
Aralık 2016
Elisha tarafından kısa ama güzel bir macera Okumaya devam et
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    Sydney, Australia

    6 Aralık 2016, Avustralya ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

    I don't really know anyone who has won anything. Well maybe a dinner for two or a meat tray, but I mean really won something you would never buy yourself or you could never afford.

    Steven (intro. my boyfriend) won this trip. Not just the tour or the flights. He won an all inclusive trip to Antarctica for two. That just never happens.

    When he told me I thought he was having me on, or he had been conned into some scam. So much so, that i told him we couldn't tell anyone about it.

    When the tickets arrived with the itinerary I finally got on board the excitement ship and started rubbing it in to our family and friends. We were going to 'dance with the penguins' as Steven so eloquently put it.

    Nee. Packing. Have you ever packed for a 'hostile climate' before? Well I haven't, and it was every bit as daunting as I thought. Sure you need your standard thermals and waterproof gear...but times it by 3, keep yourself under the weight limit for the Charter flight and be prepared to the brim as there isn't a shop in sight....nope, not even basics.
    Anyway, i digress...with a lot of wrapping, folding and methodical clothes tetris we were packed and ready.
    Okumaya devam et