A world tour

maj 2016 - marts 2017
Et 306-dags eventyr af MY WAY Læs mere
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  • Dag 7


    17. maj 2016, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 19 °C

    * Chilling 🌴
    * Marvelling 🌺
    * Falling in love with Gaudi 💛

    Here we go....my first entry!
    After a week in wonderful Barcelona I like to say hello.
    I had some great days. Starting with a tour to Park Güell, which is awesome. The whole park was blossomed, music was in the air and the brilliancy of Gaudi was to find in each corner. The monumental area of the park was only exceled by Sagrada Familia, which I visited afterwards. It is amazing!

    I am enjoying my days with walking around the city (it is like a small pilgrimage^^), lying in the sun at the beach, reading, reading, reading, good food and drinks and just relaxing.

    My next stop will be Valencia. Hope to catch the train on Thursday 😊

    So happy greets from Barcelona - hope you are all fine!
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  • Dag 12


    22. maj 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 30 °C

    *Turia Park 🌴
    *Street Art 🎨
    *Pub Crawls 🍻

    Valencia is awesone! Way more relaxed than Barcelona, with a very interesting history and a special atmosphere.
    One of the great things is a park, which was built by the people in an old, dried-up stream.
    Another cool thing is the street-art. Very cool and to be seen on each corner. Pictures will follow, as soon as I will handle the connection between my camera and a PC 😜

    The hostel is also great. I met a lot of inspriring, crazy and nice people here and had a great time so far. The hostel-bar is lead by a cuban girl - she makes the best cuban style mojitos 😉
    So if your questioning, what I am doing all day: walking around the wonderful city. Looking for some good siesta spots in the park or at the beach. Enjoying great conversations and drinks with people.
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  • Dag 15

    València - Encounters

    25. maj 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 22 °C

    It's all about the people you meet - that is what enriches you most on your travels!

    I went to the park to do some sports. After an hour of running and some exercices I was finished. When I just started stretching a guy came along. He told me he was a personal trainer and done with his first group of the day and asked if I want him so show me some exercises.
    To be honest, first I was sceptic but then just gave it a try.
    AND: it was really cool. We just met, did some sports together, I learned some nice Tricks and that's it!
    Lessons learned again: People are nice! Don't always expect something strange! Just take your opportunities!

    That's it 😊
    Song of the day:
    Skrillex - Bangerang
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  • Dag 16


    26. maj 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 21 °C

    * Alcazar 🏰
    * Plaza de Eapaña 🌴
    * First Rain on my travel💧

    Made it to Sevilla. I came here with huge expectations due to recommondations of a lot of people I met in Valencia.
    I have to admit: they were right and they were wrong. I am a little bit ambivalent about this City. It has great things to see - like the castle Alcazar, located in the middle of the center with wonderful architectures and stunning gardens. I explored this with my mexican-canadian roommate today 😊 Fun fact: Remeber the Water Gardens of Dorne from Game of Thrones? Guess where they are 😉
    Also the Plaza de Eapaña is a wonderful proof of architectural skills. It is huge, located in a beautiful park and I have no clue, what it was built for 😆 not yet^^
    But on the other hand the city is not only lacking of the sea, but also of a special atmosphere.
    My favorite so far is still Valencia 🌺

    Some anectodes
    "Snorri and the gender roles"
    I stay in a 10 bed dorm. Yesterday a couple checked in and not long after they joined the room at night everybody was awake. But not for the reason you are probably thinking of.....it was because of a penetrant, not ending snorring. It sounded like a jackhammer was working right next to me. After a more or less sleepless night we felt sorry for the poor girl (after we finished self-pitying ourselves). Just imagine you have something like this at home?^^
    Now comes the tricky twist! In the second night, we recognized, that it was not him, but HER who almost snorred us insane 😂 I love getting surprised by life - this gives you the chance to re-think things like gender roles!
    And last but not least: I want to thank the inventors of Oropax - you are my heros of the day!

