Mansa Konko

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    • Kani Kunda - Family

      January 27, 2022 in Gambia ⋅ ⛅ 24 °C

      Let's go to Kanikunda, Seedy's home village. There are countless police stations on the way and I have no idea what they are supposed to be good for. Even a drug officer stops us, but after a short back and forth he is satisfied and we continue.
      Then we arrive in the village. I'm a little nervous, but the excitement quickly disappears because Seedy's mom, Mariama, welcomes me so warmly. There is a big hug and we are both happy to finally meet. We spend some time in her house. She also shows me her kitchen which is so different from my usual standard and I am impressed at how much effort it takes to cook in these conditions.
      Luckily I have some toys with me and I give them out to the many children in the compound. We feel like a big attraction and I enjoy hugging a baby and other children.
      When we left, the car caused problems again. The clutch isn't working properly and Seedy decides we shouldn't continue like this. So we take the car to a workshop. The mechanic takes us to an accommodation somewhere between Mansakonko and Pakalinding.
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    You might also know this place by the following names:

    Mansa Konko, GMMAK

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