More family & London 🎡

The remainder of our time included more family visits. We saw my grandad, who I hadn’t seen since 2019. We visited my aunt and cousin, who is becoming a young adult quicker than I’d like! We gotRead more
The remainder of our time included more family visits. We saw my grandad, who I hadn’t seen since 2019. We visited my aunt and cousin, who is becoming a young adult quicker than I’d like! We gotRead more
Temperature: 8 degrees at 7.30 am and a high of 12 degrees at 3 pm.
I'm still not feeling the best today, but I am on the mend.
Michael and I went for our normal morning walk this morning atRead more
Temperature; 8 degrees this morning and with a high of 12 degrees.
Michael and I trained in Waterloo, and then went off to Greenwich while I spent the day walking the streets of London.Read more
Temperature: 5 degrees this morning and with a high of 9 degrees.
Thank goodness it was nowhere near as cold this morning, but it has been an overcast miserable day. I guess yesterday's chillRead more
Esher/ Chichester
Temperature: 2 degrees at 8 am and a high of 10 degrees.
Beautiful autumn day.
We had a lovely time out today. It took us just over an hour to get to Sussex to Weald and DownloadRead more
Temperature: 7 degrees this morning with a high of 9 degrees.
Caught the train up to London this morning.
Spent 2.5 hours at Churchill Bunker, what an amazing place. Because it was soRead more
Temperature: 8 degrees this morning with a high of 9 degrees.
Went for pur walk early to beat the rain, and luckily enough, the rain only started when we were nearly back. 8 degrees might notRead more
Temperature: 9 degrees this morning with a high of 13 degrees, but it certainly didn't feel like it.
It was a wet, cold, miserable day, but we still went out for an hours walk in theRead more
Temperature: 9 degrees this morning and a high of 13 degrees.
What a beautiful fine day, just the breeze a bit chilly. We were able to have a decent long walk today. The footpaths are thick withRead more
Temperature: 8 degrees this morning, with a high of 13 degrees.
Showers with some fine periods.
Went shopping at Sainsbury's, then came back, unpacked the groceries, and then took Mr HamiltonRead more
Traveler I love that you were able to see so many family members! What a trip to see your Grandad. I haven't seen him since 1992.
Living evidence that sometimes it’s better to be pretty than smart
great name