March already!

After leaving San Antonio, we headed to Dallas area near Waxahachie where Paul worked for a brief year.
It was a good opportunity to pause the trip for an extended weekend while I made a quick tripRead more
After leaving San Antonio, we headed to Dallas area near Waxahachie where Paul worked for a brief year.
It was a good opportunity to pause the trip for an extended weekend while I made a quick tripRead more
Oktoberfestbier, Wein und Sorbet mit Wein.. eine gute Mischung um 12 Uhr mittags 🤣
Max ist bei Bier geblieben, Carina hat das 10 Weine tasting probiert :D
Die Weine haben von Limo über Malibu/Read more
Zwischen allerhand Fleisch vom Smoker, meinen geliebten Kartoffeln, Waffen, selbstgemachtem Schnaps mit Doppelkorn, viel amerikanischen Bier und allerhand Rednecks, hat Max in den ersten Stunden dieRead more
Chicken & Corn, granny & pops und noch mehr Bier und "Moonshine" (Korn mit Zimt und Zucker 😅, was jeder aus einem riesigen Mason jar nuckelt.)
Man beachte max Gesicht, wenn ich Babies bespaße 🤣
Nice to see the Dallas skyline from the air.
On Wednesday we enjoyed El Fenix with mom and dad.
We spent some time at the bodega. Glenn packed 1 huge luggage with lots of my cross stitch project andRead more
Now we're dropping off our old trailer at this place, so we can get a different trailer at a different place, and take it back to Illinois, so we can reclaim the trailer that we dropped yesterday!
Remind you of anything?!?!?