Around the world honeymoon

juni - december 2018
We set out to visit family in Canada, then Germany, and then head to Asia and back to North America. Meer informatie
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  • 174dagen
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  • 51,8kkilometer
  • 46,6kkilometer
  • Dag 48

    Short stop in Vinh, Vietnam

    12 augustus 2018, Vietnam

    We arrived in the city of Vinh and walked through the scorching heat to our hotel. We are not sure how long the wheels on our luggage will last, hopefully a bit longer!
    We quickly found out there weren’t so many things to do as far as tourist attractions. But we did go on a nice walk, and passed by a museum and some historical sites. It seems every new town we go to, we discovers a rooftop! We enjoyed the 33rd floor with views down on the city of Vinh, sipping coffee.
    We also met a local who wanted to practice English, we spent time with him, and he served us some delicious vegetable Pho.
    People in Vinh were very friendly and we ate some delicious Pho again before we took the 8 hour train ride to Hue.
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  • Dag 50

    Exploring the city and palace in Hue

    14 augustus 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 28 °C

    The first day we walked around our hostel and down to the “perfume river.” The ambiance of Hue was awesome and compared to Vinh, we felt that the city came alive at night.
    The following day, we walked across the bridge towards the “Ancient Imperial City,” which most photos below show. We stayed for a few hours and still couldn’t see everything, we enjoyed the old history, parchments and artwork on display.
    On our last day, we went for coffee on the 16th floor of a hotel, and enjoyed the view of the river.
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  • Dag 54

    Da Nang has beach, city and mountains

    18 augustus 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 36 °C

    We took a short bus trip from Hue to Da Nang, which was quite different. The seats were organized in a way that you could lay down and sleep.
    We made it to our hostel/hotel (Not quite sure, online it was a hotel, but when we arrived it was a hostel) we checked in and walked to the famous dragon bridge. This was definitely a highlight for us, and as it was Saturday the dragon breathes fire and shoots water out of its mouth. We waited until nighttime, and watched from the top of the hostel roof, unbeknownst to us a huge storm was coming in! Uh-oh! We had to call it a night, and we couldn’t watch the show, not until the next day. And what a show it was! The crowds were out in full force and we watched the dragon show. Because of the winds, the water sprayed on most of the people on the bridge and a lot of them ran away from the show. It was fun being in the crowd and enjoying the experience!
    Da Nang reminded us of Las Vegas with all the lights at nighttime, and the inlet cutting through the town was really beautiful.
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  • Dag 56

    Into the Ba Na Hills

    20 augustus 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 25 °C

    We haven’t done to many tours, so we decided to go up to Ba Na Hills (Vietnam’s Disneyland/Jurassic Park?) We rode the cable cars to the top, and visited the brand new golden bridge with giant hands, walked around a few pagodas and marveled at the view from the mountains. We may have sat down and had a German style buffet, too. It was easy to forget where in the world we were. It was Disneyland meets Europe. Quite unique and weird!Meer informatie

  • Dag 58

    Beach time in Phú Quốc, Vietnam

    22 augustus 2018, Vietnam ⋅ 28 °C

    After exploring some hectic cities, we found our way to southern Vietnam. We have arrived in Phu Quoc! It’s finally island time.
    We stayed at a beautiful resort, which was quite secluded. After talking about finally getting some sand and crystal blue water we started getting anxious after only a few days. Maybe we aren’t meant to relax! Just kidding, we figured out the formula. Breakfast + Beach + Lunch + Nap + Pool + Nap + Beach + Dinner = Success!
    Some highlights included, watching the crabs crawl against the shoreline, the tropical rain, swimming in the pool and the ocean, eating western food, (can’t always eat Vietnamese!).
    After spending some time at the resort, we moved closer to town and stayed at a bungalow. It was one of our favorite places so far, minus the night club that played music from the 2000’s with deep base pounding our very soul! But we were prepared, ear plugs to the rescue! We enjoyed the bungalows because they had a wonderful jungle theme, and an outdoor pool that was just outside our room. The staff was amazing and it was nicer to be close to town again.
    On our last day, we watched the sunset at the public beach, and took a stroll through the night market. We had already eaten pizza, so we just had coconut ice cream and rolled ice cream, and then more rolled ice cream. 
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  • Dag 67

