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    • Dag 1

      Paris 2024 Tag 1

      30 maj, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 13 °C

      Am Donnerstag morgen um 8.00 Uhr landeten wir schon in Paris. Die Fahrt mit dem Taxi in die Stadt dauerte genauso lange wie der Flug von Frankfurt nach Paris.😂

      Abgestiegen sind wir im Hotel Little. Der Name macht dem Haus alle Ehre. Die Lage ist gut, aber die Zimmer sind wirklich klein (und das Bett auch, und der Aufzug auch) 😁

      Nach einem schönen Frühstück starteten wir sofort Richtung Zentrum und ließen uns durch die Stadt treiben. Weil es doch ziemlich kalt war und dann auch noch anfing zu regnen, landeteten wir schnell in den Galleries Lafayette wo wir von dem ganzen Luxus sehr beeindruckt waren.

      Am Abend hatten wir noch Karten für das Moulin Rouge. Am Gebäude sind bei eim Sturm die Flügel abgefallen und wurden noch nicht repariert, so dass die Mühle aktuell keine Flügel hat, aber die Show war wirklich sehr spektakulär. Revue und Artistik wechselten sich ab.
      Wir genossen jede Minute. Die Karten waren teuer, aber wirklich jeden Cent wert. J
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    • Dag 7

      silly little saturday

      10 juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 29 °C

      Bonjour !!

      Today was the first real day of sleeping in and it was lovely. I think I made it till 10am which is pretty decent. Upon waking, we all walked to go get crepes and coffee but somehow didn’t take a single photo. Next, we got on the metro to go look at some vintage stores. They were all super cool! I ended up getting a skirt and a blouse that I am sure I will wear soon.

      However, it was about 20 million degrees outside. We were all dripping in sweat and dying for shade. This made the process of trying on clothes about 10 times harder. Once we had sweat every ounce of water out of our bodies, we decided to make a little cafe stop.

      At this cafe, we met our waiter Juan. He was the best. He spoke great English and had a super confusing accent. We all were impacted by Qualia as we tried to guess where he was from. We relied on our visual and hearing cues to make our guesses. It was quite hard and we all had different opinions. I thought he was maybe from Canada at first, but turns out he was from Peru. He was super nice and funny and we want to go back to visit him again.

      We then continued to shop for a little while longer, eventually made it back to the hotel, and then went on a big group dinner next door. This was a ton of fun. The restaurant was some of the best food I’ve had which was surprising because it is so close to us. I had a pizza and a Caesar, with an espresso Martinez (sub tequila for vodka) because I was exhausted from all of our walking.

      Surprise surprise, we ended up at the same club again. I absolutely destroyed my feet because I was wearing little kitten heels. I will never ever do that again. We were very concerned at first because the club was very empty, but turns out people don’t party on saturdays until about 1:30am. Insanity.

      All in all, a great day.

      Au revoir !!
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    • Dag 85

      Bon Appétit Paris

      7 juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ☀️ 27 °C

      Nach einem ruhigen Flug über den Nahen Osten und Osteuropa erreichen wir Paris, wo wir mit Erschrecken feststellen müssen, wie herrlich unorganisiert es doch in Europa und den hiesigen Flughäfen und Bahnhöfen zugeht. Die ersten beiden Tage schlendern wir vor allem durch Malais, eines der buntesten und lebendigsten Viertel von Paris, in dem unser Hotel liegt. Während Daniel an einer kulinarischen Foodtour mit dem sog. „No Diet Club“ teilnimmt, widmet sich Annika den Kaufhäusern rund um die Rue di Rivoli. Den Abend lassen wir in Malais sowie am Flussufer rund um den Canal Saint-Martin ausklingen, wo überwiegend junge Franzosen das schöne Wetter zu Feierabend bei einem Getränk genießen.Läs mer

    • Dag 10

      Packed and off

      21 juni 2023, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 77 °F

      Just 3 more body odor soaked train rides left in Paris. Soon we will be traveling on body odor soaked trains in Italy!

      Seriously Europe, in the grand scheme of things, underarm deodorant is not that expensive. Please for the love of god stop believing your pheromones are what the people need.Läs mer

    • Dag 3

      Marché des Enfants Rouges

      16 april 2016, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 10 °C

      We got up bright and early to meet up with Flora's old uni mate from Melbourne. Sherly and Trav moved to the UK for work and were in Paris for the weekend - aahhh.. to be able to jet around Europe on weekends. What an amazing luxury!

      This small market mainly sold fish, fruit and vegetables. Nothing was open yet - Parisians get up surprisingly late! The whole city seems to be asleep until about 11AM. To kill time (and to defrost our tootsies) we walked around the block and sought warm shelter in shops and supermarkets. Our lack of (non-existent) French vocabulary proved to be slightly challenging but our hand-gesturing game was strong.
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    • Dag 20

      Country to large city! FRANCE

      20 maj 2015, Frankrike ⋅ 🌙 6 °C

      France... what can I really say? The steriotype of stuck up, and not wanting to speak English! This theory was disproven! First was the country south of france, where we lived in an old building of more than 200 years old...and gosh was it scary! Not many residents spoke English, but they all tried their hardest to welcome you in their old quiet town. We spent most of our time looking at the beautiful landscapes, going to old antique markets, and stuffing our faces with traditional French food. For those who dont know.... french food consits of and well 3 course meals breakfast, lunch and dinner!
      Although i am sad to leave this paradise, i am sick of eating and thinking about food! Next stop...Pariiiiissss

      Paris. The city of love...and well i am not everyone is sipping on wine by the bottle under the effel tower...and are not afraid to show public affection....YUK!
      Beautiful old city..but also crazy drivers who i am sure try to run you over...and just to let all those who are wanting to go to France... a zebra crossing doesnt mean you have aware of those scooters and bike riders who actually dont care about pedestrians.

