflug von unserem Campingplatz zum Kennet Avon Kanal gemacht. Es ist ein Narrowboatkannal, der den Bristolkanal mit der Themse vor London verbindet. Die Narrowboats sind spannend anzuschauen und wirklich "narrow" und tierisch lang. Der Kanal ist wirklich nicht viel breiter und zwei Boote, die sich begegnen, passen nicht immer. Aufgrund der entspannten Langsamkeit der Boote, konnten wir eine schöne Wanderung entlang des Wassers machen. Natürlich war anschließend "tea time" angesagt.Read more

  • Day 5


    August 13, 2024 in England ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    Heute hatten wir Besuch von der Familie auf ihrem Weg Richtung Cornwall und zusammen haben wir uns Wells bei einem kleinen Stadtbummel angeschaut.
    Das Städtchen wird von der Kathedrale geprägt und hat wunderschöne Parks. Nette Geschäfte laden zum Shoppen ein. Die Regale im Supermarkt sind gefüllt, der Brexit nicht spürbar auf den ersten Blick. Wir werden das weiter beobachten...Read more

  • Day 5


    May 7, 2023 in England ⋅ ☁️ 18 °C

    This morning we joined our tour group for our 7 day Corners of Cornwall Tour with Backroads Tours. There are 17 of us and mostly Aussies.

    As we left London we drove through Westminster and it was if yesterday hadn't happened. The city was clean and all the barricades etc were gone.

    Our destination today was the city of Wells and then on to Dartmoor National Park for the night.

    We drove through the green farmlands and villages of Wiltshire (famous for its pork) and across the Salisbury Plains.

    Wells is the smallest city in England but has a magnificent Cathedral. When we were there they were celebrating the coronation with a community fair on the cathedral green, which added to the atmosphere. A highlight here was Vicar's Close, said to be the oldest continuously inhabited street in the world.

    After leaving Wells, we drove through Glastonbury, saw some gypsy caravans and made our way on the back roads and country lanes through the picturesque countryside and villages of Somerset and Devon to Dartmoor.
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