    Into the heart of Cambodia, Phnom Penh

    31 augustus 2018, Cambodja ⋅ 32 °C

    We arrived in Phnom Penh! It took two flights, a short Visa on Arrival process, a traffic jammed taxi ride, and we have made it to our guesthouse.
    The first day we had breakfast on the rooftop, which had an aerial view of Phnom Penh. After breakfast, we hailed down a Tuk-Tuk and visited the central market. From there we toured Wat Phnom, a Buddhist Temple near the Tonle Sap River. Fun fact, Phnom in Khmer means ‘Hill.’ Wat Phnom is said to be the founding ground of Phnom Penh, after a wealthly woman called Penh had the man-made hill and the temple built in honour of Buddha. Besides visiting those places , we had a nice time walking through the city looking for coffee shops and Khmer cuisine.
    The second day we took a Tuk-Tuk to the Cambodia Post, the government mail service of Cambodia. Funny enough, we walked by it the other day, but didn’t even know. Oh well, that happens! We bought a ticket for our upcoming trip to Battambang. From there we visited the royal palace, which in comparison to Bangkok’s, it wasn’t as busy. In the evening, Justin went on the hunt for food; the streets were so quiet and dark that it created an eerie atmosphere! But that didn’t stop him from finding a lone vendor and with the help from a local, he ordered a delicious sandwich.
    While we thought it was a good first impression of Cambodia, Phnom Penh wasn’t our favorite stop on our journey.
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  • Dag 70

    Beautiful small town of Krong Battambang

    3 september 2018, Cambodja

    A 6 hour journey by Cambodia Post VIP bus service and we have arrived in Battambang!
    After a hectic Phnom Penh, it only took a short while for us to feel a relaxed atmosphere in Battambang. We rested after arriving, and then went out for dinner. After sitting down at the restaurant, the power went out, which looked like the whole block was affected! We thought of leaving the restaurant, but the women who owned the place was very courteous and brought out candles. She insisted of us to stay. If she could whip up a meal during a blackout, we only imagined what she could do with the lights on! So, we came back a few more times and always enjoyed her home-cooked food.
    The next day, map in hand, we did our usual day one walk. Battambang has cute, little coffee shops, walk-able streets, and quiet areas to relax by the river and watch the countless lizards scurry by. We checked out a local bakery and found a special banana muffin. A reason for us to come back to the bakery to eat an absurd amount of American style muffins. And a “lucky” supermarket for all our needs.
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  • Dag 72

    Bat cave of Phnom Sampov

    5 september 2018, Cambodja

    Battambang has many different areas on the outskirts of town. This was one of our favourite things to do; exploring the countryside. Our first tour, involved taking a Tuk-Tuk to the Killing Caves of Phnom Sampeau mountain. The Killing caves were an execution site for the Khmer Rouge in the late 1970’s. We both felt an eerie and sad energy. But it was important for us to see a part of Cambodian history. Many memorials and statues of events that occurred during the Khmer Rouge regime could be viewed. After the caves, we walked up the mountain and visited various temples. Over our heads, we saw a family of monkeys playing in the trees and an aerial view of Battambang’s countryside. Our end goal of the day trip was the famous bat caves. It is hard to put it into words, but watching thousands upon thousands of bats leaving from a single crevice in the caves was an amazing sight. We left before all the bats had flown out of the cave, because it takes roughly one hour for 1 million bats to leave the cave. As we drove off, we saw bats flying in the sky as the sun was setting!
    Our second tour of the countryside involved a pit stop viewing fruit bats. These bats were much larger, and we enjoyed listening to them and watching them fly from branch to branch. Fun fact, they are active during the day and are called fruit bats, because they can be confused with fruits hanging in the trees. After watching the bats we visited the Banan temple on top of Phnom Banan mountain. This Ankor-era architecture was crafted in the 11th to 12th century. We were delighted with the different colour stones and engravings from hundreds of years past. On the way back to our hostel, we stopped at the roadside for grapefruit and oranges, sold by locals. Our driver also showed us a giant highway under construction. He explained that it will be a connection between Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam in a few years time. But during closed hours, locals were seen riding up and down the bumpy gravel road, and many just stood, enjoying the view of the setting sun.
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  • Dag 76

