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    • Day 14

      Day 11 - Amettes to Bruay-la-Buissiere

      May 1, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      I walked a good 26 km today through mining country. Some of it in the sun, which was lovely. You can't throw a stone where I am walking in France without coming across a church or a cemetery. I try to visit each church I walk past, but the majority are locked. Which is a real shame, as you can see that there is an awful lot of beautiful stained glass that I am missing 😢. I check out a cemetery, the French go all out for their dead - the graves are extremely flash - if there is a sign that indicates Commonwealth War graves. So far, they have all been air men, whom, I assume, either crashed or were shot down. Most of them are every young, in their early 20's - it's quite sobering. On a lighter note; the farmhouse I stayed in last night dates back to the 1400s! Check out the ceiling beams in the wonderful room where we had breakfast! Oh, and note the cockatoos decorating someone's front fence. One final thing, if anyone knows what those blue things are, they were everywhere in a lovely park I walked across today, I'd love to know.Read more

    • Day 19

      Stage 10: Amettes to Bruay-la-Buissière

      April 29, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 45 °F

      Lots of forest paths and a good number of cultivated and uncultivated fields. A couple more small, dead animals (unphotographed). A road between fields with lots of small potatoes, even though the fields were wheat. Weird.
      I managed to slightly twist, or maybe just fatigue, my ankle, so I added an hour to my day hunting down a pharmacy.
      Bruay-la-Buissière is an ugly former mining town.
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    • Day 8

      Amettes 12 miles

      July 20, 2023 in France ⋅ ☁️ 19 °C

      Straightforward day’s walk in (mostly) sun. Usual fields and woods, seeing no-one.

      The host of the gite turned up before I left, just for a blether really. Reminded me of the late Peter in his enthusiasm for random things. He did however bring me a local delicacy, bit like a round waffle, covered in chocolate and with some sort of cream filling. In the absence of anything else it went down a rare treat for breakfast.

      Spent most of the walk listening to Desert Island Discs. Never heard it before I started my training for this walk but it has became my constant companion if I am walking on my own. With BBC Sounds it is so easy to just play episodes one after another. There are very few that I haven’t wanted to listen right through. Haven’t heard of very many of the folk but no matter, their life stories condensed into 40 minutes or so are amazing. The music they choose is less interesting but they only play wee clips so that’s fine. I was concerned that I wouldn’t be able to download them as I go but there isn’t any problem so far.

      Was a bit concerned about dinner (not for the first time in my life) as I am staying in a sort of farmhouse in a small village without any shops, cafes etc. When I arrived the elderly lady was very chatty albeit with no more English than I have French, but no mention was made of food. These pilgrim places are all very different in what is provided. There is no standard package. I came downstairs at about the appropriate time and sat about outside, near the kitchen, waiting to see if anything was forthcoming. Surely they must eat and they must realise I might like to eat too. After a while the lady indicated that there was a kitchen I could use and she could give me some potatoes and eggs. Might not do the Buc but it was just fine for me. Boiled eggs and boiled potatoes are just about the limit of my culinary skills anyway. Really could do with some sort of pudding to follow but hey ho at least I’m not still starving.
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    • Day 8–9

      Delettes to Amettes

      February 27, 2024 in France ⋅ ☁️ 9 °C

      Thankfully our accommodation was on the right side of the floods to make the start of today's stage easier than yesterday's completion. More farm roads and more vast fields were the highlight of today. Arriving in Amettes was our first experience of a Chambre d'Hote and what an experience. Our hosts greeted us like old friends, providing coffee and forgiving my stumbling French. We knew ahead of time that food this evening was not an option, so a ham and cheese baguette it was! Amettes is the birthplace of Saint Benoit and the relic to see is his kneecap!Read more

    • Day 18

      Stage 9c

      April 28, 2023 in France ⋅ 🌬 57 °F

      Too cold and drizzly to visit the home of St Benedict Joseph Labre. ☹️

    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Amettes, أميتيس, امتس, Аметт, Amette, Амет, 阿梅特

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