    Pictures will follow.....📷
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  • Dag 17

    Lucky coincidents // a day trip to Cadiz

    27. maj 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 19 °C

    Life is great! On my first night in Sevilla, an old friend and me recognized, that she was also in Spain and we were just150km apart.
    Luckily she is as spontaneous as me, so we organized a meeting for the next day in Cadiz.
    It was wonderful 😊 we enjoyed the sun and sea and got lost in uncountable narrow streets of Cadiz. Felt like no time has passed until we met last time (almost 2,5 years ago).
    @Shirin: it was a fairytale 😉💜
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  • Dag 25


    4. juni 2016, Spanien ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

    * Sun, Beach& the Sea 🌊
    * Biking 🚲
    * Wine tasting 🍷

    Càdiz is wonderful! Surrounded by the sea and sunny all the time with a nice breeze.

    My time here is pretty relaxed. I spend my days at the beach, in the park, nice tapas locations and the amazing roof top terrace of the hostel.
    With some girls from London I had a very fun day riding bikes across the city and along the beach. Unfortunately we had problems with the chain of one bike, but girlpower fixed it!!! The guy from the bikestore was pretty impressed^^ When we called him, he was enjoying his siesta and <of course> didn't returned to help us. So he actually thought we would just finishing our bike trip instead of getting rid of the problem 😁.

    With the great people here we decided to try out some regional wine brands in the evenings 😉
    I can negate one prejudice about travelling so far: "You hear the same, superficial stories day by day" - this is definetly not true! I hear a lot of interesting and amazing stories of brave and bold people, of those who are encouraged to take lifes' hurdles with a smile and of those who are just living their dreams!
    As I sit here under a sky full of stars, holding a good glass of wine in my hand, feeling the warm night-breeze on my face and listen to inspiring stories I know: I took the right decision!

    What I missed to do so far is to thank all the people who supported me, who encouraged me, who I know I can rely on! Thanks to my parents who gave me a shelter again and who support me no matter which concerns they have (@Mom: no worries - everything will be fine 😉). Thanks to my closest friends for uncountable conversations and your believe in me - 💜

    Only one thing left to say: Estoy feliz!
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  • Dag 39


    18. juni 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 23 °C

    * Climbing, Biking, Hiking 🗻
    * Spanish 📚
    * The Sea 🌊

    Tarifa is an awesome place!!!
    During the last 2 weeks I improved my spanish skills in the mornings. It was really weird to do homework again, after....pfffff several years without^^
    Most of my afternoons I spend with the nice people from Girasol Outdoor Aventure 🌻, while great hikes, mountainbike tours and climbing. They showed me the stunning nature around Tarifa, I never thought that it's such a rich area.
    And they also took me to my limits - and even a bit beyond. It is awesome to experience, that there is always a way to improve and grow 💪
    Literally "hanging around" at the top of the mountain after climbing it, feeling a soft breeze on the face, the hot sun in the back, having 15 meters of nothing than air under your feet and watching the sea to your right and the mountains to your left - that is pure freedom!
    Thanks to my tourguides for this experience 🌺

    Above that I joined a whalewatching tour - and I could witness the incredible event of a cachalot taking breath 🐳 Check on my bucket List ✅

    My Tarifa Soundtrack (a.o.):
    Avenged Sevenfold - Gunslinger, Scream

    Next stop: Granada
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  • Dag 46


    25. juni 2016, Spanien ⋅ ☀️ 33 °C

    * Alhambra 🏰
    * 38 Degrees 🌞
    * Walking, walking, walking 👟

    I spend some nice days in Granada.
    The Alhambra is beautiful - just like a giant artwork in arabic architecture 💟
    And as far as I know also another location of GoT 😉

    Albaizìn is the old muslim area of Granada and has a very special atmosphere. It consists of thousends of narrow streets and offers a wonderful view on the Alhambra, the old town and the mountains 😊
    I walked for looooong hours through this neighborhood and enjoyed getting lost!
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