    Krong Siem Reap basecamp for Angkor Wat

    9 september 2018, Cambodja ⋅ 29 °C

    Welcome to Siem Reap, the connecting city to the magnificent Angkor National Park!
    Our hotel, more like a boutique villa was very cute, and tucked away in a small alleyway that didn’t have street lights at night. As we entered, a swimming pool greeted us and the exterior looked like it had gone through renovations. Quite cute place!Meer informatie

  • Dag 79

    Exlporing the world know Angkor Wat

    12 september 2018, Cambodja ⋅ 24 °C

    Day 1: Angkor Wat, Bayon Temple, Ta Prohm
    We booked the ‘Angkor Wat Sunrise Tour.’ The first day of our tour we woke up at 03.55AM. Which was a blast. . . ! After picking up the rest of our tour group, we drove to the ticket office and bought our 3 day pass. We reached Angkor Wat shortly after, but unfortunately we couldn’t see the sunrise as it was cloudy. But he got over it once we walked through the majestic temple. There were a lot of other people in the temple as well, but we still thought it was lovely and enjoyed learning from our tour guide who was very passionate about Angkor National Park. Angkor Wat itself was built by a King named Suryavarman II in the 12th century. It began as a temple built by the Khmer Empire for the Hindu god Vishnu, and eventually turned to a Buddhist temple at the end of the 12th century.
    After visiting Angkor Wat we drove to Ta Prohm, known by another name, ‘Tomb Raider temple,’ because the first movie was filmed there. King Jayavarman VII founded Ta Prohm, and it was built as a university and Buddhist monastery. It was built in the late 12th century and 13th century, and Ta Prohm is one of the temple sites that is still close to being in its original form. While this temple was harder to navigate with smaller walkways and hundreds of people we still found the architecture breathtaking. The trees were overtaking the temple and it was amazing, we couldn’t stop taking photos.
    The last temple we visited was Bayon temple. The stone sculptures of the faces kept us looking skywards! King Jayavarman VII founded Bayon temple, and it sits in the centre of Angkor Thom. The Angkor Thom complex was established at the end of the 12th century by King Jayavarman VII. The four faces on many stone sculptures symbolize a merge of religions, as Hindu and Buddhist beliefs encapsulated Bayon through different periods of time.

    Day 2: Pre Rup, Banteay Srei, East Mebon, Ta Som, Preah Khan, Neak Pean
    The second day, we left at a normal time! At 08:00AM we headed to six more temples, five of them being close together, and the last, the most spectacular Banteay Srei was about a 45 min drive away. Banteay Srei was dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva, and was commissioned in the 10th century. Masterful carvings with elaborate stories were on display for all to see. The temple, built with red sandstone is impressive up close as it was far away. Another temple we enjoyed was Neak Pean; more for the walk along the small wooden planks surrounded by water to reach the temple. While it was a small temple, the area was beautiful. The lush forest reflected off the water and it made for a stunning landscape.

    Day 3: Baphuon, Chrung Palace, Bakheng
    The last day involved renting two bicycles from our home-stay, and touring some of the temples we missed out on. The bike ride through town was fun in the morning, even though we made a wrong turn or two. Deciding to skip Angkor Wat a second time, we visited the Angkor Thom complex. We saw the temples of Baphuon, Chrung Palace and Bakheng. Being able to visit the temples without a guide was a nice break, and we went at our own pace, discovering small areas around the complex that we could sit and marvel at. One of our favourite sculptures in each temple, were the Cambodian women wearing Aspara crowns. No matter where we went, there was beautiful sculptures abound. Biking through the park and watching the monkeys was fantastic, even when they tried to snatch Justin’s smoothie from his moving bike! The bike ride back was harder, and longer, and hotter. But we made it!
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