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  • Day 67


    October 6, 2015 in Switzerland ⋅ ⛅ 13 °C

    I wanted to go to Thalwil mostly to see Paul and Denise, and as a bonus got to see little Max (just a month or so old at this point). They also kindly had us stay the night at their place. Unfortunately I'm bad and didn't take any photos of us! >.<

    Thalwil itself is very scenic (despite Paul's claims that there's nothing to see!) - it's a town along the lakeside that has grown to merge with its neighbours, so now it's just a section of the general settlement along Zürichsee (Lake Zurich).

    We helped Paul make a traditional Swiss dish of pasta, potato, onion, bacon, gruyère cheese, and applesauce (called Älpermagronen) that's often served in hiking huts. Kinda like macaroni and cheese, plus applesauce. Yum!
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