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    • Day 46

      Back to Medieval Cremieu

      November 17, 2023 in France ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      We woken up at 6:30am by the sound of the traffic going past, but luckily we’d had a good nights sleep. I know for a fact we had a better nights sleep in our lay-by than we would have in the car park in Die so we’ll take that as a win.
      We had coffees in bed and then packed up and had another coffee and set the sat nav to leave at 8:45am.
      Our first stop of the day was going to be for fresh water and to empty the grey and black tanks but 20 minutes down the road we came to a Lidl and decided to do some food shopping before going any further.
      Back in the road and now stocked up we made our way 35 miles down the road to a beautiful little aire with free emptying and fresh water. Emptying was easy but filling the water turned out to be a nightmare as they had a big metal collar underneath the fresh water pipe so we needed the exact right fitting to attach the hose which we didn’t have. Luckily we do have bags for just this scenario so we filled them and then decided to empty them into the top of Wandas water tank rather than the pipe. It was a proper faff.
      We had decided to visit some houses hanging off the side of a mountain as our next stop but the easiest route was through les grand goules a set of gorges and balcony roads I had marked off but I knew Wanda would only just fit and I wasn’t really up for any more incidents on this trip. I tried to re-route the route but the next way in was miles out of the way so we scrapped that and I set the sat nav to head for the medieval city of Cremiue.
      It was another 85 miles to get to our park up in a gravel car park on the edge of city and we arrived at 2pm. We’ve been here before with Ben, and last time we visited everywhere including both castles and the town in the day and at night so really this was just going to be a park up for the night. The only thing I didn’t photograph before was the old cloisters at the church because they were closed.
      We had lunch of my leftover leek and potato soup from yesterday and fresh bread from Lidl’s bakery and at 3:30pm we left Wanda and went for a walk.
      Cremieu is a beautiful old city, the old market place is still there with its roof still intact. They even have the original old weighing scales at one end where they would weigh livestock. The medieval parts still look medieval with cobbled streets and beamed houses and old doorways. There are still old archways down ally’s that led from the main thoroughfare to the city’s insides and the whole place is fascinating.
      As we walked past the old 12th century church the gates for the cloisters were open and we went in. This was the only part I hadn’t photographed before and this time I got the pictures.
      As we were heading back to Wanda the sky went black and it started to rain and as we got back to the car park we looked up to see a huge double rainbow over the top of the city. It was quite the sight.
      It was now 5pm and we settled in to Wanda for the rest of the night watching cars coming and going in the car park. Even though it was getting late the town is still extremely busy but overall it’s quiet. Today is our 46th night and we still haven’t paid for any camp spots and we’ve also just hit 3000 miles on this trip.
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    • Day 66


      July 6, 2022 in France ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      We zijn half een op de camping, deze is tot een uur gesloten. Dan maar verderop iets eten, ook gesloten. Dan maar even bij de pizzeria naar binnen. Heel vriendelijk geholpen en samen een pizza met zalm gedeeld. Terug naar de camping, tent opgezet, dan nog even op de fiets gestapt. Naar Crémieu gefietst, terrasje gepakt en heerlijk door het stadje gelopen.Read more

    • Day 4

      Pause in Crémieu

      May 30, 2018 in France ⋅ ⛅ 20 °C

      Es ist wirklich toll, immer wieder fährt man durch kleine Orte, in denen die Zeit stillgestanden zu sein scheint ..... und hier gab es gerade einen wunderschönen Markt. Wir konnten uns kaum satt sehen an den leckeren Käsestand kamen wir nicht vorbei... und ich durfte ein Gläschen Rosé kosten - auch sehr lecker 😋Read more

    • Day 8

      The Walled City Of Cremieu

      October 10, 2021 in France ⋅ 🌙 9 °C

      After a short lay in this morning and a cup of tea in bed we set off from our high altitude camping spot at le Col de Morte at 9am heading for Grenoble and Fort Bastille. This is where we could have camped last night but thank god we didn’t.
      Heading off the main road up a tight road started us on a gradient of 19%, the road was an utter nightmare with 180° hairpin bends and at the very last bend the gradient got to over 20% and the bend was 190° which was just to much for Wanda and after trying the turn and wheelspinning a couple of times we admitted defeat and we had to make a precarious U turn so then it was back down the hairpin bends while we all held our breath. This was quite possibly the most scared I had been while driving.
      From the we decided to go to another nearby Fort. Fort Eynard and I had 2 sets of co- ordinates but I knew it would be up high so I opted for the walking option after the last fiasco.
      This also turned out to be a nightmare with an 870m climb on a 19% gradient our legs were burning and in the end at 1340ft we gave up and turned around without reaching the fort and that little escapade cost us 2 hours.
      From Fort Eynard we headed towards Lyon stopping at Glendieu Falls which was amazing before arriving at our final destination of the day. The Medieval Walled City of Cremieu.
      Cremieu town centre just isn’t made for motorhomes and after negotiating the tight little streets for about 20 minutes we eventually found a gravel Car Park to stop in, from there we spent 2 hours wandering the town, got some food and had some well needed beers before setting up camp in the car park and bedding down for the night.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Crémieu, Cremieu

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