      In Paris we enjoyed climbing up the effel tower..where i soon realised i am now scared of i have a constant fear that the ground below me is going to cave in.... (thanks to my christmas 2 years ago when the deck collapsed)...this not only happened at the Effel tower..but even at the bridge of locks..!
      We visited Notre Dame, what is a beautiful cathedral, and the amazing palace versailles, which took all day to walk around just the garden alone!

      The next two days we are heading to Disney Land, and maybe even Movie World or the Museum Louvre. However, what ever we miss, we will be coming back around to see in August!
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    • Dag 81


      19 juni 2018, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 21 °C

      Bonjour from gay Paris!! Took the Eurostar through the Chunnel and 2 hours later... v'oila! Staying at an awesome apartment on the top (6th) floor of a quintessentially Parisian street in Republique. It was an early 5am London start, so troops were in fatigue mode, but nothing that an hour of PubG Mobile couldn't fix.

      Revived, we mastered the Paris Metro to stroll along Champs-Élysées and climb up the Arc de Triomph. Whole lotta stairs! Think we better get used to that here. The views were worth it!

      Playing tourist in Paris is so easy!

      I'm losing track of days, but no matter. Had a stroll through Nortre Dame cathedral and walked around Left Bank after, admiring the art. The boys chose a few Paris posters to add to their growing collection of cityscapes. Found a park to sit in and have a gelato while listening to a pop-up high school choir with amazing voices sing weird ditties about Ireland that stuck in my head for too long after. Later that night & at the end of our street, we strolled along Canal St Martin, a fantastic long waterway that snakes through Republique. At night everybody emerges with a glass of wine and sits on the edge of the canal for a few drinks. Some people bring instruments and there is spontaneous dancing. Fun vibe.

      Yesterday was 'epic.' We went to the Louvre and walked until our legs hurt. With 5 floors of art, you just can't possibly. However, we saw Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, the oldest known sculpture (almost 9,000 years old), mummies, sphinxes... A lot of the French paintings in particular had written histories giving a context around the painting. That was awesome. Napoleon was quite vain.

      Exhausted with tourist fatigue we came home via the local boulangerie which has the best tarts ever! Jesse cooked a vegetarian spaghetti with salad, which we had on the balcony. Spontaneously a huge band started playing on the street below. Within hours more bands popped up, and dancing crowds filled the streets. Drum bands, orchestras... all funky music!! We got our second wind and went out to explore- which culminated in a 11:00pm Eiffel Tower visit! The views of Paris at night were awesome, and they put the sparkly lights on! Rather cold at the top, so hot Nutella crepes after were yummy!!

      The train home was packed with revellers. Happy, drunk Parisians singing loudly. It kept the boys awake & amused long enough to get home. The street party was still going strong (turns out it was a Midsummer festival of music), but we had no problems falling asleep!
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    • Dag 6

      S: BDub Eats

      19 mars 2018, Frankrike ⋅ ☁️ 0 °C

      Du Pain at des Idées and a last stroll in Paris...

      This bakery was a nice discovery for us during this trip. We loved all it had to offer from our first visit so fella requested that we had to have some for our last morning before we took off once more - I didn't complain! It was a nice easy walk and a great start to what was about to be a busy day. Safe to say, we had very good viennoiseries this trip (an important task in all of our trips to paris😅) and we will definitely keep coming here if we should ever be back in this lovely city!

      Oh and by the way, the 10th district is the place to stay!!! Loved everything about the area we stayed in...hardly any tourists yet close to the major sight (or at least transportation), and the selection of where locals eat, drink and shop around our flat was in abundance! It really felt like we were living like Parisians...#LifeGoal 😘
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    • Dag 35

      Bonjour Paris!

      8 oktober 2017, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 16 °C

      Flew to Paris (as the Chunnel is closed for maintenance on one day per year and that day was today). Lounge at Heathrow was nice for lunch and drinks (although had a small wait as was packed). Also had another go at playing one of the tiny board games we got in Frankfurt (Orc). Flight was 50min long so nice and quick.

      Customs etc in France was quick. Train in to Paris took a bit longer (ages to leave station and confusion around which train we were meant to be on). Eventually arrived and greeted by our host, who was lovely and gave us some recommendations of restaurants etc.

      Then had pizza for tea at one of the recommendations, La Massara. Really good pizza and wine and dessert in a lovely romantic setting. Then back home to do some planning for our short stay here, and an early ish night.

      Two full days in Paris so will need to get cracking tomorrow!
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    • Dag 1

      Place de la République

      19 december 2015, Frankrike ⋅ ⛅ 11 °C

      It's just over a month since 'Bloody Friday', the night of the ISIS attacks in Paris. With over a 100 people killed at the Bataclan theatre, the nearby public square, 'place de la République', has sprung-up as the impromptu memorial site.Läs mer

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